
He Chaoxiong: The gambling king doesn't love him, his mother passed away, his brother and sister encountered ups and downs, and he struggled to make a net worth of more than 100 million!

author:Huahua speaks of the world

In 1962, in a corner of the bustling city of Hong Kong, an extraordinary life was born. She is He Chaoxiong, the daughter of the famous "gambling king" Stanley Ho and Lai Wanhua.

However, fate seems to have set the girl to the test from the very beginning. He Chaoxiong's mother, Li Wanhua, was once a beautiful woman with a face like a fairy, noble and elegant.

Her intelligence and full assistance helped Stanley Ho rise quickly and become a well-known "gambling king" in Asia. But the good times did not last long, and in 1957, Lai Wanhua was plagued by malignant colitis and had to rely on drugs for a long time to maintain her life.

It was in such a special period that Li Wanhua became pregnant with He Chaoxiong. Due to a large amount of medication during pregnancy, He Chaoxiong's appearance after birth was not prominent, and he was even described as a "female and male statue".

He Chaoxiong: The gambling king doesn't love him, his mother passed away, his brother and sister encountered ups and downs, and he struggled to make a net worth of more than 100 million!

This undoubtedly exacerbated Stanley Ho's indifference to the mother and daughter. The little He Chaoxiong tasted neglect before he grew up. However, the real test is yet to come.

In 1973, at the age of 11, He Chaoxiong experienced an event that completely changed the trajectory of her life - her mother Lai Wanhua was in a car accident, which hit her body and mind hard, and she was unable to take care of herself from then on.

In the face of this sudden change, the young He Chaoxiong resolutely took on the burden of taking care of his mother. Every day, He Chaoxiong will carefully wipe his mother's body, feed, and administer medicine, trying to relieve his mother's pain.

Seeing that his once beautiful and elegant mother is now haggard, He Chao's ambition is like a knife. She hugged her mother tightly and prayed desperately in her heart for mercy on the poor woman.

He Chaoxiong: The gambling king doesn't love him, his mother passed away, his brother and sister encountered ups and downs, and he struggled to make a net worth of more than 100 million!

However, Stanley Ho seems to have turned a blind eye to the mother and daughter who are dependent on each other, and still goes his own way. This indifference deeply pierced the heart of the young He Chaoxiong. This difficult childhood experience made He Chaoxiong realize the hardships of life prematurely, and also cultivated her tenacious character.

She knew that in this family, she had to grow up quickly, because there was still a long way to go. The burden of fate was on her immature shoulders, but she chose to face it strongly, and this perseverance will accompany her through the journey of life.

Fate always seems to refuse to let go of He Chaoxiong and her family. In 1981, an even more brutal blow befell the family - Ho Chaoxiong's brother Ho Youguang and his beloved wife were tragically killed in a car accident in Portugal, leaving only two daughters Ho Ka Man and Ho Ka Wah, who were only a few years old.

This bad news was like a thunderbolt from the sky, knocking He Chaoxiong to the ground hard. When the two young nieces were taken back to Hong Kong, He Chaoxiong looked at them in a daze, his heart tingled, and tears welled up in his eyes.

He Chaoxiong: The gambling king doesn't love him, his mother passed away, his brother and sister encountered ups and downs, and he struggled to make a net worth of more than 100 million!

These two innocent little beings lost their parents overnight and started an endless journey of loneliness. He Chaoxiong's heart was deeply pierced, and she knew that the burden on her shoulders was a little heavier.

Although she was still a young girl, she decided to take in her two young nieces and take them with her to take care of them and create a good living environment for them.

However, the disaster did not stop there. Perhaps unable to withstand the successive blows, He Chaoxiong's sister He Chaoying's mental condition gradually collapsed. She began to go insane, becoming more and more disconnected from the world around her, and even showed symptoms of delirium.

In the end, He Chaoying had to receive comprehensive treatment in the hospital. Looking at his lifeless sister lying on the hospital bed, He Chaoxiong felt a deep sense of powerlessness. She wiped away her tears, took a deep breath, and told herself that she had to be strong.

He Chaoxiong: The gambling king doesn't love him, his mother passed away, his brother and sister encountered ups and downs, and he struggled to make a net worth of more than 100 million!

She knew that her responsibilities were heavier. He began to travel frequently to and from the hospital, dedicating himself to providing his sister with thoughtful care and helping her through the most difficult recovery time.

This series of changes made the He Chaoxiong family, who was not wealthy, even worse. Her mother died, her brother died unexpectedly, and her sister suffered trauma...... All these emotional shocks made He Chaoxiong deeply introspective.

She was well aware that if something was not done, the whole family would be in trouble. Watching the relatives around him fall one by one, He Chaoxiong's heart was full of pain and confusion, but at the same time, a flame ignited.

