
The woman with the strongest fertility in the Qing Palace was originally a cheap woman in Xinzheku, but she had seven children in ten years and gave birth to a son of heaven

author:How big the world is

The nouveau riche phenomenon, as a social phenomenon, has a historical background that can be traced back to ancient societies. In different historical periods, this phenomenon has different manifestations and social significance. From ancient times to modern society, nouveau riche often suddenly gain wealth or status through various means, which attracts social attention and discussion.

In ancient societies, the nouveau riche phenomenon was mostly associated with politics, war, and trade. For example, during the ancient Egyptian period, some officials or merchants who were originally of low status quickly amassed wealth and became the nouveau riche of society through close relations with the pharaohs or through great profits in foreign trade. During the Roman Empire, some military generals became members of the aristocracy by plundering and conquering through war, gaining land and slaves. In China's feudal society, some merchants traded with the royal family or operated locally

In the harem history of the Qing Dynasty, fertile women tended to be able to attain higher status and the favor of the emperor. Among the many harem beauties, there are three women who stand out because of their excellent fertility, they are Kangxi Rong Concubine Ma Jia, Kangxi Defei Wu Ya and Qianlong Concubine Wei Jia.

Kangxi's concubine Ma Jia, as one of Emperor Kangxi's concubines, occupied a place in the harem with a record of giving birth to six children. Ma Jia's fertility not only won her the favor of the emperor, but also allowed her to stabilize her position in the harem. Some of her children inherited the throne, while others made political and cultural achievements and contributed to the prosperity of the Qing Dynasty.

Kangxi's concubine Wu Ya is also famous for her record of giving birth to six children. Yinzhen, the fourth elder brother born to Wu Ya, later inherited the throne and became Emperor Yongzheng. Therefore, Wu Ya's mother was posthumously named Empress Xiaogongren, and her status and influence reached its peak in the harem. Her story became a good story in the harem of the Qing Dynasty and became a model for concubines to follow.

However, among these fertile women, the record of Wei Jiashi, the concubine of Qianlong, is particularly striking. Concubine Ling became pregnant seven times in just ten years, a birth record that was extremely rare in the harem of the Qing Dynasty. Her fertility not only reflects her extreme favor by Emperor Qianlong, but also reflects her important position in the harem. Among the children born to Concubine Ling, the fifteenth elder brother Yongyan finally inherited the throne and became Emperor Jiaqing, so Concubine Ling was posthumously named Empress Xiaoyichun, and her life was full of legends.

Concubine Ling's background is quite dramatic. She was originally a clothed servant of the Zhenghuang Banner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but she was transferred to the Ministry of Internal Affairs for family history reasons and became a member of the Xin Zheku. However, with her intelligence and beauty, Concubine Ling was promoted step by step from a palace maid to an imperial concubine, and eventually became the queen. Her life is a gorgeous transformation from a humble palace maid to a queen of the world, and it is also a typical "Cinderella" story in the harem of the Qing Dynasty.

The woman with the strongest fertility in the Qing Palace was originally a cheap woman in Xinzheku, but she had seven children in ten years and gave birth to a son of heaven

Concubine Ling's childbirth journey is also full of legends. Since the twenty-first year of Qianlong, Concubine Ling has given birth to children for Qianlong one after another, including four elder brothers and two princesses. Her fertility not only brought many descendants to Emperor Qianlong, but also made a great contribution to the royal bloodline of the Qing Dynasty. However, the frequent childbirth also took a great toll on Concubine Ling's body, and her health gradually deteriorated, and she eventually died at the age of 49.

The story of Concubine Ling left a deep mark on the harem of the Qing Dynasty. Her fertility, her path to promotion, and her relationship with Emperor Qianlong have all become important contents for later generations to study the history of the Qing Dynasty's harem. Her life experience not only reflects the status and power struggle of women in the harem of the Qing Dynasty, but also shows the life and psychological changes of a woman in a specific historical background. Through the study of fertile women such as Concubine Ling, we can gain a deeper understanding of the social structure and cultural characteristics of the Qing harem, as well as the roles and challenges women played in them.

Concubine Ling, also known as Wei Jia, was the favorite concubine of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty and the biological mother of Emperor Jiaqing. Her background and background are quite legendary, from a servant of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to becoming an empress, her story has left a strong mark in the history of the Qing Dynasty harem.

