
Netizens are hotly discussed: What is the fairness of the Hundred Flowers Award nomination? Zhang Yi and Shen Teng suffered injustice?

author:It's not awesome, you Brother Kun


Zhang Yi's "adjustment" turmoil

Recently, as soon as the list of nominees for the Hundred Flowers Award came out, the Internet exploded. Especially Zhang Yi, his performance in "Man Jianghong" was highly praised, but he was unexpectedly "adjusted" to the supporting actor nomination, not the leading actor.

Netizens are hotly discussed: What is the fairness of the Hundred Flowers Award nomination? Zhang Yi and Shen Teng suffered injustice?

Netizens ridiculed one after another, saying that Zhang Yi fell from "985 to 211", although it was a joke, but it also reflected everyone's dissatisfaction with this nomination. Zhang Yi's role in "Man Jianghong" is obviously the protagonist, but he was demoted to a supporting role, which makes many viewers feel puzzled and regretful.

Netizens are hotly discussed: What is the fairness of the Hundred Flowers Award nomination? Zhang Yi and Shen Teng suffered injustice?

The debate among netizens about this nomination is not limited to Zhang Yi. In "Ten Thousand Miles Home", Wang Junkai was nominated for the leading actor, but Zhang Yi did not appear on the nomination list.

Netizens are hotly discussed: What is the fairness of the Hundred Flowers Award nomination? Zhang Yi and Shen Teng suffered injustice?

Similarly, in "Man Jianghong", Yi Yang Qianxi was nominated for the leading actor, while Shen Teng was completely ignored. This method of nomination has confused many people, and some people have even begun to question the fairness of the Hundred Flowers Award. Netizens had heated discussions on social media, and all kinds of funny comments and jokes emerged one after another, making people cry and laugh.

Netizens are hotly discussed: What is the fairness of the Hundred Flowers Award nomination? Zhang Yi and Shen Teng suffered injustice?

Shen Teng's "sliding gear" is out

Shen Teng's performance in "Man Jianghong" was also excellent, but he did not receive any nominations, which surprised many viewers. Netizens ridiculed that Shen Teng was "slipping out" and was directly ignored.

Netizens are hotly discussed: What is the fairness of the Hundred Flowers Award nomination? Zhang Yi and Shen Teng suffered injustice?

This kind of nomination result makes people wonder if Shen Teng has offended anyone, or if there is a problem with the selection criteria of the Hundred Flowers Award. Netizens expressed their support for Shen Teng in the comment area, believing that he is definitely eligible for the nomination.

Netizens are hotly discussed: What is the fairness of the Hundred Flowers Award nomination? Zhang Yi and Shen Teng suffered injustice?

In addition to Shen Teng, some other powerful actors also suffered a similar fate. For example, Wang Baoqiang, his performance in many works has been recognized by the audience, but he is missing from the list of nominees this time.

Netizens are hotly discussed: What is the fairness of the Hundred Flowers Award nomination? Zhang Yi and Shen Teng suffered injustice?

This kind of nomination result disappointed many people, and some even began to question the authority of the Hundred Flowers Award. Netizens expressed their dissatisfaction on social media, believing that such a nomination result was unacceptable.

Netizens are hotly discussed: What is the fairness of the Hundred Flowers Award nomination? Zhang Yi and Shen Teng suffered injustice?

Creative comments from netizens

In the face of such a nomination result, netizens did not remain silent, but expressed their opinions with various creative comments. Some people joked that Zhang Yi was "adjusted" to a supporting actor, while Shen Teng was "slipping out".

Netizens are hotly discussed: What is the fairness of the Hundred Flowers Award nomination? Zhang Yi and Shen Teng suffered injustice?

These humorous comments not only make people laugh, but also reflect the dissatisfaction of netizens with the results of this nomination. They have heated discussions on social media, and all kinds of funny jokes and comments are endless, which is dizzying.

Netizens are hotly discussed: What is the fairness of the Hundred Flowers Award nomination? Zhang Yi and Shen Teng suffered injustice?

Netizens also created some interesting metaphors, such as comparing Zhang Yi's "adjustment" to falling from "985 to 211", and comparing Shen Teng's "slippery gear" to "direct out". These metaphors are both graphic and humorous, and one can't help but laugh. Netizens teased each other in the comment section, expressing their dissatisfaction with the results of this nomination, and also showing their sense of humor and creativity.

Netizens are hotly discussed: What is the fairness of the Hundred Flowers Award nomination? Zhang Yi and Shen Teng suffered injustice?

The fairness of the Hundred Flowers Award is debated


The nomination sparked widespread controversy, with many people questioning the fairness of the Hundred Flowers Award. Some people think that such a nomination result is unacceptable, and some people even begin to doubt the authority of the Hundred Flowers Award.

Netizens are hotly discussed: What is the fairness of the Hundred Flowers Award nomination? Zhang Yi and Shen Teng suffered injustice?

Netizens took to social media to express their displeasure, saying that the result of such a nomination was disappointing. They hope that the Hundred Flowers Award can be selected more fairly, and not let outstanding actors be ignored.

Netizens are hotly discussed: What is the fairness of the Hundred Flowers Award nomination? Zhang Yi and Shen Teng suffered injustice?

In the face of such controversy, the organizers of the Hundred Flowers Award need to seriously consider how to improve the selection mechanism and ensure fairness. Only in this way can the Hundred Flowers Award regain the trust of the audience and become a truly authoritative film award. Netizens expressed their views on social media, hoping that the Hundred Flowers Award could hear their voices and make changes.

Netizens are hotly discussed: What is the fairness of the Hundred Flowers Award nomination? Zhang Yi and Shen Teng suffered injustice?

Overall, the nomination results have sparked widespread debate, and many people have begun to question the fairness of the Hundred Flowers Award. Netizens expressed their dissatisfaction on social media, hoping that the Hundred Flowers Award can be selected more fairly and not let outstanding actors be ignored.

Netizens are hotly discussed: What is the fairness of the Hundred Flowers Award nomination? Zhang Yi and Shen Teng suffered injustice?

In the face of such controversy, the organizers of the Hundred Flowers Award need to seriously consider how to improve the selection mechanism and ensure fairness. Only in this way can the Hundred Flowers Award regain the trust of the audience and become a truly authoritative film award.

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