She secretly made up her mind that she must change the fate of her family through her own efforts. This once neglected "daughter of the gambling king" began to find her own life path in the face of adversity.

He Chaoxiong: The gambling king doesn't love him, his mother passed away, his brother and sister encountered ups and downs, and he struggled to make a net worth of more than 100 million!

He Chaoxiong understands that only entrepreneurship can create wealth, maintain her younger brothers and sisters, and restore the glory of the Dafang family. With this determination, He Chaoxiong began her struggle, vowing to support the heavy responsibility of the entire family with her own hands.

Faced with the family's predicament, He Chaoxiong did not choose to sit still. She knows that only entrepreneurship can create wealth, maintain her younger brothers and sisters, and restore the glory of the big house.

With this determination, He Chaoxiong began her entrepreneurial journey. The first days were not easy. No connections, no experience, and even limited start-up capital.

He Chaoxiong experienced a long and difficult early stage, and often couldn't sleep at night because of poor capital turnover. In order to save money, she even took on a lot of the groundwork herself.

He Chaoxiong: The gambling king doesn't love him, his mother passed away, his brother and sister encountered ups and downs, and he struggled to make a net worth of more than 100 million!

But even so, she never thought of giving up. Whenever he encounters a setback, He Chaoxiong thinks of his mother on the sickbed, his nieces who need to be taken care of, and his sister who is being treated in the hospital.

The figures of these relatives have become the driving force to support her to continue to move forward. She told herself that she couldn't fall because there were still many people who were relying on her. With extraordinary business talent and perseverance, Ho Chaoxiong's career finally ushered in a turning point.

She seized the market opportunity and successfully founded a number of businesses. Under her operation, these businesses gradually got on the right track and began to generate significant profits. With the success of his career, the value of Ho's assets has also skyrocketed.

Her wealth continued to accumulate, and finally broke through the 100 million yuan mark. The "female and male portrait" that was once ignored by her father has now grown into a strong woman in the business world.

He Chaoxiong: The gambling king doesn't love him, his mother passed away, his brother and sister encountered ups and downs, and he struggled to make a net worth of more than 100 million!

However, success did not make He Chaoxiong forget his original intention. She always remembers that she struggled to take care of her family. While her career is thriving, she has not forgotten to continue to take care of her two young nieces and provide them with a superior living environment.

At the same time, she did not hesitate to visit her eldest sister He Chaoying, who was battling the disease on the sickbed, and did her best to provide her with thoughtful care to help her through the most difficult recovery time.

Standing at the pinnacle of his life, He Chaoxiong looked back on the road of struggle in the past, full of emotion and tears. She deeply misses her late mother and is grateful for the land that gave birth to and raised her.

At the same time, he also reverently praised the heavens and the earth that gave her wisdom and courage, so that in the midst of adversity, she could find the courage to ignite the flame of hope. The story of He Chaoxiong is an inspirational legend that rises up in adversity.

He Chaoxiong: The gambling king doesn't love him, his mother passed away, his brother and sister encountered ups and downs, and he struggled to make a net worth of more than 100 million!

With her own hands, she not only held up a piece of the sky, but also brought hope to the entire family. At this moment, she was convinced that as long as she kept her faith and moved forward, her dream would finally come true.

Ho's success is not only a personal victory, but also a ray of hope for the entire family to regain their lives. With the success of his career, He Chaoxiong has not forgotten his roots and social responsibility.

She knows that her success is inseparable from the support of society and those who have helped her in her most difficult times. As a result, she decided to give back a portion of her wealth.

With a deep nostalgia for his mother, Ho Chiu Hung founded a company in Hong Kong called "Wan Hua Xuan". This name is not only a memorial to her mother, but also a reflection of her longing for her mother.

He Chaoxiong: The gambling king doesn't love him, his mother passed away, his brother and sister encountered ups and downs, and he struggled to make a net worth of more than 100 million!

Through this company, He Chaoxiong began her philanthropic path. She regularly sponsors those in need, providing them with financial help and solving their immediate needs.

Not only that, Ho Chaoxiong also personally participated in some charity activities, using his own personal experience to encourage those who are experiencing difficulties. Whenever he sees the smiles of those who have been helped regain their smiles, He Chaoxiong feels extremely gratified.

This heartfelt joy strengthened her determination to continue doing good. She deeply understands that true happiness does not come from the accumulation of personal wealth, but from being able to help others and make more people happy.

He Chaoxiong's philanthropic act not only won wide praise from the society, but also allowed her to find inner peace. While her material life is becoming richer and richer, her spiritual world has also become more fulfilling.

He Chaoxiong: The gambling king doesn't love him, his mother passed away, his brother and sister encountered ups and downs, and he struggled to make a net worth of more than 100 million!

This double abundance of material and spiritual wealth has brought He Chaoxiong's life to a new height. Looking at the people who have been helped and regained their happiness through their good deeds, He Chaoxiong felt an incomparable joy in his heart.

