
Tang Seng: At first, I didn't want to marry her, I refused her three times until my mother fell ill and was hospitalized

author:Stir-fry entertainment big melons
Tang Seng: At first, I didn't want to marry her, I refused her three times until my mother fell ill and was hospitalized

Text: Big melon

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Tang Seng: At first, I didn't want to marry her, I refused her three times until my mother fell ill and was hospitalized


As the saying goes, "people rely on clothes, horses rely on horse bells". This is not wrong at all, especially when you meet Chi Chongrui, it is even more appropriate. If it weren't for the fact that his style in the costume drama was too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, I am afraid that it would be difficult for you and me to recognize him as a star at a glance.

Tang Seng: At first, I didn't want to marry her, I refused her three times until my mother fell ill and was hospitalized

Remember how many years ago it was? Since the 86 version of the big production "Journey to the West" became popular all over the country, Chi Chongrui has become synonymous with the well-known "Tang Seng". Back then, the image of this monk wearing a man's robe was like an imprint, deeply imprinted in the minds of countless people.

Tang Seng: At first, I didn't want to marry her, I refused her three times until my mother fell ill and was hospitalized

No one expected that such a guy who was once degraded to a "little white face" would be able to blend into the home of a rich man, and later fell in love with a rich wife in her 60s, and as a result, the two lived a "strange fate" life of talking and laughing. In the end, how did this valuable artist make money from both inside and outside the play? How true and how false the past is, let's talk about it.

Tang Seng: At first, I didn't want to marry her, I refused her three times until my mother fell ill and was hospitalized


Chi someone, originally from a Peking Opera family, was told by his family to "learn kung fu well" since he was a child. At that time, it was not long after the founding of the People's Republic of China, and opera was completely banned across the country, and the entire industry fell into a period of ice. Faced with this difficult situation, the Chi family could only let go of their dreams and turn to find jobs in government agencies.

Tang Seng: At first, I didn't want to marry her, I refused her three times until my mother fell ill and was hospitalized

In this way, the young Chi Chongrui spent the golden age of studying opera, and it was not until he was in his early 20s that his family let him participate in part of the Peking Opera training because he couldn't make up his mind and had nothing to do, hoping that he would learn at least one skill and find a decent job in the future.

Tang Seng: At first, I didn't want to marry her, I refused her three times until my mother fell ill and was hospitalized

However, fate is unpredictable after all, just after Chi Chongrui delayed the most precious years of his academic career, the country suddenly lifted the ban on literature and art, and opera troupes around the country re-recruited actors. coincided with the twilight of the year, and the Chi family seized this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to push their son onto the road. In desperation, Chi Chongrui had no choice but to listen to his parents' expectations and started a crew career with apprehension.

Tang Seng: At first, I didn't want to marry her, I refused her three times until my mother fell ill and was hospitalized


Finally, when the blazing spring reappeared, Chi Chongrui also experienced the sweet taste of artistic dreams. Especially in 1981, when his life was at its lowest ebb, a chance chance actually allowed him to complete a 180-degree counterattack in his life.

Tang Seng: At first, I didn't want to marry her, I refused her three times until my mother fell ill and was hospitalized

Back then, director Yang Lao sincerely supported young actors, and he fell in love with Chi Chongrui's sophisticated image and simple temperament at a glance during casting. So, in the almost well-known TV series "Tofu Shih Tzu Yang Jiajiang", an unknown old man appeared in response, opening an excellent starting point for his success.

Tang Seng: At first, I didn't want to marry her, I refused her three times until my mother fell ill and was hospitalized

Subsequently, director Yang Lao once again took a fancy to Chi Chongyu and made him popular again. In 1986, when the film and television production "Journey to the West" was remade, Chi Chongrui played the role of Tang Sanzang and became the idol of the people of the whole country in one fell swoop.

Tang Seng: At first, I didn't want to marry her, I refused her three times until my mother fell ill and was hospitalized

Who would have thought that with such a poor family and a crumbling economic situation, life would be turned upside down in just a few years? From a small role that is looked down upon to a national idol, it is really an almost unimaginable glorious journey.

Tang Seng: At first, I didn't want to marry her, I refused her three times until my mother fell ill and was hospitalized


Fate is such an incredible thing. Just when Chi Chongrui has repeatedly won the Film and Television Awards with his excellent acting skills and his career is rising, a not very likable news has quietly spread in the entertainment industry - it turns out that this popular star has also become a "soft rice" man who is ridiculed.

Tang Seng: At first, I didn't want to marry her, I refused her three times until my mother fell ill and was hospitalized

That's it. It is said that in Chi Chongrui's most prosperous years, Chen Lihua, a rich woman in her 60s who had been divorced twice, fell in love with him at first sight and proposed to him endlessly. At first, Chi Chongrui was reluctant to agree, and was forced by this heavy ocean again and again.

