
The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage was opened to traffic: more than 20 kilometers of traffic jam in the middle of the night, the first collision occurred, sightseeing was banned, and the charge was too low?

author:Fun facts about the world of sports


Hey, friends, have you ever imagined such a scene: a "super avenue" connecting Shenzhen and Zhongshan suddenly unfolds in front of your eyes, as if it is a time and space tunnel in a science fiction movie, which makes people eager to try?

That's right, I'm talking about the much-anticipated Shenzhong Passage! No, on the first day of the opening of the car, a "Midnight Adventure" was staged, let's take a look, this scene, is really "lively"!

The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage was opened to traffic: more than 20 kilometers of traffic jam in the middle of the night, the first collision occurred, sightseeing was banned, and the charge was too low?

If someone told you that it used to take only half an hour to drive from Shenzhen to Zhongshan, would you be as excited as a child? The opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage is such a magical key, opening the "fast track" on the east and west banks of the Pearl River.

However, the first day when dreams come true, it doesn't seem so "dreamy".

Do you expect more, or do you want to be more challenging?

The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage was opened to traffic: more than 20 kilometers of traffic jam in the middle of the night, the first collision occurred, sightseeing was banned, and the charge was too low?

More than 20 kilometers of traffic jam in the middle of the night

On the first day of traffic, that scene is simply a realistic version of the "National Excitement Test Drive Festival"! You would never have imagined that before the sky was clear, the highway that should have been quiet was transformed into a living, winding 24 kilometers of "metal dragon".

This is not some "snake" competition in virtual reality games, but a real feast of traffic.

The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage was opened to traffic: more than 20 kilometers of traffic jam in the middle of the night, the first collision occurred, sightseeing was banned, and the charge was too low?

What the hell is going on? Oh, it turns out that all the old and young people in the city are curious, scrambling to catch the first train of this "time travel" and experience a futuristic travel revolution.

In that battle, the headlights flickered, like a galaxy falling into the mortal world, and the magnificent procession of more than 7,000 vehicles, mighty and mighty, transformed this thoroughfare, which integrates top technology and infinite vision, into an "open-air car museum".

The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage was opened to traffic: more than 20 kilometers of traffic jam in the middle of the night, the first collision occurred, sightseeing was banned, and the charge was too low?

The first crash was born

Heck, speaking of which, I have to mention the awkward "first kiss".

On the day of the opening of traffic, such a "first encounter" episode was staged.

That's right, it's the unexpected "first kiss", and the two cars have an unexpected "close contact" in the depths of the tunnel.

Luckily, just like the slow-motion footage in the movie, everyone is safe and sound, as if fate has played a big joke and secretly added some exciting seasoning to this grand opening celebration.

The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage was opened to traffic: more than 20 kilometers of traffic jam in the middle of the night, the first collision occurred, sightseeing was banned, and the charge was too low?

This time, it's not just that the traffic flow is a little "confused", and the on-site order instantly becomes more chaotic than the subway car in the morning rush hour.

As for the passers-by, some stopped and became melon-eaters, while others were beating a small drum in their hearts and began to mumble silently: "Safety really has to be regarded as a 'compulsory course' every day, and it can't be sloppy at all!" ”

This scene is like reminding everyone that every "debut" in life, even if it is a daily routine such as driving through a tunnel, you have to be energetic, after all, safety is the most beautiful scenery to reach each destination!

The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage was opened to traffic: more than 20 kilometers of traffic jam in the middle of the night, the first collision occurred, sightseeing was banned, and the charge was too low?

Sightseeing is prohibited

You may not have expected that on the first day of the opening of the car, some people regarded it as an Internet celebrity check-in place, and as soon as the car drove in, there was a click, and the circle of friends instantly had more "tunnel adventures".

This sudden "sightseeing group" made the otherwise smooth traffic flow play "slow motion", and the traffic gentleman called it "a lot of pressure".

As soon as the management department saw this posture, they immediately turned into a "rescue hero" and urgently issued a ban: In the tunnel, take pictures? NO WAY! We have to get this high-tech corridor back on track, and safe driving is the last word.

The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage was opened to traffic: more than 20 kilometers of traffic jam in the middle of the night, the first collision occurred, sightseeing was banned, and the charge was too low?

