
He is Su Yu's old platoon commander, and he often makes mistakes before awarding the title, Luo Ronghuan: Don't award him a military rank for the time being

author:Coffee History C

In the war-torn era, there was a revolutionary veteran who wrote a legendary life. He held important positions and made significant contributions to the revolutionary cause, but he had an upright personality and a fiery temper, and often committed some wrong acts of disobedience to the organization. When he was awarded the title in 1955, he was temporarily not awarded the rank of general due to personality reasons. However, after a few months, with the understanding and trust of his superiors, he was finally awarded the rank of lieutenant general. Who is this? What kind of difficult journey did he go through?

He is Su Yu's old platoon commander, and he often makes mistakes before awarding the title, Luo Ronghuan: Don't award him a military rank for the time being

Speaking of this veteran revolutionary, we have to start from 1930. That year, Mao Zedong, then the former secretary of the Red Fourth Army, learned that the central government had sent a military cadre, Nie Heting, and warmly entertained him. Nie Heting had previously served in Ye Ting's army, and later joined the Red Army, where he made many meritorious contributions in the Revolutionary War. Zhu De also met him at that time, and the scene of the reunion between the two was moving.

He is Su Yu's old platoon commander, and he often makes mistakes before awarding the title, Luo Ronghuan: Don't award him a military rank for the time being

What's even more touching is the reunion between Nie Heting and Su Yu. It turned out that during the Nanchang Uprising, Nie Heting was Su Yu's old platoon commander. The two reunited after a long absence, hugged excitedly, and they formed an unbreakable revolutionary friendship. Nie Heting was born poor, enlisted in the army at a young age, and participated in the Northern Expedition and the Nanchang Uprising. Although he was separated from the army for a period of time during the low point of the revolution, he always had a firm belief and rejoined the revolutionary torrent.

Nie Heting also made important contributions during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. Chairman Mao valued him very much and let him hold important military positions. However, Nie Heting's upright personality also brought him some trouble. For example, in the Northeast Liberation War, he expressed his consent to the uprising of a Kuomintang force without permission, which made Lin Biao and Luo Ronghuan very dissatisfied and criticized his style.

He is Su Yu's old platoon commander, and he often makes mistakes before awarding the title, Luo Ronghuan: Don't award him a military rank for the time being

After the victory of the Liberation War and entering the era of peace, Nie Heting's character of loving hitting the south wall is still difficult to change. Again and again, they did not obey the organizational arrangement, causing a lot of controversy and trouble. Finally, when the title was conferred in 1955, due to personal style problems, Luo Ronghuan suggested that he should not be awarded the military rank for the time being.

He is Su Yu's old platoon commander, and he often makes mistakes before awarding the title, Luo Ronghuan: Don't award him a military rank for the time being

This is undoubtedly a blow to Nie Heting, who is old enough to become a general. After all, he has devoted himself to the revolution for decades and made great achievements, but now he has been denied because of his personality, which is really a sigh. However, the leader's tolerance and love for him were shown later.

He is Su Yu's old platoon commander, and he often makes mistakes before awarding the title, Luo Ronghuan: Don't award him a military rank for the time being

Four months later, after repeated consideration, Luo Ronghuan decided to confer the rank of lieutenant general on Nie Heting. For this old revolutionary, although the level was not as high as he hoped back then, he finally won the respect and affirmation he deserved. Since then, Nie Heting has become one of the 177 founding lieutenant generals, and his life has come to a successful end.

He is Su Yu's old platoon commander, and he often makes mistakes before awarding the title, Luo Ronghuan: Don't award him a military rank for the time being

In fact, Nie Heting's personality is not completely incomprehensible. He was born in troubled times since he was a child, and difficult circumstances shaped his character. Even his children said: "My father has a very big temper, because he speaks too directly, without tactfulness, and often offends others." But it was this straightforward Geng Jie's personality that made Nie Heting shine in that era.

He is Su Yu's old platoon commander, and he often makes mistakes before awarding the title, Luo Ronghuan: Don't award him a military rank for the time being

Interestingly, in his later years, Nie Heting seemed to realize the flaws of his personality and became more humble and polite. He often used his salary to support poor students in his hometown and old revolutionary base areas, and made up for some past mistakes with practical actions. Until his death, those former comrades-in-arms and martyrs still sighed and remembered the founding father.

He is Su Yu's old platoon commander, and he often makes mistakes before awarding the title, Luo Ronghuan: Don't award him a military rank for the time being

Nie Heting's life is full of ups and downs, and it is magnificent, like a wonderful revolutionary drama. He made a name for himself with his uprightness, but he also fell into trouble several times because of it; He has made great achievements, but he has been repeatedly criticized for his style. But in any case, the contribution of this founding lieutenant general to the revolutionary cause is undeniable. His personality may not be perfect, but it is this frankness that makes him the embodiment of a generation of iron men. In this way, Nie Heting used his life to interpret what it means to "character determines fate". #头条首发大赛#