
Too lacking in morality! After unloading the tanker to coal-to-oil, it is not washed and directly loaded with cooking oil, driver: an open secret

author:Fog surrounds the empty mountains

Who would have thought that cooking oil was not transported by special car, no wonder the cooking oil I bought had a smell of kerosene.

Recently, a reporter exposed the chaos of tanker transportation, and some tankers did not wash after unloading coal-to-oil, and directly transferred edible oil! For a while, the issue of food safety was pushed to the forefront again.

Too lacking in morality! After unloading the tanker to coal-to-oil, it is not washed and directly loaded with cooking oil, driver: an open secret

Is the familiar slogan "food safety greater than the sky" just an empty voice? Chillingly, some food producers don't seem to have taken it to heart. In the face of growing food safety scandals, the public is increasingly losing confidence in processed food outside, and is choosing to cook at home in pursuit of so-called "cleanliness". But is imaginary healthy cooking really that impeccable? Surprisingly, even the first step we use for stir-frying, cooking oil, will have problems!


After creating, the oil is not bottled, but transported elsewhere and then dispensed, and in some cases, it is even reprocessed. Tank trucks play a key role in this process, and it is these tankers that have become the hardest hit by the problem.

Too lacking in morality! After unloading the tanker to coal-to-oil, it is not washed and directly loaded with cooking oil, driver: an open secret

When you think about it, the chemical liquids that were originally used in chemical products are mixed with the oils we consume every day, and this situation is simply unacceptable! The purity of cooking oil is a matter for our health, and the potential mixing of the two is now a deeply worrying risk. Where is the bottom line for food safety? How can this disturbing status quo be tolerated?

Too lacking in morality! After unloading the tanker to coal-to-oil, it is not washed and directly loaded with cooking oil, driver: an open secret

The tanker driver's confession shocked everyone: "You can pull anything, whether it's cooking oil or lubricating oil." "The high cost of cleaning these tankers, which can be as high as four or five hundred yuan at a time, makes cleaning a luxury. As a result, many times these tankers are not thoroughly cleaned at all.

Too lacking in morality! After unloading the tanker to coal-to-oil, it is not washed and directly loaded with cooking oil, driver: an open secret

After a series of in-depth investigations, the reporter revealed a disturbing fact: many tankers in the country are carrying edible liquids such as syrup and soybeans, as well as chemical products such as coal-to-liquid.

According to the internal driver, although it is supposed to be a thorough cleaning of the tank at each exchange, which costs as much as four or five hundred yuan, in fact, in order to cut expenses, many times the tanker is not cleaned at all. Even more alarming, some edible oil producers have lax oversight of tanker cleanliness standards, with only a cursory inspection of the tank and discharge ports, and drivers can easily deceive the inspection by simply placing a barrel of high-quality oil in the tail tank.

Too lacking in morality! After unloading the tanker to coal-to-oil, it is not washed and directly loaded with cooking oil, driver: an open secret

According to industry insiders, after unloading coal-to-liquid, tankers were loaded with cooking oil without washing, and oil manufacturers turned a blind eye to this, which is chilling. Why not clean it? The driver explained that because each wash cost as much as four to five hundred yuan, this critical step was often overlooked in order to save costs.

Edible oil producers are also too careless in the inspection process, rarely inspecting the inside of the tank, and simply observe the can mouth and drain. Drivers even proudly say that they can easily pass the inspection by placing a barrel of high-quality oil at the end of the tank.

Too lacking in morality! After unloading the tanker to coal-to-oil, it is not washed and directly loaded with cooking oil, driver: an open secret

What is even more worrying is that many tankers are transporting edible oil at the same time as mixing and transporting chemical liquids, and they are not cleaned on the way.

Some drivers admit that they often do not conduct thorough inspections of the tanks, and that the fleet owners are very familiar with the inspection process and know how to circumvent the regulations because they often do business with the manufacturers. In May this year, the reporter's further investigation found that the edible oil was contaminated with chemical liquids because some manufacturers did not strictly check whether the tank was clean according to the regulations.

Too lacking in morality! After unloading the tanker to coal-to-oil, it is not washed and directly loaded with cooking oil, driver: an open secret

The result? Oil manufacturers turn a blind eye, and the companies that buy the oil are clueless. This has led to tanker carriers taking advantage of this loophole, making the mixing of food and chemical liquids a no-brainer in the industry. How can this situation not make people feel shocked and angry when consumers are terrified of the oil in the kitchen, and every time they use it?

