
After Yongzheng ascended the throne, the third son was taken to the secret room and said: You have no second way except to commit suicide

author:Coffee History C

Power and ambition are always a double-edged sword. In the power struggles of the royal court, they often became the key factor in determining the fate of the brothers. A single decision that loses one's mind can cost you your life. In the Yongzheng Dynasty, history staged such a suffocating tragedy.

After Yongzheng ascended the throne, the third son was taken to the secret room and said: You have no second way except to commit suicide

In order to consolidate his rule, Emperor Yongzheng decided to reform the system of succession to the throne. Although this decision was made out of consideration for the overall situation of the dynasty, it also put his eldest son Hiroshi in a desperate situation. Being deprived of the right to inherit the throne aroused Hirotoki's anger. Eventually, Hiroshi plots a coup d'état with his younger brother Yoon-woo in an attempt to regain lost power. However, the conspiracy was discovered by Yongzheng, and Hongshi's gambling adventure could not escape the fate of failure after all. You say, is this power struggle doomed to a cruel end?

After Yongzheng ascended the throne, the third son was taken to the secret room and said: You have no second way except to commit suicide

Speaking of the timeless succession dispute in the Yongzheng period of the Qing Dynasty, it can be described as thrilling and embarrassing. At that time, Yongzheng, in order to avoid the tragedy of fratricide again during the succession to the throne, decided to secretly reform the succession system. However, his decision to give up his future to protect the Qing Dynasty also planted a rolling "time bomb" for himself and his eldest son Hongshi.

At the beginning of Yongzheng's ascension to the throne, there was no doubt that the eldest son Hongshi was a candidate for the prince. This kid has been smart since he was a child, coupled with his ambition and wit, he is simply a fierce version of "Young Huang Zhenglun". But it was these outstanding talents that made Yongzheng eyeing him and being very guarded. After all, the lessons of the past are not far away, Cixi was almost usurped by Prince Yong during the young Kangxi period.

After Yongzheng ascended the throne, the third son was taken to the secret room and said: You have no second way except to commit suicide

So, in the undercurrent of power, Yongzheng made a shocking decision - to depose the eldest son Hongshi's qualification as the prince. Hongshi has been cultivated as a prince since he was a child, and Yongzheng's decision is tantamount to a basin of cold water on his head. Hey, in a fit of rage, this kid actually plotted a coup d'état with his younger brother Yun Yu in an attempt to regain the throne in one fell swoop!

However, the pair of royal brothers obviously underestimated the scheming Yongzheng Ye. In fact, as early as when they whispered and brewed a conspiracy, Yongzheng mastered their every move through drilling and spying. So, when the brothers were about to attack, Yongzheng personally ordered Hongshi to be imprisoned and made the final disposition.

After Yongzheng ascended the throne, the third son was taken to the secret room and said: You have no second way except to commit suicide

At this time, Hongshi, seeing the dangerous move he made just now, not only failed to turn over, but fell into a dilemma, and his mood can be imagined how worried and angry he was. In the face of his father's stern questioning, he was speechless, and could only swallow his hatred and commit suicide in tears at the moment of life and death. What a useless place for heroes!

This tragedy is nothing less than a desperate game of power and family affection between Yongzheng and Hongshi. Hiroshi's obstinate behavior doomed him to be unable to balance the sharp knife of monarchy and ambition; And Yongzheng, although he made this difficult choice out of consideration for the dynasty, his heart must have been tormented. From this scene of power and conspiracy, it is not difficult for us to imagine how difficult it is to seek a balance between the relationship between father and son and the righteousness of kings and ministers in that lonely and defeated dynasty. The story takes place in 1723 AD, nearly 300 years ago, and this scene is still extremely painful for future generations.

After Yongzheng ascended the throne, the third son was taken to the secret room and said: You have no second way except to commit suicide

When we think back to this thrilling history, we can't help but wonder what led to such a tragic end. Power and ambition are indeed a double-edged sword, they can both help people soar through the nine clouds and plunge people into the abyss from which they will never recover.

After Yongzheng ascended the throne, the third son was taken to the secret room and said: You have no second way except to commit suicide

To say that Hongshi's approach is simply dizzy! Knowing that Yongzheng is used to being iron-fisted, he still dares to usurp the throne, isn't this a clear death? Although Yongzheng has a strange position, for him, preserving the foundation of the dynasty is the top priority. So he simply made up his mind and cut off the road of Hiroshi's crown prince with a sword.

However, in the final analysis, Yongzheng's own approach is a bit excessive. Knowing that Hongshi is ambitious and ambitious, it is better to put him into the cold palace as soon as possible, wouldn't it be the best of both worlds? It's just that he is pushed to a dead end, and no matter how ruthlessly he deals with it, it is inevitable that there will be some aggressive taste.

After Yongzheng ascended the throne, the third son was taken to the secret room and said: You have no second way except to commit suicide

I think Yongzheng's approach is actually selfish. Taking away the qualifications of the prince from Hongshi and passing it on to his youngest son Yunzhi is tantamount to giving a green light to his own selfishness. You must know that the emperors of the Qing Dynasty are all supreme in power, and selfishness will inevitably intervene in the choice of heirs.

However, in the final analysis, this tragedy occurred due to the hereditary system of imperial power in the Qing Dynasty. The concept of divine authority of kings has made these royal children indoctrinated from an early age that it is a matter of course to fight for power. Coupled with the instigation of the palace concubines, it is normal for such a monk to have a follow-up wine.

After Yongzheng ascended the throne, the third son was taken to the secret room and said: You have no second way except to commit suicide

After the conspiracy of Hongshi and Yunxi was discovered, Yongzheng's treatment of them was not at all, and the iron mask was selfless. It is said that there is a paragraph in the plot, that is, Hongshi saw this and begged Yongzheng to spare his life, but unfortunately Yongzheng has always been ruthless and ruthless, so he ignored it. In the end, Hiroshi committed suicide by taking poison in tears in despair, what a royal criminal minister! It's pathetic......

After Yongzheng ascended the throne, the third son was taken to the secret room and said: You have no second way except to commit suicide

The historical story of the Qing Dynasty's hereditary system of imperial power and the Yongzheng reform encountering resistance from Hongshi allows us to see the cruel side behind the power struggle. For the sake of the stability of the dynasty, Yongzheng had to make a painful determination to get rid of his eldest son; And Hongshi was delusional for a while, and fell into a desperate situation of self-destruction. This is undoubtedly a tragedy, but it is also a microcosm of the brutal political reality of the era. We can only be glad that it is no longer the era of autocratic dynasties, the family relationship between monarchs and ministers has been more respected, and the struggle for power has become more rational and civilized. But it also reminds us that power and ambition are indeed double-edged swords, and that there will be a painful price to be paid for misusing them. #头条首发大赛#