
Seeing my in-laws' circle of friends, I decided to retract my promise and no longer help my son repay the mortgage, which was too chilling

author:Casual grapefruit

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My name is Li Jianhua, I am 52 years old, and I worked as an accountant in a state-owned enterprise for 30 years before I retired. My wife Liu Yumei is the same age as me, and my son Li Ming is 28 years old, who has just been married for two years, and lives with my daughter-in-law Zhang Xiaoli on the opposite side of our old house. Because of the loan to buy a house, Li Mingxiao and his family have always been under some financial pressure. After discussing with Yumei, I decided to help them pay off part of the mortgage every month, thinking that it would be easier for young people.

The reason for it was simple, that morning, I was drinking tea at home as usual. Yumei suddenly came over with her mobile phone, with an angry face: "Look at your mother's circle of friends, what does this mean?" "I took my phone and saw a photo of Zhang Xiaoli's mother, Aunt Chen, eating at a high-end restaurant with a few friends. The text of the circle of friends reads: "Life must be happy, and food and wine can live up to this life." This sentence made my heart sink.

I remember last year's National Day, Aunt Chen was still crying and telling us that the family was financially tight and couldn't help Li Ming and them. For the sake of our son's mortgage problem, we also took on some extra responsibilities. Now looking at Aunt Chen's circle of friends, I feel very chilled. She has the money to eat such a high-end restaurant, why can't she help her daughter's family?

Yumei and I glanced at each other, and she was also unhappy. We looked at our phones like this, and were silent for a long time, and the chill in our hearts became stronger and stronger. In the end, I decided to talk to Li Ming about not letting the children be so passive anymore.

In the evening, when Li Ming and Xiaoli returned, I asked them to sit down in the living room while Yumei served tea. I looked at Li Ming with a serious face: "Son, I have something to say to you with your mother." Li Ming looked at me with a puzzled look in his eyes, but he still sat down.

I took out my mobile phone and showed him Aunt Chen's circle of friends, and when Li Ming saw it, his face became ugly. "Dad, we didn't know about this before. We always thought that their family was also financially strained, so we didn't ask them to help much. ”

I sighed: "Ming'er, we don't want to embarrass you, but you also have to think about your future." You two have just gotten married, and the mortgage is stressful, and we have been helping you, but you have to know that we will not always be able to help you. ”

Zhang Xiaoli lowered her head on the side, not daring to look at me. She whispered, "Uncle and aunt, I'm really sorry, we'll figure it out ourselves in the future." ”

I nodded: "Xiaoli, we understand your difficulties, but you also need to know that we also have limits. Starting this month, you will be responsible for the entire mortgage yourself, and we will help you within our means, but the main responsibility is still on you. ”

Seeing my in-laws' circle of friends, I decided to retract my promise and no longer help my son repay the mortgage, which was too chilling

Li Ming nodded silently, he could see that he was a little uncomfortable, but he still accepted my decision. I know it's a lot of pressure on them, but it's part of making them grow.

After returning to the bedroom, Yumei looked at me and asked with some concern, "Jianhua, have you really decided not to help them anymore?" I sighed and said, "Yumei, we can't help like this all the time, the children need to learn to be independent." Besides, the matter of my mother-in-law is really chilling. We have to think for ourselves, too. ”

Seeing my in-laws' circle of friends, I decided to retract my promise and no longer help my son repay the mortgage, which was too chilling

That night, neither Yumei nor I slept well. Thinking about his son's future, although he is a little reluctant in his heart, he hopes that they can grow up in the wind and rain.

Early the next morning, I went to the vegetable market near the community to buy vegetables, and happened to meet my old neighbor, Uncle Wang. Uncle Wang, like me, is retired and usually likes to wander around the community. Seeing that I was worried, he smiled and patted me on the shoulder: "Lao Li, what's wrong?" What's on your mind? ”

I sighed and told him briefly what had happened yesterday. After listening to this, he frowned: "This matter is really not easy to do." But you're also doing the right thing, young people have to carry the burden on their own. It is our duty for the older generation to help, and it is our duty not to help. ”

I nodded, feeling a little relieved. After returning home, Yumei and I chatted again and decided to help them as much as possible in life, but financially let them solve it themselves. It's not that we don't help, but we want them to understand that the responsibility for life has to be borne by themselves in the end.

