
Xu Yiyang's refusal to share the toilet with Huang Zitao in the show sparked heated discussions: The boss can do whatever he wants?

author:It's not awesome, you Brother Kun


Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang's bathroom incident

In the variety show "Travel with Me", the interaction between Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang has become the focus of heated discussions. In the show, Xu Yiyang needed to use the bathroom, and Huang Zitao offered to go with him after learning that it was an open bathroom.

Xu Yiyang's refusal to share the toilet with Huang Zitao in the show sparked heated discussions: The boss can do whatever he wants?

Xu Yiyang obviously felt uncomfortable with this, and directly rejected Huang Zitao's proposal, and asked rhetorically: "The boss can go to my bathroom?" This scene made the other guests present, Jiang Chao and Zhang Dada, feel embarrassed, and they didn't know what to do.

Xu Yiyang's refusal to share the toilet with Huang Zitao in the show sparked heated discussions: The boss can do whatever he wants?

Netizens had mixed reactions to this, some found this interaction very interesting, and some even began to knock on the pair of CPs. They believe that this "extreme pulling feeling" is one of the highlights of variety shows.

Xu Yiyang's refusal to share the toilet with Huang Zitao in the show sparked heated discussions: The boss can do whatever he wants?

But many netizens said that this kind of behavior is not appropriate in public, especially Huang Zitao moved out of the identity of "boss" after being rejected, which makes people feel a little excessive.

Xu Yiyang's refusal to share the toilet with Huang Zitao in the show sparked heated discussions: The boss can do whatever he wants?

Huang Zitao's boss identity and the bathroom incident

Huang Zitao's move to go to the bathroom with Xu Yiyang on the show sparked a lot of controversy. Some people believe that as a boss, Huang Zitao should pay more attention to his words and deeds, especially in public. After being rejected by Xu Yiyang, he also emphasized his identity as a boss, which made many people feel uncomfortable.

Xu Yiyang's refusal to share the toilet with Huang Zitao in the show sparked heated discussions: The boss can do whatever he wants?

Netizens have a lot of discussions about this, and some think that Huang Zitao's behavior is too casual and does not take into account Xu Yiyang's feelings. While others believe that it may just be a show effect and don't need to be taken too seriously. But in any case, this incident did bring a lot of topics to the show, and also made the audience more curious about the relationship between Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang.

Xu Yiyang's refusal to share the toilet with Huang Zitao in the show sparked heated discussions: The boss can do whatever he wants?

Xu Yiyang's refusal and the reaction of netizens

Xu Yiyang decisively rejected Huang Zitao's proposal in the show, and this behavior won the appreciation of many netizens. They believe that Xu Yiyang behaved very principled and did not compromise because the other party was the boss. This attitude of insisting on herself and not following the crowd has made many people look at her with admiration.

Xu Yiyang's refusal to share the toilet with Huang Zitao in the show sparked heated discussions: The boss can do whatever he wants?

At the same time, some netizens expressed dissatisfaction with Huang Zitao's behavior, believing that he, as a public figure, should pay more attention to his image. This kind of behavior of openly proposing to go to the bathroom with the opposite sex in the show is really unacceptable. They hope that Huang Zitao will realize his mistake and improve on it in future shows.

Xu Yiyang's refusal to share the toilet with Huang Zitao in the show sparked heated discussions: The boss can do whatever he wants?

Discussion of the effect and authenticity of the program

Regarding this incident, many people also think that it may have been deliberately arranged by the program team in order to create a topic. They pointed out that variety shows tend to design argumentative plots in order to attract audiences. And the interaction between Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang is likely to be one of them.

Xu Yiyang's refusal to share the toilet with Huang Zitao in the show sparked heated discussions: The boss can do whatever he wants?

But this speculation did not get everyone's approval. Some netizens said that whether it is the effect of the show or not, Huang Zitao's behavior is not decent enough.

Xu Yiyang's refusal to share the toilet with Huang Zitao in the show sparked heated discussions: The boss can do whatever he wants?

They believe that as a public figure, you should always pay attention to your words and deeds to avoid bringing bad influence to the audience. At the same time, I also hope that the program team can pay more attention to the authenticity of the program and not sacrifice the image of the guests in pursuit of ratings.

Xu Yiyang's refusal to share the toilet with Huang Zitao in the show sparked heated discussions: The boss can do whatever he wants?

Speculation about the relationship between Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang


This incident has also triggered many people's speculation about the relationship between Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang. Some people think that there may really be some hidden secrets between them. And this speculation has further intensified the enthusiasm of netizens for discussion.

Xu Yiyang's refusal to share the toilet with Huang Zitao in the show sparked heated discussions: The boss can do whatever he wants?

But some netizens said that this speculation is not groundless, just everyone's wishful thinking. They believe that Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang are just ordinary colleagues, and they should not be over-interpreted because of an interaction in the show. At the same time, I also hope that netizens can look at this incident rationally and not over-speculate and spread false information.

Xu Yiyang's refusal to share the toilet with Huang Zitao in the show sparked heated discussions: The boss can do whatever he wants?

Overall, Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang's bathroom incident in "Travel With Me" sparked a wide range of discussions. Whether it was the effect of the show or the real happening, this event left a deep impression on the audience. As for the relationship between Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang, netizens also have different opinions. But in any case, this incident once again proves the topicality and influence of variety shows.

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