
Li Jianyi has been famous for acting as a eunuch for many years, and he has achieved positive results with his ordinary wife, what is happening now?

author:Huahua speaks of the world

Li Jianyi's life was changed by an unexpected turn when he was 5 years old. An old fortune teller asserts that he and his brother are numerically compatible, but this seemingly absurd prophecy leads his parents to make a difficult decision: to pass on young Li Jianyi to his aunt, who has no children and no daughters.

Little Li Jianyi may not fully understand the meaning of this decision, but the gears of fate have begun to turn. Fortunately, my aunt was very fond of this sudden arrival of the child.

In the new family environment, Li Jianyi's talents have been unexpectedly nourished and developed, especially in broadcasting. When I was in junior high school, the opportunity came. Li Jianyi became an announcer for the campus radio.

When he stood in front of the microphone for the first time, and his clear voice spread through every corner of the campus, he felt an unprecedented excitement. This unique talent not only made him stand out among his classmates, but also attracted the attention of an important figure - drama actor Li Tailin.

Li Jianyi has been famous for acting as a eunuch for many years, and he has achieved positive results with his ordinary wife, what is happening now?

Li Tailin keenly spotted the young man's potential. Under his guidance, Li Jianyi began to get into the performing arts. From the initial jerky to the gradual improvement, Li Jianyi seems to have found the direction of life.

Every rehearsal, every time he went on stage, he developed a deeper love for the performing arts. However, just when Li Jianyi thought he was about to step into the theater of his dreams, reality gave him a blow to the head.

Affected by the general environment at that time, Li Jianyi failed to enter the theater as he wished. This blow made the young Li Jianyi lose his direction for a while, and his heart was full of loss and confusion.

Fate seemed to play his trick again, and Li Jianyi became a printing factory worker in a daze. In the face of boring work, he often wonders, is his life going to be so dull? But what he didn't know was that this seemingly ordinary work experience would plant an important seed for his future.

Li Jianyi has been famous for acting as a eunuch for many years, and he has achieved positive results with his ordinary wife, what is happening now?

Li Jianyi had a love for acting, but he failed to enter the theater as he wished. The blow made him lose his way for a while, and he eventually became a printing factory worker.

Faced with monotonous and repetitive printing work every day, Li Jianyi's theatrical dream seems to be getting farther and farther away. He often ponders after work, wondering if he can return to the stage.

That sense of loss, like a layer of mist, shrouded his heart. However, it was on this seemingly ordinary day that fate gave Li Jianyi an unexpected surprise. The appearance of colleague Liu Wei has added a touch of color to the originally gloomy factory life.

The two belong to the same position, and while getting along day and night, Li Jianyi found that his heartstrings were gently plucked. Liu Wei's gentle smile and serious work attitude attracted him deeply.

Li Jianyi has been famous for acting as a eunuch for many years, and he has achieved positive results with his ordinary wife, what is happening now?

In the roar of the printing press and the conversation between work, the relationship between Li Jianyi and Liu Wei quietly grew. They share their dreams and encourage each other. Li Jianyi often confided in Liu Wei about his love for acting, and Liu Wei always listened patiently and gave support.

Gradually, the spark of love blooms between the two. Just when Li Jianyi thought that he would spend his life so plainly, a major news came - the college entrance examination system was restored.

This news was like a bolt of lightning, instantly lighting up the dream in Li Jianyi's heart that was almost extinguished. With the encouragement and help of his teachers, he plucked up the courage and decided to challenge himself again.

After hard preparation, Li Jianyi was successfully admitted to the Shanghai Theater Academy. When he held the admission letter in his hand, his heart was entangled again. He looked at Liu Wei and didn't know how to speak, worried that this hard-won love would disappear because of the distance.

Li Jianyi has been famous for acting as a eunuch for many years, and he has achieved positive results with his ordinary wife, what is happening now?

Li Jianyi stands at the crossroads of his life and faces a difficult choice. On the one hand, it is a theatrical dream that has been followed for many years, and on the other hand, it is a sincere relationship that has just sprouted. He fell into a deep contradiction, eager to realize his dream, but also unwilling to lose Liu Wei.

