
The daughter of the prototype of the "old woman with two guns", recalling the sacrifice of her mother and second brother for the revolution, is too tragic

author:How big the world is

"Red Rock" is a novel that reflects the history of the Chinese revolution, in which many heroic characters have been created, and "The Old Woman with Two Guns" is one of them. Her image is vivid and vivid, which leaves a deep impression on the reader. And her prototype, Deng Huizhong, is a real historical figure, and her family background and personal experience are also full of legends.

Deng Huizhong was born into an ordinary peasant family, and although her family was not wealthy, it was full of revolutionary atmosphere. Her father was a staunch revolutionary, and Deng Huizhong was influenced by his father since she was a child, and she was full of yearning and enthusiasm for the revolution. Growing up in such a family environment, Deng Huizhong showed courage and wisdom that were different from ordinary people since he was a child.

Deng Huizhong, a name that has left a deep mark on the history of the Chinese revolution, and the sacrifices she and her family members made for the revolutionary cause are the epitome of the families of countless revolutionaries during those turbulent years. In the smoke and artillery fire of the war, Deng Huizhong and her second son Deng Ke, as well as other members of the family, used their blood and lives to write a tragic history.

Deng Huizhong, as a staunch revolutionary, spent her whole life fighting for the liberation of the nation and the happiness of the people. In that era of war and oppression, she resolutely threw herself into the torrent of revolution and became a brave soldier. Her husband, who was also a member of the revolution, shared their common beliefs and ideals, which made their family a strong fortress of the revolution.

Deng Huizhong's second son, Deng Ke, grew up under the influence of his mother since he was a child, and he inherited his mother's revolutionary spirit and firm will. In the baptism of war, Dunko quickly grew into an outstanding revolutionary fighter. He was not only brave on the battlefield, but also deeply influenced by his mother in his thoughts, and became a revolutionary with strong beliefs.

The daughter of the prototype of the "old woman with two guns", recalling the sacrifice of her mother and second brother for the revolution, is too tragic

However, war is cruel, and it will not be tolerated by a person's bravery or steadfastness of faith. In a fierce battle, Dunko died a heroic death, and his life was forever frozen in that moment. After Deng Huizhong learned the news of her son's death, although her heart was full of grief, she did not flinch because of this. She knew that the road of revolution was difficult and full of sacrifices, but she also knew that only by continuing to move forward could she live up to those relatives and comrades-in-arms who sacrificed their lives for the revolutionary cause.

In addition to Deng Ke, there were other members of Deng Huizhong's family who also sacrificed their precious lives for the revolutionary cause. Some of them fought valiantly on the battlefield, some worked silently in the underground, and some remained steadfast in the enemy's prisons. Every sacrifice is a contribution to the revolutionary cause and a commitment to ideals and beliefs.

The members of the Deng Huizhong family, their sacrifice is not meaningless. It is with revolutionaries like them that our country can find light in the darkness and be liberated from oppression. Their sacrifice is the cornerstone of the victory of the revolution and the spark of national rejuvenation.

In that war-torn era, Deng Huizhong and her family members, their sacrifices were tragic, but even greater. With their lives, they have interpreted what it means to be a revolutionary's firm conviction and what it means to be infinitely loyal to ideals. Their deeds will be remembered by future generations, and their spirit will inspire generation after generation of people to strive for their ideals.

The revolutionary sacrifice of the Deng Huizhong family is a microcosm of that era. In those years full of suffering and challenges, countless revolutionaries and their families, like the Deng Huizhong family, did not hesitate to pay the price of their lives for a common goal and a better future. Their sacrifice is a part of the history of the revolution and the embodiment of the national spirit.

The daughter of the prototype of the "old woman with two guns", recalling the sacrifice of her mother and second brother for the revolution, is too tragic

Today, when we look back on that period of history and when we cherish the memory of those heroes who sacrificed their lives for the revolutionary cause, we should profoundly understand how hard-won peace and development were. We should cherish the present happy life, and we should inherit and carry forward the legacy of those revolutionary martyrs, and make unremitting efforts to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Deng Huizhong, as a revolutionary, is well aware of the hardships and dangers of the revolutionary cause, and at the same time understands the importance of revolutionary ideas. In her heart, revolution is not only a battle, but also a spiritual inheritance. Therefore, her education of her daughter Deng Yeyun is not only the imparting of knowledge, but also the inculcation of the revolutionary spirit.

Deng Huizhong educated his daughter by telling his own personal experience, especially the story of "wrongly killing her 'traitor' husband". The story is about an operation in which Deng Huizhong's team mistakenly killed a comrade for a traitor due to a mistake in intelligence. This incident had a profound impact on Deng Huizhong, who deeply realized the importance of intelligence work and the necessity of keeping secrets in the revolutionary struggle.

