
He was on an equal footing with Peng Dehuai, and his seniority made great contributions, so why didn't he participate in the award in 1955?

author:Coffee History C

In the important years of China's revolutionary history, batch after batch of heroic and fearless revolutionary martyrs wrote magnificent chapters with their blood and lives. Some of them are household names, while others are obscure or even forgotten. Today, we will tell you about the legendary life of Teng Daiyuan, a veteran revolutionary who fought side by side with Peng Dehuai and made outstanding achievements but was little-known.

Speaking of Teng Daiyuan, many people may feel unfamiliar. But when it comes to the famous "Pingjiang Uprising" led by him and Peng Dehuai in Pingjiang, Hunan, I believe many people will be amazed. On July 22, 1928, Teng Daiyuan, who was only 24 years old, led his troops to defect to the Kuomintang with Peng Dehuai and others, and completely joined the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, which was an event of great significance in the history of the Chinese revolution.

He was on an equal footing with Peng Dehuai, and his seniority made great contributions, so why didn't he participate in the award in 1955?

It was a period of low ebb after the defeat of the Great Revolution, and the White Terror was raging everywhere in the country. Under such a grim situation, the participation of Teng Daiyuan and others injected new strength into the revolutionary cause. Soon, they were incorporated into the Red Fifth Army, and Teng Daiyuan served as the political commissar, on an equal footing with Peng Dehuai, the army commander.

Soon after, they went to Jinggangshan, the famous holy place of revolution, as the Red Army, to join Chairman Mao Zedong and Zhu De. There, Teng Daiyuan was successively appointed deputy general political commissar of the Red Third Army Corps and deputy general political commissar of the Red First Army, becoming a core member of the top leadership of the Central Red Army at that time, second only to Chairman Mao Zedong.

He was on an equal footing with Peng Dehuai, and his seniority made great contributions, so why didn't he participate in the award in 1955?

To be honest, if Teng Daiyuan had stayed in the army like this, it stands to reason that he would have been awarded the highest rank of marshal a long time ago. Unfortunately, when the Liberation War was coming to an end, he was selected by Zhou Enlai and transferred to the post of Minister of Railways, and since then he has gradually distanced himself from the army. Although his military achievements were prominent, his name never appeared in the ranks of marshals and generals at the sensational "Title Conference" in 1955 because his main focus was shifted to local work.

He was on an equal footing with Peng Dehuai, and his seniority made great contributions, so why didn't he participate in the award in 1955?

Perhaps this is a kind of "regret" given to Teng Daiyuan by fate, but he has never regarded it as a regret. In the post of Minister of Railways, Teng Daiyuan also established immortal feats. He adhered to the concept of "the country is a country and the country is a home", and devoted all his personal energy to the railway cause of rebuilding post-war New China. During his 16-year tenure, China's railways developed from a mess to a huge network across the country, making great contributions to the country's modernization.

He was on an equal footing with Peng Dehuai, and his seniority made great contributions, so why didn't he participate in the award in 1955?

Teng Daiyuan was an unswerving and dedicated revolutionary soldier. Although he had encountered some injustices on the issue of conferring titles, he never complained. At the end of his life, the two words he wrote, "service," were enough to show his determination to selflessly dedicate himself to the revolutionary cause. Even if a person fails to receive the honor he deserves, as long as he has worked hard for lofty ideals all his life, he will always be the most glorious person.

He was on an equal footing with Peng Dehuai, and his seniority made great contributions, so why didn't he participate in the award in 1955?

First of all, his revolutionary journey has shown us a revolutionary spirit that is not afraid of sacrifice and dares to pursue lofty ideals. When he was young, Teng Daiyuan could have chosen a comfortable life, but he resolutely joined the revolutionary torrent full of difficulties and dangers. During the Jinggangshan period, he was already in the top leadership of the Central Red Army, and he could be said to be the core backbone of the party and the army at that time. Later, although he left the army, he still devoted himself to the construction of New China and struggled all his life, and explained with practical actions what loyalty to the revolutionary cause is.

He was on an equal footing with Peng Dehuai, and his seniority made great contributions, so why didn't he participate in the award in 1955?

Secondly, the noble qualities of the old man Teng Daiyuan's dedication and indifference to fame and fortune have also given us great inspiration. Although his status in the revolutionary base area was comparable to that of Zhu Mao, he later willingly gave up his high position in the army and became an ordinary minister of railways. What is even more admirable is that although he was given a "cold reception" when he was awarded the title in 1955, he did not complain and still devoted himself to his work. Whether a person is great or not does not depend on how many honorary positions he has obtained, but whether he has always adhered to his original intention of serving the people. From this point of view, Teng Daiyuan is definitely a great man.

He was on an equal footing with Peng Dehuai, and his seniority made great contributions, so why didn't he participate in the award in 1955?

Moreover, Teng Daiyuan's humble and simple character, which is not pretentious at all, is also worth learning from. Always indifferent to fame and fortune, and work in a down-to-earth manner. During the Liberation War, he took the initiative to give up the higher military rank he might have obtained, and silently cooperated with Xu Xiangqian's work. Later, he became a minister, and his life has never changed, and he still lives a simple lifestyle. A revolutionary should be so elegant and humble, not pretentious, and truly serve the people.

He was on an equal footing with Peng Dehuai, and his seniority made great contributions, so why didn't he participate in the award in 1955?

Mr. Teng Daiyuan's legendary life is like a mirror, reflecting the revolutionary spirit, noble sentiments and strength of personality that a true communist and revolutionary fighter should have. As a new era, we should draw nourishment from Teng Daiyuan and strive to become a new generation of successors who are loyal and firm to the country, the people and the cause. Only in this way can we immortalize the legacy and cause of our revolutionary forefathers and make the motherland's tomorrow even better.

He was on an equal footing with Peng Dehuai, and his seniority made great contributions, so why didn't he participate in the award in 1955?

In general, Mr. Teng Daiyuan's ordinary and great life has given us too many precious spiritual wealth. He used practical actions to interpret the noble character that a communist should possess and set an eternal example for us. Although the rolling wheel of history has left his name behind, as long as we cherish and learn from the precious spiritual heritage left to us by our pioneers, the name Teng Daiyuan will never be forgotten. #头条首发大赛#