
Slander! When a Philippine boat arrived near Scarborough Shoal and suddenly exploded, the Chinese coast guard arrived at the scene, and the Philippine media: hit the Philippine fishermen

author:Coco speaks


Welcome to me, dear friends! I'm a coco talker, specializing in social news, and I am determined to be your eye to understand all kinds of social affairs. Every day, I look for the news that you should pay attention to in the big scene of society, and use my pen as a weapon to explain to you what is going on behind the phenomenon.

The explosion of a fishing boat near Scarborough Shoal is revealed, but the truth of the matter is full of mysteries. Is there a deeper contradiction hidden behind the explosion? A deliberate "bitter meat plan" together? Let's unravel this mystery together and see what the truth of the matter really is.

Slander! When a Philippine boat arrived near Scarborough Shoal and suddenly exploded, the Chinese coast guard arrived at the scene, and the Philippine media: hit the Philippine fishermen

Malaysia's opposition to the expansion of the sea area may be to protect its own interests

Although the mainland is constantly asserting its sovereignty in this area, neighboring countries do not see it that way, and some countries have even explicitly expressed their opposition to the mainland's actions in the South China Sea. Recently, a ship was exposed to an explosion in the waters of Scarborough Shoal, which was originally an ordinary news, but when the incident developed later, it surprised everyone.

According to media reports, the explosion occurred about 17 nautical miles from Scarborough Shoal, and a fishing boat named Akio I suddenly exploded while sailing, injuring two fishermen. If that's all there is, the incident isn't spectacular, but what gets the attention is the ship's location.

Scarborough Shoal, an important island in the South China Sea for the eastern powers, has always been disputed, especially with the mainland. Originally, they wanted to gain control of Scarborough Shoal through arbitration, but they were very disappointed by the final ruling.

Slander! When a Philippine boat arrived near Scarborough Shoal and suddenly exploded, the Chinese coast guard arrived at the scene, and the Philippine media: hit the Philippine fishermen

However, the mainland does not seem to be willing to rest on its laurels, and is increasingly asserting its control over the seas, which undoubtedly makes them very anxious, because they fear that the mainland's expansion will cause them more trouble.

Under such a tense situation, the explosion near Scarborough Shoal immediately aroused great concern from public opinion in the two countries. In particular, the content of the media reports is even more staggering.

Slander! When a Philippine boat arrived near Scarborough Shoal and suddenly exploded, the Chinese coast guard arrived at the scene, and the Philippine media: hit the Philippine fishermen

It is said that the Akio I remained in a helpless state after the explosion until it saw the fishery administration ship of the eastern power sailing towards this area. However, what is surprising is that the fishery administration ship of the eastern big country that originally came to help did not mean to lend a hand, but used high-pressure water cannons to drive away the fishermen.

The scene left the two injured fishermen in despair and anger, and if they had not rescued themselves, the consequences would have been devastating. And this statement was immediately further confirmed by the media in China.

Slander! When a Philippine boat arrived near Scarborough Shoal and suddenly exploded, the Chinese coast guard arrived at the scene, and the Philippine media: hit the Philippine fishermen

The truth of this explosion is puzzling, why did a ship explode near Scarborough Shoal? According to common sense, it is difficult to find a reasonable explanation.

In particular, the accounts of the two injured fishermen seem to be at odds with most people's logic about the development of the bombing.

Judging by the trajectory of the entire development of events, it seems that someone is trying to escalate the situation at Scarborough Shoal by various means. They have become the most motivated party to do so, because they know that the contradictions between the mainland and themselves have reached a very tense point.

Slander! When a Philippine boat arrived near Scarborough Shoal and suddenly exploded, the Chinese coast guard arrived at the scene, and the Philippine media: hit the Philippine fishermen

If we can use some factors to push the situation into conflict, we may be able to win more sympathy and support from the international community, so that we can break the status quo again in the future and gain control of Scarborough Shoal.

Many media analysts believe that although the origin of the bombing incident has not yet been fully clarified, there are more and more signs that it is likely to be a deliberate "bitter meat plan".

That is, the fishermen deliberately caused the explosion and used the media to smear the big eastern countries, saying that the fishery administration ships of the big eastern countries would not be rescued when they saw death. Later, after the information and evidence provided by the eastern powers proved that this was not true, they began to accuse the eastern powers of beating their own fishermen, with only one purpose, that is, to provoke the eastern powers and plunge the two sides into deeper contradictions.

Slander! When a Philippine boat arrived near Scarborough Shoal and suddenly exploded, the Chinese coast guard arrived at the scene, and the Philippine media: hit the Philippine fishermen

Analysts say the explosion near Scarborough Shoal is not difficult in itself, and current evidence suggests that fishermen have every incentive to do so. After all, they are getting closer and closer to this island, but in the face of the increasingly tough attitude of the eastern powers, they do not seem to have the ability or confidence to guard their interests in a normal way.

Slander! When a Philippine boat arrived near Scarborough Shoal and suddenly exploded, the Chinese coast guard arrived at the scene, and the Philippine media: hit the Philippine fishermen

At this time, an explosion occurred, and if it could be successfully passed to anger the eastern powers, it might be able to raise a glimmer of hope for itself to retake Scarborough Shoal.

Thank you for reading!!!!!


Dear friends, that's all for this issue of social news sharing. I'm Coco, and I especially thank you for being with me and supporting me for a long time. In every corner of society, all kinds of things happen every day, and I have been trying my best to show you the excitement in it.

If you have any thoughts or feelings about the content of this issue, please leave a message in the comment area. I also hope that everyone can give more likes, forwards and forwards, so that more people can see the movements of these societies. We look forward to meeting you again to find out more social truths together!

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