In the following days, Li Ming and Xiaoli also began to adjust their expenses and no longer spend as much as before. Although their lives have become a little more stressful, I can see them growing. Li Ming worked harder at work, and Xiaoli also began to learn to do some side jobs to support the family.

Once, Aunt Chen came to visit our house, and when she saw me and Yumei, her attitude was a little cold and embarrassed. She tentatively asked why we weren't so common lately, and I replied coldly, "I'm busy, I don't have time for small talk." ”

Aunt Chen's face changed for a moment, but she quickly regained her smile. She may have realized something, but she didn't say anything. We didn't mention the matter of the circle of friends again, after all, everyone is still in-law, and we don't want to tear our faces. But I have already decided in my heart that my future dealings with them will be limited to the surface, and I will not be able to believe too much.

Li Ming talked to me one day about his plans, and he said, "Dad, I plan to find another part-time job to reduce the pressure on the mortgage as soon as possible and make Xiaoli more relaxed." Looking at his serious appearance, I felt a little relieved: "Good boy, it's right to have this idea." As long as you are willing to work hard, everything will be fine. ”

Eventually, Yumei and I decided to support the children in our own way, but no longer meddle in their financial problems. We believe that only when they have experienced it themselves can they truly understand the hardships and responsibilities of life.

Seeing my in-laws' circle of friends, I decided to retract my promise and no longer help my son repay the mortgage, which was too chilling

The experience during this period not only made us see some things clearly, but also made us think more about the future. Children will eventually grow up, and they need to face the wind and rain on their own, and we can only silently guard them when they need them.

One day, Li Ming and Xiaoli were having dinner at home, and I heard them arguing quietly in the kitchen. Xiaoli's voice was a little excited: "Li Ming, do we really want to live like this?" Your part-time job is almost exhausting you, why can't we discuss it with your parents again and ask them to help? ”

Li Ming's voice was very low, but I could still hear his insistence: "Xiaoli, we can't let our parents help anymore, they also have their own lives." Besides, I can hold on, and we'll get through it. ”

Seeing my in-laws' circle of friends, I decided to retract my promise and no longer help my son repay the mortgage, which was too chilling

When I heard this, I felt a pang of sadness in my heart. In order to alleviate their stress, Yumei and I decided to secretly help them but not let them know. We secretly put some money into their mortgage accounts every month, so that they thought that they were trying to make life easier.

A few months later, Li Ming and Xiaoli's lives looked a lot easier. The smile on Xiaoli's face also increased, and the family got along more harmoniously. That night, Li Ming suddenly knocked on the door of me and Yumei, with a serious expression: "Dad, Mom, there is something I have to tell you." ”

He pulled out a bank statement that clearly showed that there was a regular monthly deposit of money. Li Ming stared at me: "Dad, what's going on with this money?" ”

Yumei and I glanced at each other, knowing that we couldn't hide it. I sighed and said, "We are the ones who save it." We just want to make your lives a little easier. ”

Seeing my in-laws' circle of friends, I decided to retract my promise and no longer help my son repay the mortgage, which was too chilling

Li Ming's face changed several times, and finally he bowed deeply: "Dad, Mom, I know you are for our good, but we really don't want to rely on you anymore." We have decided that we will have to bear all the expenses in the future. ”

I patted him on the shoulder, feeling both relieved and distressed: "Good boy, we respect your decision. It's just that when you need it, you must tell us that there is nothing to be embarrassed about between family members. ”

Xiao Li nodded on the side, tears flashing in her eyes: "Uncle and aunt, thank you, we will work hard." ”

Seeing my in-laws' circle of friends, I decided to retract my promise and no longer help my son repay the mortgage, which was too chilling

That night, we sat around as a family and talked a lot. Although some of the words are heavy, I know that it is a kind of growth and understanding for our family.