Too lacking in morality! After unloading the tanker to coal-to-oil, it is not washed and directly loaded with cooking oil, driver: an open secret

When the ethical constraints of an industry depend solely on the conscience of the driver, the problem becomes serious. If oil mills turn a blind eye to these important transport details, how many drivers can we expect to consciously carry out every necessary cleaning?

Originally, chemical oil and edible oil should be strictly separated, and special vehicles should be used. However, lax management in reality has caused the entire industry's security defense line to collapse. A netizen sighed: "It's really sad, no wonder the oil I bought sometimes has a peculiar smell." ”

Too lacking in morality! After unloading the tanker to coal-to-oil, it is not washed and directly loaded with cooking oil, driver: an open secret

Edible oil companies are woefully underregulated. According to the national standard, the transportation of edible oil should be "dedicated to special vehicles", even if the non-edible tank is cleaned, it should not be used for the transportation of food. This kind of ignorance of explicit regulations not only undermines market rules, but also poses a direct threat to consumer health.

Too lacking in morality! After unloading the tanker to coal-to-oil, it is not washed and directly loaded with cooking oil, driver: an open secret

"Now if you can live for a day, cherish it, this is just the tip of the iceberg, I'm afraid the situation in other industries will not be better." Some netizens said angrily: "The piece of meat has rotted, no matter how you wash it, it is still a piece of rotten meat." Some people even jokingly said: "If this continues, we may use fecal suction trucks to transport oil in the future!" ”

Too lacking in morality! After unloading the tanker to coal-to-oil, it is not washed and directly loaded with cooking oil, driver: an open secret

The edible oil on the market actually involves petroleum components in the production process, and a large number of additives are used. This kind of information makes us think involuntarily, in the past there were voices questioning the health of lard, but now it seems that lard is at least all-natural and without any added chemicals. Isn't lard that doesn't add anything more trustworthy than cooking oil that is "polluted" with chemical ingredients?

Too lacking in morality! After unloading the tanker to coal-to-oil, it is not washed and directly loaded with cooking oil, driver: an open secret

Those who grow chili peppers do not eat their own chili peppers because they know what medicine is applied; Grape growers don't eat their own grapes directly, because they know what kind of medicine they are dipping in; And those who make gutter oil admit that the oil they produce is sold to others.

Too lacking in morality! After unloading the tanker to coal-to-oil, it is not washed and directly loaded with cooking oil, driver: an open secret

The line between industrial and edible oils is so blurred. This state of affairs directly threatens the security of our lives, and it is clear that we can no longer tolerate such careless management. It must be strictly stipulated that the transportation of edible oil should be strictly implemented "special vehicles".

Too lacking in morality! After unloading the tanker to coal-to-oil, it is not washed and directly loaded with cooking oil, driver: an open secret

This is exactly what journalists should do, not just report a few meritorious articles every day! As netizens pointed out, the reporters of the Beijing News have exposed the hidden dangers in food safety through long-term follow-up investigations, and this kind of in-depth front-line investigation truly reflects the social responsibility of the media. We need more journalists like this who dare to dig deeper into social issues.

Too lacking in morality! After unloading the tanker to coal-to-oil, it is not washed and directly loaded with cooking oil, driver: an open secret

We are eager for the government to act quickly and take strong measures to strengthen the supervision of food safety. Nowadays, food safety problems are frequent and have reached the point of intolerability.

Only by truly strengthening supervision and ensuring that rules and regulations are strictly enforced, can the commitment of food safety no longer stop at a slogan. What we need is not just an emergency response, but a systematic, long-term solution that keeps people's food safe and every consumer can feel at ease.

Too lacking in morality! After unloading the tanker to coal-to-oil, it is not washed and directly loaded with cooking oil, driver: an open secret

Food safety is an important issue for the country, and we strongly call on the government to introduce more specific and stringent regulations to completely solve the problems of mixed use, sharing and non-washing cans in the transportation of edible oil.

What we need is clear policy support, such as the implementation of a special system for edible oil transportation, strict licensing and certification procedures, which is not only for the respect of food safety, but also for the protection of public health.

Through these measures, we hope to build a more transparent and reliable food safety environment, so that people can eat with peace of mind.

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