Tang Seng: At first, I didn't want to marry her, I refused her three times until my mother fell ill and was hospitalized

But just before his mother died, Mrs. Chen took out her family wealth and transported famous doctors to the scene thousands of miles to ensure that her mother spent her old age in peace. Seeing such a sincere scene, Chi Chongyu only felt that everything was broken, and he could no longer turn a blind eye to Mrs. Chen.

Tang Seng: At first, I didn't want to marry her, I refused her three times until my mother fell ill and was hospitalized

And just like that, a controversial marriage began. At first after marriage, Chen Lihua took good care of her husband, but gradually, this marriage began to deviate from the right track, and it became a funny show.

Tang Seng: At first, I didn't want to marry her, I refused her three times until my mother fell ill and was hospitalized

From an outsider's point of view, the marriage between Chi Chongrui and Chen Lihua is simply a ridiculous farce, which is really shameful and angry. After getting married, Chi Chongrui's life can be said to have changed, and he has completely stepped into a new field like a wealthy aristocrat. Everything around him has become splendid, but he is also under unprecedented pressure in his heart.

Tang Seng: At first, I didn't want to marry her, I refused her three times until my mother fell ill and was hospitalized

At first, Chen Lihua was very fond of this young new husband. She not only supported Chi Chongrui's mother, but also included him in the company's core team.

Tang Seng: At first, I didn't want to marry her, I refused her three times until my mother fell ill and was hospitalized

It didn't take long for Chi Chongrui to take on the role of publicity consultant for the company's cultural brand, reporting directly to Chen Lihua. Although it is true that he is not very strong in business management, through continuous learning, his planning advice and aesthetic taste are widely favored by Mrs. Chen.

Tang Seng: At first, I didn't want to marry her, I refused her three times until my mother fell ill and was hospitalized

With the trust of his career, Chi Chongrui's family status has become more prominent. Although Chen Lihua is wealthy, she has never despised this commoner-born husband. She tried her best to be considerate and asked everyone to call Chi Chongrui with the honorific title of "Mr". Even Chen Lihua's three stepsons who are not very popular do not dare to underestimate her father-in-law, the new power center.

Tang Seng: At first, I didn't want to marry her, I refused her three times until my mother fell ill and was hospitalized

seems to be in a high position, but Chi Chongrui lives an extremely restrained life. Most of the time, he had to wear a simple Chinese-style gown, and insisted on the quirk of "shaving his head", showing the noble style of an intellectual. There is also speculation that the reason why he is so low-key is because of some knots in his heart that are difficult to let go.

Tang Seng: At first, I didn't want to marry her, I refused her three times until my mother fell ill and was hospitalized


The weirdness of the way husband and wife get along with each other really makes outsiders feel a big drop. Whenever asked why, Chi Chongrui always hesitated and avoided the serious. It wasn't until later that the media broke the news that there were actually some shadows in his heart.

Tang Seng: At first, I didn't want to marry her, I refused her three times until my mother fell ill and was hospitalized

It's a long story. In Chi Chongrui's smash hit acting career, his most criticized experience was during the filming of "Journey to the West". At that time, although everyone praised his performance strength, they had a poor evaluation of his plain and wooden appearance. Many netizens bluntly called him a "little white face".

Tang Seng: At first, I didn't want to marry her, I refused her three times until my mother fell ill and was hospitalized

This nickname dealt a huge blow to Chi Chongrui's self-esteem. Although the director has repeatedly relieved him, and even filmed a scene to highlight Tang Seng's positive image, it can no longer offset the public's denial of him in this regard.

Tang Seng: At first, I didn't want to marry her, I refused her three times until my mother fell ill and was hospitalized

For a long time after that, Chi Chongrui lived a relatively sensitive and closed life. It seems that it was this traumatic experience that made him so cautious in a wealthy marriage, for fear of being criticized and hurt by the outside world again.

Tang Seng: At first, I didn't want to marry her, I refused her three times until my mother fell ill and was hospitalized

Looking back at this strange couple that few people can understand, it has indeed caused a lot of suspicion and discussion. However, Chi Chongrui has always been indifferent, and he has not made any non-judgments in the accident world.

Tang Seng: At first, I didn't want to marry her, I refused her three times until my mother fell ill and was hospitalized

In recent years, he has occasionally recorded some short online videos and is active in the online delivery industry. Netizens once questioned whether he was already making ends meet? But he just said lightly: "The reason why I participate in live streaming is just to add some fun to my idle old age."

Tang Seng: At first, I didn't want to marry her, I refused her three times until my mother fell ill and was hospitalized

In fact, as early as the beginning of marrying a wife, Chi Chongrui had reached an agreement with his mother-in-law that he no longer asked to have children, but only needed to honor her and his three stepsons wholeheartedly. It is precisely because there are no offspring to worry about that this seemingly alternative couple can live a carefree life and spend nearly 30 years of days and nights.

Tang Seng: At first, I didn't want to marry her, I refused her three times until my mother fell ill and was hospitalized