Deng Huizhong told this story to Deng Yeyun, not only to let her daughter understand the cruelty of the revolutionary struggle, but also to let her understand that on the road of revolution, everyone must shoulder their own responsibilities, strictly keep secrets, and protect comrades, which is the most basic loyalty to the revolution. Through this story, Deng Huizhong hopes that her daughter can cultivate a firm revolutionary consciousness, and no matter what difficulties and challenges she faces, she can stick to her beliefs and persevere.

Under Deng Huizhong's education, Deng Yeyun gradually grew into a young man with a strong revolutionary consciousness. She not only studied revolutionary theory, but also tempered herself in practice and actively participated in revolutionary activities. Deng Huizhong often took her daughter to various secret meetings, which allowed her to see the wisdom and courage of revolutionaries, and at the same time made her understand the complexity and arduousness of the revolutionary struggle.

The daughter of the prototype of the "old woman with two guns", recalling the sacrifice of her mother and second brother for the revolution, is too tragic

Deng Huizhong also pays special attention to cultivating her daughter's independent thinking ability. She encouraged Deng Yeyun not only to study revolutionary theory, but also to think independently in light of the actual situation. She told her daughter that the revolution is not to follow blindly, but to have their own independent judgment and opinions. In this way, Deng Huizhong hopes that his daughter can become a thoughtful and assertive revolutionary on the road of revolution.

Under the guidance of Deng Huizhong, Deng Yeyun not only learned to keep secrets, but also learned how to keep a clear head and make correct judgments in complex struggles. She understood that revolutionaries must not only have courage and determination, but also wisdom and strategy. These qualities are essential for a revolutionary.

Deng Huizhong's education of his daughter is comprehensive and in-depth. She not only imparted revolutionary knowledge to her daughter, but also passed on the revolutionary spirit to her. She hoped that her daughter would inherit and carry forward the fine traditions of the revolution and make unremitting efforts to realize the ideals of the revolution.

Deng Huizhong's education played a decisive role in Deng Yeyun's growth. Under the influence of her mother, Deng Yeyun gradually grew into a young man with firm revolutionary beliefs. She not only aligned herself with her mother in thought, but also actively devoted herself to the revolutionary cause in action. Her story is a microcosm of countless revolutionary families in that era, and it is also a vivid portrayal of the inheritance of the revolutionary spirit.

Under Deng Huizhong's education, Deng Yeyun not only learned how to survive and develop in the revolutionary struggle, but also learned how to pass on the flame of revolution to more people. She understood that the cause of revolution needs the relay of generation after generation, and only by constantly inheriting and developing can the cause of revolution achieve ultimate victory.

Deng Huizhong's education of his daughter is a responsibility and a mission. She hopes that through her own efforts, the seeds of revolution can take root in her daughter's heart, and the spirit of revolution can be reflected in her daughter's actions. She believed that as long as everyone could walk firmly on the path of revolution like her and her daughter, then the cause of revolution would be successful.

The daughter of the prototype of the "old woman with two guns", recalling the sacrifice of her mother and second brother for the revolution, is too tragic

After the end of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, China did not usher in the dawn of peace, but entered a more complex period of civil war. During this period, Deng Huizhong did not relax her vigilance because of the temporary end of the war, but took a more active part in revolutionary activities, knowing full well that the revolution had not yet succeeded and that her comrades still needed to work hard.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the Civil War, Deng Huizhong, with her wisdom and courage, secretly mobilized the masses and organized and led a series of revolutionary activities. She knew very well that the strength of the revolution came from the people, and only by mobilizing and organizing the broad masses of the people could a powerful revolutionary force be formed. Therefore, she went deep into the countryside, factories and schools to conduct in-depth exchanges and communication with the masses, propagate revolutionary ideas, and arouse the revolutionary enthusiasm of the masses.

While secretly mobilizing the masses, Deng Huizhong also attached great importance to the education of children. She believes that children are the future of the country and the successors of the revolutionary cause. Therefore, she not only guided the children in thought, but also led them to participate in revolutionary activities in action. She often organizes children to participate in revolutionary study groups, telling revolutionary stories and analyzing the revolutionary situation, so that children can understand the importance and necessity of revolution.

Deng Huizhong also emphasized the importance of practice. She believes that it is only through practical actions that the qualities and abilities of revolutionaries can be truly cultivated. Therefore, she often led the children to participate in various revolutionary activities, such as distributing leaflets, putting up slogans, organizing rallies, etc. Through these activities, the children not only exercised their abilities, but also deepened their understanding of the revolution in practice.