At this moment, Li Jianyi really felt the trick of fate. Once, he lost the opportunity to enter the theater, but gained the solace of love. And now, when the opportunity to chase his dreams again comes, he risks losing his love.

Li Jianyi looked at Liu Wei deeply, and his heart was full of apprehension and uneasiness. He didn't know how to make a choice, let alone what the future would hold. But he knows that whatever decision he makes, it will have a profound impact on the trajectory of his life.

Li Jianyi held the admission letter of Shanghai Theater Academy, but his heart was full of entanglement. This piece of paper represents the opportunity he has always dreamed of, but it also means to part with Liu Wei.

Li Jianyi has been famous for acting as a eunuch for many years, and he has achieved positive results with his ordinary wife, what is happening now?

He confided in Liu Wei anxiously, for fear that he would lose this hard-won relationship. However, Liu Wei's reaction surprised Li Jianyi. She did not blame, did not give up, but firmly encouraged Li Jianyi to follow her dream.

"Go ahead," Liu Wei said with a smile, "I will always wait for you." This sentence was like a warm current, pouring into Li Jianyi's heart, giving him infinite strength and courage. With Liu Wei's blessing, Li Jianyi stepped on the train to Shanghai.

Over the next four years, he devoted himself to his studies and worked hard to improve his acting skills. Whenever he encounters setbacks and difficulties, he can regain his strength when he thinks of Liu Wei's support.

The relationship between the two has not been weakened because of the distance, but has become deeper and deeper in the test of the past four years. Every time he goes home during the holidays, Li Jianyi can feel that Liu Wei's support for him has never diminished.

Li Jianyi has been famous for acting as a eunuch for many years, and he has achieved positive results with his ordinary wife, what is happening now?

This firm love has become his biggest motivation in his hard study. On the occasion of graduation, Li Jianyi was assigned to work at the National Theater as he wished. This is not only an important starting point for his acting career, but also a new chapter in his relationship with Liu Wei.

The two soon entered the palace of marriage and started a new journey in life. Li Jianyi deeply feels that sometimes sticking to dreams can not only realize self-worth, but also gain sincere love.

Liu Wei's understanding and support made him understand what true love is. This experience also made Li Jianyi cherish the happiness in front of him even more, whether it was in his career or in his family, he poured all his enthusiasm and efforts.

After entering the National Theater, Li Jianyi did not stop because he realized his dream. Although he was in charge of administrative work most of the time, he never forgot that he was an actor.

Li Jianyi has been famous for acting as a eunuch for many years, and he has achieved positive results with his ordinary wife, what is happening now?

Whenever he has the opportunity to perform on stage, he will put his heart and soul into perfection. In drama works such as "The Trick of Fate", "Intentional Injury", and "Fa Zidu", the audience can see Li Jianyi's serious and dedicated figure.

Li Jianyi's talent is not limited to stage performances. With years of accumulated broadcasting skills, he has also dubbed many popular film and television dramas. From "Lonely Elder" in "Journey to the West" to "Li Kui" in "Water Margin", and then to "Jieyi" in "Young Bao Qingtian", Li Jianyi has injected vitality into these classic characters with his voice.

Whether in front of the stage or behind the scenes, he adheres to the attitude of excellence and strives to do his best. During this period, although Li Jianyi has not yet become a household name, his efforts and talent have begun to be recognized by industry insiders.

Directors love to work with him because he always understands the characters accurately and delivers surprising performances. The audience has gradually begun to notice this low-key but powerful actor.

Li Jianyi has been famous for acting as a eunuch for many years, and he has achieved positive results with his ordinary wife, what is happening now?

While his career is developing steadily, Li Jianyi's family life is also happy. He and Liu Wei cherish each other and support each other. Whenever Li Jianyi was busy with work, Liu Wei always silently supported him and took care of his family.

This warm love has become Li Jianyi's most solid backing on the road of acting. In this way, Li Jianyi worked silently in the entertainment industry, accumulating experience and contacts. Little did he know that fate was about to bring him a major turning point.