It didn't take long for Li Ming and Xiaoli's efforts to finally pay off. Li Ming was promoted in the company, and his salary rose a lot. Xiaoli also found a stable job, and her family's financial situation gradually improved.

Seeing my in-laws' circle of friends, I decided to retract my promise and no longer help my son repay the mortgage, which was too chilling

One night, Li Ming and Xiaoli came back excitedly, holding a piece of paper in their hands: "Dad, Mom, we are going to take you on a trip, this is our intention." ”

Yumei and I looked at the piece of paper, it was an order for a plane ticket to Hainan. Yumei was a little excited: "Really? We've never been to Hainan, is that true? ”

Li Ming smiled and nodded: "Of course it's true." You have done so much for us, and now it is time for us to repay you. ”

At that moment, a warm current welled up in my heart, and I felt that all the hard work and dedication were worth it. We decided to accept the children's wishes and go out for a walk together as a family to relax.

Seeing my in-laws' circle of friends, I decided to retract my promise and no longer help my son repay the mortgage, which was too chilling

During the few days of our trip, we enjoyed the sun and relaxed on the beach in Hainan. Li Ming and Xiaoli held hands and ran around the beach like children. Looking at their smiling faces, Yumei and I both felt extremely happy in our hearts.

When we got home, our relationship became closer. Li Ming and Xiaoli also often talk to us about their work and life, and share their joys and worries. We are no longer just parents and children, but support and understand each other like friends.

However, there are always accidents in life. During an unexpected check-up, I was diagnosed with lung cancer. The doctor said it wasn't too late, but it needed to be treated right away. Hearing the news, Li Ming and Xiaoli panicked all of a sudden, and they insisted on selling the house to treat me.

Seeing my in-laws' circle of friends, I decided to retract my promise and no longer help my son repay the mortgage, which was too chilling

I sternly rejected their offer: "The house can't be sold, that's your home." I will cooperate with the treatment, but you have to live your life well and don't make a mess of your life because of me. ”

Li Ming burst into tears: "Dad, how can I ignore you?" You are our pillar and we cannot live without you. ”

I clapped his hand, "Son, I'm not down that fast. You have to be strong, and I will work hard. ”

During that time, Li Ming and Xiaoli stayed with me in the hospital almost every day to take care of me. Although Yumei is also worried, she is strong to support the whole family. Watching them run around for me made me feel both touched and guilty.

The treatment process was hard, but I kept going, thinking that I couldn't let the children down. After several months of chemotherapy, my condition was finally under control. The doctor said that as long as you continue to maintain an optimistic attitude and treat well, there is still hope.

On the day I was discharged from the hospital, Li Ming and Xiaoli took leave to accompany me home. The moment I got home, I felt incredibly warm and relieved. Yumei prepared a sumptuous meal early and greeted us with a smile: "Everyone has worked hard, let's celebrate today." ”

After Li Ming and Xiaoli helped Yumei, the whole house was full of laughter. Looking at them, my heart is filled with gratitude and satisfaction.

Seeing my in-laws' circle of friends, I decided to retract my promise and no longer help my son repay the mortgage, which was too chilling

After dinner, our family sat in the living room and talked about our plans for the future. Li Ming said: "Dad, Mom, we will work harder in the future to make you live a better life." ”

Xiaoli also nodded: "Yes, we will try our best to make this family happier." ”

I shook their hands and felt extremely gratified: "Good boy, with you here, your mother and I are not afraid of anything." As long as the family is together, there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome. ”

At this moment, I understood that no matter how many ups and downs we go through, the love and support of our family will always be our greatest strength.

At this point in the story, there may not be a happy ending, but I know that our family is happy enough. Life will go on, and we, will go on.

Love is the eternal support.

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