
After reading the original book, I was sweating, and it was not those children who really needed to be saved in the bhikshu country, but Tang Seng

author:Coffee History C

One of the most memorable things that Tang Seng had on his way to learn the scriptures was to save 1,111 imprisoned boys in the country of bhikshus. This is definitely a moving storyline, and it also reflects the noble character and courage of Sun Wukong and others. But have you ever wondered what secret lies behind this?

After reading the original book, I was sweating, and it was not those children who really needed to be saved in the bhikshu country, but Tang Seng

Why did Bailu Jing set such a trap to lure Tang monks and apprentices to come? What role did the birthday star play? It's so much more brutal than you think, it's shocking!

After reading the original book, I was sweating, and it was not those children who really needed to be saved in the bhikshu country, but Tang Seng

Knowing that the bhikshu country had actually changed the name of the country to "Little Boy City", the four Tang monks and apprentices had already heard the news and felt that there was a deception. After entering the city, they found goose cages containing boys in front of every house, and the situation was even more strange and terrifying. When I asked, I realized that this was the king's decision, and he was going to eat the hearts and livers of 1,111 boys to prolong his life! Tang Seng was so shocked by this brutal act that he wept bitterly.

After reading the original book, I was sweating, and it was not those children who really needed to be saved in the bhikshu country, but Tang Seng

At this moment, a fairy who claimed to be a birthday star suddenly appeared, and a white deer who spoke. The birthday star quibbled that the white deer was his mount and was accidentally lost. Later, he gave three magical dates to the king to eat, which really made the king as light as a swallow and his illness was completely gone. Bailujing boasted about the Taoist longevity technique in the court, and ridiculed Tang Seng for saying that the Buddhist way of immortality is "broken buttocks".

After reading the original book, I was sweating, and it was not those children who really needed to be saved in the bhikshu country, but Tang Seng

It seems that all this is the joint arrangement of Bailujing and Shouxing, who used the lives of the people of the Bhikshu Kingdom as bait to lure Tang monks and apprentices to fight against each other, in order to achieve some ulterior purposes. However, even Sun Wukong vaguely felt that three years had arrived, and sighed that "it was broken by that monkey's head". What kind of conspiracy is it that makes the two immortals so clever even confused?

After reading the original book, I was sweating, and it was not those children who really needed to be saved in the bhikshu country, but Tang Seng

In the face of this sudden trick, Sun Wukong made a decision and risked his life to sneak into the palace. After a dragon fight, the conspiracy of the white deer spirit and the white-faced fox was finally completely broken, and more than 1,000 children were finally rescued. But what's even more puzzling is that even the birthday star and Bailujing themselves don't seem to expect things to develop like this.

After reading the original book, I was sweating, and it was not those children who really needed to be saved in the bhikshu country, but Tang Seng

In the end, Sun Wukong not only did not kill the birthday star and the white deer spirit, but let them drink on the sidelines. The people of the entire bhikshu country built temples for Sun Wukong and others. This is almost the only happy ending on the entire road of learning the scriptures. No wonder Zhu Bajie questioned Sun Wukong's "benevolence and righteousness on the outside, but evil intentions on the inside", he seemed to see the strangeness of the matter.

After reading the original book, I was sweating, and it was not those children who really needed to be saved in the bhikshu country, but Tang Seng

What is the reason for this unexpected plot? Bailu Jing still has a birthday star, do you really just want an elixir? What kind of conspiracy did they hide to make things twist and turn, but in the end everyone was happy? The secret of this is really puzzling.

After reading the original book, I was sweating, and it was not those children who really needed to be saved in the bhikshu country, but Tang Seng

Through this series of bizarre experiences, we can't help but have a strong curiosity about the conspiracy of the White Deer Spirit and the birthday star. Are they doing all this out of pure selfishness, or is there something more far-reaching?

After reading the original book, I was sweating, and it was not those children who really needed to be saved in the bhikshu country, but Tang Seng

In any case, the fearless, chivalrous and selfless character of Tang Seng and his entourage are worthy of our learning and appreciation. Let's wait and see the truth revealed, maybe there will be even more confusing and breathtaking insider revelations! #头条首发大赛#