Wei Jia's family originally belonged to the Zhenghuang Banner of the Han Army, and its ancestors were subordinates of Geng Zhongming, the king of Jingnan. After the rebellion of the three feudatories, Emperor Kangxi ordered the surplus of the Shang family and the Geng family to be incorporated into the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the Wei family changed from the Yellow Banner of the Han Army to the Yellow Banner of Manchuria, which was subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Concubine Ling's father, Wei Qingtai, served as the head of the internal management, which was a five-rank official position, although it was not a prominent family background, but it was also a middle-class bureaucratic family.

Concubine Ling's family is quite similar to the situation of Cao Xueqin's family, and being a slave of the Son of Heaven was a shortcut to rise in that era. Because Concubine Ling's grandmother and mother served as female officials of the palace Xuanwen Baowen and were rewarded by Emperor Yongzheng, this laid a certain foundation for Concubine Ling's future entry into the palace.

Although Concubine Ling's background is not a famous family, it is by no means an ordinary people's family. The reason why she was able to enter the palace was because of the Qing Dynasty's draft girl system, and on the other hand, because of her own excellent conditions. The draft girl system in the Qing Dynasty was divided into two situations, one was the draft of the women of the Eight Banners, and the other was the draft of the women of the Internal Affairs Bureau. Concubine Ling participated in the latter, that is, the draft of the women of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

When she first entered the palace, Concubine Ling's status was very humble and she was just a nobleman. However, with her intelligence and beauty, she gradually gained the favor of Emperor Qianlong. Her promotion path can be said to be step by step, from Wei Guiren to Concubine Ling, then to Concubine Ling, Concubine Ling, until the Imperial Concubine, and finally was posthumously named Queen Xiaoyichun.

The reason why Concubine Ling was able to stand out in the harem was because, on the one hand, although her background was not high, she also had a certain bureaucratic background, which provided her with certain social resources; On the other hand, it is because of her own efforts and wisdom. She was very clever and good at figuring out other people's thoughts, so she became empathetic and was greatly favored by Qianlong and the Queen Mother.

The woman with the strongest fertility in the Qing Palace was originally a cheap woman in Xinzheku, but she had seven children in ten years and gave birth to a son of heaven

Concubine Ling's path to promotion also reflects the selection mechanism and the possibility of social mobility in the Qing harem. Although her background was not prominent, through her own efforts and the emperor's favor, she eventually reached the highest status in the harem. Her story tells us that even if you come from a humble background, as long as you have talent, wisdom, and opportunities, you can change your destiny and achieve a counterattack in life.

Concubine Ling's life is a gorgeous transformation from a low-level "Cinderella" to a queen of the world. Her success was not only a personal glory, but also a challenge and breakthrough to the social system at that time. Her story became a legend in the harem of the Qing Dynasty, inspiring later women to pursue their ideals and happiness.

Concubine Ling, that is, Wei Jia's family, her career as a palace maid began when she entered the palace through the draft of the Internal Affairs Office and became a palace maid in the Forbidden City. She was born in a family of Han Junzheng Yellow Banner coaters, and her father was Wei Qingtai, the leader of the internal management. In the Qing Dynasty, Baoyi referred to hereditary slaves, most of whom were Han Chinese captured in war, while Shangsanqi Baoyi belonged to the emperor's servants. Although Concubine Ling's background is not prominent, she gradually stood out in the palace with her intelligence and beauty.

When Concubine Ling first entered the palace, she was just a nobleman with a humble status. However, she was soon appreciated by the Hyohyun Empress Fucha. Empress Xiaoxian was the first empress of Emperor Qianlong, known for her virtue and virtue, and had an important influence on Concubine Ling. At the side of Empress Hyohyun, Concubine Ling was taught court etiquette and code of conduct, and her intelligence and understanding made her quickly win the trust and favor of the empress.

By the side of Empress Xiaoxian, Concubine Ling not only learned the rules of the court, but also witnessed the deep relationship between the queen and Emperor Qianlong. This experience played a key role in Concubine Ling's personal growth and future promotion. She has gradually grown from an ordinary palace maid to the queen's right-hand man, which has laid a solid foundation for her future promotion.

In the tenth year of Qianlong, Concubine Ling was named a Wei noble, and in November of the same year, she was promoted to Concubine Ling. This promotion speed was very rare at that time, showing that Emperor Qianlong was particularly fond of her. Three years later, that is, in the thirteenth year of Qianlong, Concubine Ling was promoted again and became Concubine Ling. In the palace, except for the old people of Emperor Qianlong's hidden mansion, Concubine Ling's status is already ranked first.