But in any case, this period of obscurity but fulfillment laid a solid foundation for him to shine in the future. Li Jianyi's experience tells us that success is not achieved overnight.

It is the unremitting efforts in front of and behind the scenes over the years that have enabled him to calmly respond to opportunities when they come, and finally usher in the take-off of his career. Li Jianyi's acting career ushered in a turning point.

Li Jianyi has been famous for acting as a eunuch for many years, and he has achieved positive results with his ordinary wife, what is happening now?

In 2005, he played the role of "Cao Zhengchun", the governor of Dongchang, in the TV series "No. 1 in the World", which made him famous in one fell swoop. Although there are many powerful actors in the play, Li Jianyi's performance is particularly eye-catching, and the audience is deeply impressed by his "Cao Zhengchun".

However, the joy of fame was soon replaced by an unexpected title. The title of "the first eunuch in the world" began to be closely associated with Li Jianyi. At first, Li Jianyi could laugh at this title, thinking that it was an affirmation of his acting skills.

But over time, he found that the label began to affect the audience's perception of him. What made Li Jianyi laugh and cry was that some people even began to doubt whether he had fertility in real life.

Whenever he explained that he was already married and had children, he always attracted a wave of surprised looks. This misunderstanding, while absurd, also made Li realize that audiences sometimes confuse screen images with reality.

Li Jianyi has been famous for acting as a eunuch for many years, and he has achieved positive results with his ordinary wife, what is happening now?

Faced with this situation, Li Jianyi's heart was full of complicated emotions. He is grateful for the opportunity to become famous brought to him by the role of "Cao Zhengchun", but at the same time, he also hopes to break through this stereotype and show more aspects of his acting skills.

In fact, before "No. 1 in the World", Li Jianyi had already won the audience's recognition as "Wu Liangfu" in "Young Son of Heaven". This role can be said to be the beginning of his "eunuch career".

But it was the wonderful performance in "The First in the World" that made him the spokesperson of "The First Eunuch in the World". This label has brought opportunities and challenges to Li Jianyi.

On the one hand, it made a lasting impression on him in the hearts of the audience and won him more role opportunities. On the other hand, it also brought him certain genre limitations, which forced him to think about how to break through this stereotype.

Li Jianyi has been famous for acting as a eunuch for many years, and he has achieved positive results with his ordinary wife, what is happening now?

Li Jianyi began to realize that as an actor, how to create a more diversified character image while maintaining professional standards has become an important topic for him to face.

Faced with the label of "the first eunuch in the world", Li Jianyi did not stop there. He knows very well that a truly good actor should not be defined by a single role. With this determination, he began to actively look for a breakthrough, hoping to show the audience his multifaceted acting skills.

In the following days, Li Jianyi starred in many film and television dramas such as "Guns on the Plains" and "Taxi Night Talk". For every role, he puts his heart and soul into it, striving to be different from his previous image.

His efforts were not in vain, and the audience gradually discovered that Li Jianyi, who was other than "Cao Zhengchun", was also wonderful. As he grew older, Li Jianyi's performance became more sophisticated.

Li Jianyi has been famous for acting as a eunuch for many years, and he has achieved positive results with his ordinary wife, what is happening now?

In "In the Name of the People", he played "Ji Changming" with a completely different image from the eunuch and won praise from the audience. And in the recent hit "Hurricane", his "Ji Ze" is even more refreshing.

Today, Li Jianyi, who is in his 60s, is still active on the screen. He proved with practical actions that true strength will not be limited by age. Every time he acts, he is interpreting what an old artist with both virtue and art is.

is different from many old actors who have retired after success, although Li Jianyi has already gained fame and fortune, he still insists on meeting the audience on the screen. His professionalism and love for acting have become a role model for young actors to follow.

Li Jianyi's experience tells us that the success of an actor lies not only in becoming popular, but also in how to break through himself and make continuous progress. From "the world's first eunuch" to the successful shaping of diversified roles, Li Jianyi used his acting career to interpret what a real powerful actor is.

Li Jianyi has been famous for acting as a eunuch for many years, and he has achieved positive results with his ordinary wife, what is happening now?

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