This happiness reminds her that the true value of life is not the pursuit of short-term fame and fortune, but that true happiness comes precisely from making others happy. Through philanthropy, He Chaoxiong not only inherited his mother's love, but also realized the sublimation of self-worth.

She interprets the true meaning of wealth with practical actions and shows the sense of social responsibility of a successful entrepreneur. He Chaoxiong's philanthropic journey has become the most brilliant stroke in her life journey.

In 2020, the "gambling king" Stanley Ho died suddenly in Hong Kong at the age of 98. This extraordinary gambling king, with his own hard work, has successfully built Macau, the famous "Monte Carlo of the East".

He Chaoxiong: The gambling king doesn't love him, his mother passed away, his brother and sister encountered ups and downs, and he struggled to make a net worth of more than 100 million!

However, his death also sparked a fierce family property battle, leaving 17 children deeply troubled by inheritance disputes. Surprisingly, He Chaoxiong, who has always been low-key, stepped forward in this dispute.

She took the lead in kicking off the prelude to the property dispute, not only submitting a detailed record to the court, but also publicly issuing a statement on newspapers, magazines and other media platforms, pointing the finger at her eldest sister He Chaoxian, wanting to compete with her for inheritance rights.

This move has aroused widespread attention and discussion in society. Regarding He Chaoxiong's behavior, the outside world has different opinions. Some people believe that she is seeking justice for her mother and trying to restore her mother's lost property rights in the past; There are also suspicions that this is nothing more than a tactic she has devised to seek more benefits.

Whatever the facts, however, the dispute has cast a deeper shadow on the already scarred family. In the face of divergent public opinion, He Chaoxiong has always maintained calmness and restraint.

He Chaoxiong: The gambling king doesn't love him, his mother passed away, his brother and sister encountered ups and downs, and he struggled to make a net worth of more than 100 million!

She understands that this battle for property is not only about personal interests, but also about the future of the entire family. Therefore, while she insists on her position, she also strives to maintain the harmony of the family.

Despite facing the indifference of his father Stanley Ho and the troubles of the family's internal struggles, Ho Chaoxiong never chose to join any disputes. She maintained her calm attitude, still hiding her love for the father who nurtured her and cared for her.

Stanley Ho finally realized the importance of his daughter's deep friendship, and the tension between him and her daughter gradually disappeared. When it comes to his mother's lost family possessions, Ho Chaoxiong handles the matter in a low-key and calm manner.

Although she was forced to participate in the battle for the distribution of the inheritance, she did not have conflicting relationships with other relatives and friends for any reason. This battle for inheritance tested He Chaoxiong's wisdom and mind.

He Chaoxiong: The gambling king doesn't love him, his mother passed away, his brother and sister encountered ups and downs, and he struggled to make a net worth of more than 100 million!

She needs to find a balance between personal interests and family harmony, which is undoubtedly a difficult challenge. But Ho believes that as long as the principle of fairness and justice is adhered to, a solution acceptable to all parties will be found in the end.

Looking back on He Chaoxiong's life journey, we can clearly see an inspirational story of growing up in the face of adversity and finally blooming. From the neglected "daughter of the gambling king" in her childhood to the strong woman in the business world today, He Chaoxiong has interpreted what real success is with his actions.

He Chaoxiong's philosophy of life can be summarized as follows: First, she has always maintained a tenacious will. Whether it was taking care of her seriously ill mother or the difficulties she encountered when starting a business, she did not choose to give up, but met the challenge with a more determined attitude.

Secondly, she knows how to cherish family affection. Despite her estranged relationship with her father, she struggled to repair it. For her family, she is even more loving and caring for her family.

He Chaoxiong: The gambling king doesn't love him, his mother passed away, his brother and sister encountered ups and downs, and he struggled to make a net worth of more than 100 million!

Moreover, she has a great love for the society. After a successful career, she actively participated in philanthropy and gave back to the society in her own way. In the end, she maintained a peaceful state of mind.

Even in the face of family inheritance disputes, she was able to remain rational and restrained, and tried to find a solution acceptable to all parties. In the face of all disasters, no matter where they come from, He Chaoxiong has always maintained an attitude of adapting to changes and facing them calmly.

Because of this, her perseverance, perseverance, and determined heart have shaped her noble qualities to stand tall in this world full of harsh realities. He Chaoxiong's story tells us that the injustice of fate is not terrible, but the loss of courage to struggle.

As long as we have hope in our hearts and remain resilient, we will surely be able to shine in the face of adversity. Her life experience has undoubtedly provided valuable inspiration and strength for many people facing difficult situations.

He Chaoxiong: The gambling king doesn't love him, his mother passed away, his brother and sister encountered ups and downs, and he struggled to make a net worth of more than 100 million!

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