Concubine Ling's promotion did not stop. In the twenty-fourth year of Qianlong, she was promoted to Concubine Ling, and in the thirtieth year of Qianlong, her status was promoted again and she became the imperial concubine. In the harem, the status of the imperial concubine is second only to the queen, and this promotion of the concubine marks the peak of her status in the harem.

The woman with the strongest fertility in the Qing Palace was originally a cheap woman in Xinzheku, but she had seven children in ten years and gave birth to a son of heaven

The reason why Concubine Ling was able to be promoted so quickly was not only because of her personal talent and beauty, but also because of her relationship with Emperor Qianlong. According to historical records, Concubine Ling had a very deep relationship with Emperor Qianlong, and she gave birth to many children for Emperor Qianlong one after another, including the later Jiaqing Emperor Yongyan. Her birth records were extremely rare in the harem of the Qing Dynasty, which further cemented her position in the heart of Emperor Qianlong.

Concubine Ling's career as a palace maid and the promotion process is a gorgeous transition from the bottom to the top. Her story is not only a personal history of struggle, but also a typical success story in the harem of the Qing Dynasty. Her experience tells us that even if you come from a humble background, as long as you have talent, wisdom, and opportunities, you can change your destiny and achieve a counterattack in life. Concubine Ling's life is an indelible legend in the history of the harem of the Qing Dynasty.

Concubine Ling, that is, Wei Jiashi, was the favorite concubine of Emperor Qianlong, and the fifteenth elder brother Yongyan born to her later became Emperor Jiaqing of the Qing Dynasty. Concubine Ling's life is full of legends, she started as a palace maid, and with her wisdom and beauty, she gradually won the favor of Emperor Qianlong, and was eventually promoted to the imperial concubine. She gave birth to six children for Emperor Qianlong, the most famous of whom was Emperor Jiaqing, who later succeeded to the throne.

Yongyan was born on the sixth day of October in the 25th year of Qianlong, in the spring of Tiandi in the Old Summer Palace. His birth was undoubtedly an extremely joyful event for Emperor Qianlong. However, due to Concubine Ling's status in the palace and Emperor Qianlong's management of the harem, Yongyan was not left to be raised by his mother's side. Instead, he was raised by Concubine Lu. Although Concubine Qing Lu came from a humble background and had no children of her own, she was full of love and care for Yongyan's upbringing, and regarded it as her own.

In the process of growing up, Yongyan received a good education and training. He was smart and wise, and was deeply loved by Emperor Qianlong. As time passed, Emperor Qianlong began to consider the question of heirs. After much deliberation, he decided to secretly appoint Yongyan as the crown prince. This decision was recorded in the edict and hidden behind the "Zhengda Guangming" plaque in the Qianqing Palace, waiting for the appropriate time to be announced.

In the 60th year of Qianlong, Emperor Qianlong announced his abdication and passed the throne to Yongyan, who immediately ascended the throne as Emperor Jiaqing. This event marked the smooth transition of power in the Qing Dynasty and was also a great honor for Concubine Ling and her children. The accession of Emperor Jiaqing is not only a recognition of Concubine Ling's fertility, but also an affirmation of her status in the harem.

After Emperor Jiaqing ascended the throne, in order to express his love and gratitude to his biological mother, he posthumously crowned the late Concubine Ling as Empress Xiaoyi. This posthumous title is not only a personal respect for Concubine Ling, but also an affirmation of her children's achievements. Concubine Ling's life, from a palace maid to the imperial concubine, and then to be posthumously named the queen, her luck and glory have become a good story in the history of the harem of the Qing Dynasty.

Among Concubine Ling's children, in addition to Emperor Jiaqing, there are several others who also have their own achievements. Although some of these children died young, their existence also witnessed the important position of Concubine Ling in the heart of Emperor Qianlong. In particular, the enthronement of Yongyan, the fifteenth son of the emperor, highlights the unique influence of Concubine Ling in the history of the Qing Dynasty.

The woman with the strongest fertility in the Qing Palace was originally a cheap woman in Xinzheku, but she had seven children in ten years and gave birth to a son of heaven

In general, the enthronement of Concubine Ling's children and Emperor Jiaqing is not only a glorious inheritance of the family, but also a historical moment in the harem of the Qing Dynasty that is worth remembering. The story of Concubine Ling, and her fate with her children, reflects the complexity and diversity of court life in the Qing Dynasty, as well as the state of life and psychological changes of a woman in a specific historical context. Through the study of Concubine Ling and her children, we can gain a deeper understanding of the social structure and cultural characteristics of the Qing harem, as well as the roles and challenges women played in them.