After all, who wants to turn the road to the future into a "terrifying" Internet celebrity attraction? Wear a helmet, no matter how tempting the likes of the circle of friends are, it can't be as warm as coming home safely, isn't it?

Now, let's enjoy the convenience brought by the tunnel with peace of mind, so that every journey becomes a safe journey, rather than a "shocking" journey.

After all, life is exciting enough, but when driving, let the heartbeat return to the normal frequency, safety first, happiness second, and post pictures in the circle of friends? It's never too late to show off when you're home safely!

The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage was opened to traffic: more than 20 kilometers of traffic jam in the middle of the night, the first collision occurred, sightseeing was banned, and the charge was too low?

Too low?

Oh, the charging problem of the Shenzhong Passage really made netizens explode, and some friends joked: "With such a slippery road, shouldn't the charging be a little arrogant?" "Haha, it seems that in this matter, everyone's tastes are more difficult to unify than choosing a restaurant!

On the one hand, some friends analyze rationally and feel that "you get what you pay for", such a tall project, from birth to future maintenance, it is all piled up of silver in vain, and the fee naturally has to reflect a little "sense of quality".

The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage was opened to traffic: more than 20 kilometers of traffic jam in the middle of the night, the first collision occurred, sightseeing was banned, and the charge was too low?

The little abacus in their hearts snapped, and they felt that raising the standard appropriately was worthy of every piece of flat and every scenery on the road.

On the other hand, some people are muttering, worried that once the cost rises, our people's wallets will have to tighten their belts.

They imagined that if the cost of travel was rising, wouldn't they have to weigh the small outings on weekends and visiting relatives and friends on holidays? The enthusiasm for this travel may have to be cooler.

The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage was opened to traffic: more than 20 kilometers of traffic jam in the middle of the night, the first collision occurred, sightseeing was banned, and the charge was too low?

Therefore, the balance between fees and services is really a science, and you have to think carefully.

We must not let this popular project become a "heartache" project, but also ensure that the roads are unimpeded and the services are leveraged.

We still hope that in the end, there will be a solution that everyone will be happy with, so that every crossing can be a pleasant journey, rather than a sigh on the toll bill.

The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage was opened to traffic: more than 20 kilometers of traffic jam in the middle of the night, the first collision occurred, sightseeing was banned, and the charge was too low?

Responses and future prospects

In the face of these "sweet troubles", our managers have become spinning tops, not only to be impartial referees, adjust charging strategies to take into account everyone's wallet feelings, but also to transform into budget-conscious accountants to ensure a harmonious financial waltz between operating costs and revenue.

The good news is that a more thoughtful and gradual improvement of the charging system has started its pace and is taking us in stride.

The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage was opened to traffic: more than 20 kilometers of traffic jam in the middle of the night, the first collision occurred, sightseeing was banned, and the charge was too low?

When it comes to safety, that's definitely the number one priority that can't be sloppy.

Imagine that strengthening supervision is like adding a layer of diamond cover to safety, and improving emergency response capabilities is to install a teleportation button on this journey, ensuring that every old driver and new driver, as long as they hold the steering wheel, can have no distractions, smooth all the way, and enjoy the fun of driving with peace of mind.

The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage was opened to traffic: more than 20 kilometers of traffic jam in the middle of the night, the first collision occurred, sightseeing was banned, and the charge was too low?

In the future, the Shenzhong Passage is really not as simple as an ordinary road, it is simply a master of time and space weaving, and with a gentle wave of the magic bond in his hand, the prosperity and dreams on both sides of the Pearl River are closely connected.

On this magical passage, the regional economy is no longer just looking at each other, but dancing hand in hand, and urban life has become as convenient as crossing through, where all possibilities and opportunities are quietly sprouting, waiting for the moment of blooming.

The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage was opened to traffic: more than 20 kilometers of traffic jam in the middle of the night, the first collision occurred, sightseeing was banned, and the charge was too low?


The opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor is both a joy and a worry, a challenge and an opportunity.

While we praise this scientific and technological progress, we must also look at those "growing pains" rationally.

Only with continuous attention and active response can this "golden channel" truly become a bridge of happiness for the people of the two places.

Remember, every improvement is made to make tomorrow better, so let's look forward to it!