Deng Huizhong's revolutionary activities had a profound impact on the people around him. Her firm conviction and courageous actions inspired many people to devote themselves to the revolutionary cause. Her children, under her guidance, gradually grew up to be a new force in the revolution. They not only aligned themselves with their mothers in thought, but also actively participated in revolutionary activities in action and became active participants in the revolutionary cause.

The daughter of the prototype of the "old woman with two guns", recalling the sacrifice of her mother and second brother for the revolution, is too tragic

Deng Huizhong's revolutionary activities are also facing tremendous risks and challenges. In those turbulent times, revolutionaries could be in danger of their lives at any time. However, Deng Huizhong did not back down because of this, and she firmly believed that only through revolution could the old social system be changed and the people's liberation and happiness could be realized. Therefore, no matter how great the difficulties and dangers she faced, she always adhered to her revolutionary beliefs and forged ahead bravely.

Deng Huizhong's revolutionary activities not only affected the people around her, but also affected the whole society. Her actions became a microcosm of the revolutionaries of that era, showing the revolutionaries' firm belief and indomitable spirit. Her deeds have inspired more people to devote themselves to the revolutionary cause and strive for the realization of revolutionary ideals.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the Civil War, Deng Huizhong's revolutionary activities were a history full of challenges and sacrifices. Although her actions were full of difficulties and dangers, she always adhered to her beliefs and made important contributions to the revolutionary cause with her actions. Her story is a microcosm of the countless revolutionaries of that era, and it is also a vivid embodiment of the revolutionary spirit.

In those turbulent times, the fate of revolutionaries was often fraught with uncertainty. Deng Huizhong and her second son, Deng Ke, were such revolutionaries. They were captured while organizing an armed uprising, and in the face of torture by the enemy, they held on to their faith and died a heroic death. This incident became a tragedy in the revolutionary process of the Deng Huizhong family, but it was also a great demonstration of their revolutionary spirit.

The news of the arrest of Deng Huizhong and Deng Ke was undoubtedly a huge blow to Deng Yeyun. She lost her mother and brother and the breadwinner of her family. However, Deng Yeyun did not collapse because of this, she knew that the sacrifice of her mother and brother was for a greater ideal and for the victory of the revolutionary cause. She is determined to carry on their legacy and continue their struggle.

The daughter of the prototype of the "old woman with two guns", recalling the sacrifice of her mother and second brother for the revolution, is too tragic

In prison, Deng Yeyun faced a severe test. The enemy tried to obtain more revolutionary information through her, but Deng Yeyun firmly refused. She knew that she had the responsibility to protect her comrades and the revolutionary cause, and that she could not divulge any information at any time. In prison, she showed the same strength and courage as her mother, and no matter what torture and temptation she faced, she did not give in.

Deng Yeyun's experience in prison gave her a deeper understanding of the significance of the revolution. She realized that revolution was not just a battle, but a spiritual inheritance. She is determined to use her actions to continue to inherit her mother's revolutionary spirit, so that more people can understand the meaning of the revolution and participate in the revolutionary cause.

After being released from prison, Deng Yeyun chose to become a teacher. She hopes that through education, she will spread the idea of revolution and cultivate more revolutionaries. In her classes, she teaches not only knowledge, but also the spirit of revolution. She tells the story of the revolution, analyzes the meaning of the revolution, and stimulates the revolutionary enthusiasm of the students.

Deng Yeyun's teaching work has been widely recognized by students. Her students were infected by her revolutionary spirit, and many of them began to pay attention to social issues and participate in social activities under her influence. Deng Yeyun's classroom has become a base for the dissemination of revolutionary ideas, and her students have become a new force for the revolutionary cause.

Deng Yeyun's persistence and growth is the best commemoration of the sacrifice of her mother and brother. With her actions, she proved the strength of the revolutionary spirit and the invincibility of the beliefs of revolutionaries. Her story inspires more people to devote themselves to the revolutionary cause and strive for the realization of revolutionary ideals.

Deng Yeyun's persistence has also made her a model of the times. Her experience has become a vivid case of the inheritance of the revolutionary spirit. With her actions, she showed the tenacity and unyielding of revolutionaries in the face of adversity, and showed the persistent pursuit of ideals by revolutionaries.

The sacrifices of Deng Huizhong and Deng Ke, as well as Deng Yeyun's persistence and growth, are a microcosm of the revolutionaries of that era. Their stories let us see the greatness and nobility of revolutionaries and the power of the revolutionary spirit. Their spirit will be remembered by future generations, and their deeds will inspire generation after generation of people to strive for their ideals.