
I'm a nanny, and I want to cook the dishes that my employers love to eat, so I have leftovers from today's cooking

author:Casual grapefruit

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My name is Li Mei, 35 years old, an authentic rural woman. Her husband is working in other places, and her daughter is in junior high school. In order to earn more money for my children's schooling, I came to the city to work as a nanny. Now, I work in a family of three, and the man's name is Mr. Wang, who is an engineer; The hostess's name is Sister Li, and she works in a bank; And a seven-year-old son, Tian Tian. My daily job is to clean, cook, and take you to and from school every day.

This morning, as always, I got up early to prepare breakfast. I made porridge, eggs, and two side dishes. When I was busy, Sister Li got up. She yawned and walked into the kitchen, "Sister Mei, it's early!" ”

"Sister Li, good morning! How did you sleep last night? I said as I fished the egg out of the pot.

I'm a nanny, and I want to cook the dishes that my employers love to eat, so I have leftovers from today's cooking

"It's okay, it's just a little tired." She looked at the breakfast on the table, "It's a lot of breakfast today, thank you for your hard work." ”

"It's not hard, you are at home, and I feel energetic to do anything." I said with a smile.

Mr. Wang also got up, and after hurriedly freshening up, he sat down at the dining table, "Sister Mei, your skills are getting better and better, and I'm almost tired of eating outside food." ”

I'm a nanny, and I want to cook the dishes that my employers love to eat, so I have leftovers from today's cooking

"Thank you, Mr. Wang, for the compliment, I will be happy if you can eat satisfactorily." I felt a warm feeling in my heart that it was worth it.

Tian Tian is also a sensible child, and every day after breakfast, he will politely say: "Aunt Mei, today's breakfast is so delicious." I touched his head, feeling even more satisfied.

In the morning, while Sister Li and Mr. Wang were at work and going to school every day, I started to prepare lunch. I know that Sister Li likes to eat light food, and Mr. Wang likes spicy food, so I specially prepared two dishes with different flavors. After two hours of hard work, I was finally ready. Looking at the table full of dishes, I secretly felt smug in my heart, thinking that they would be full of praise when they returned.

Sister Li was the first to arrive home, and when she saw the dishes on the table, a smile appeared on her face, "Sister Mei, the dishes made today are really good, and she looks very appetizing." ”

"If you like it, try it and see if it suits your taste." I was eager to hear what she had to say.

She sandwiched a piece of steamed fish and tasted it carefully, "It tastes good, it's very light, I like it." ”

Mr. Wang also came back, and as soon as he entered the door, he smelled the aroma of food, "Wow, Sister Mei, you have prepared a full banquet for us!" ”

"What's the matter, it's all home-cooked food, hurry up and wash your hands and eat." I greeted him with a smile.

During the meal, everyone talked and laughed, and the atmosphere was very good. I felt a lot more at ease, and I felt that my cooking had finally been recognized by them. However, when I cleaned up the table that night, I found that a lot of food was left.

I felt a little lost in my heart, and couldn't help but ask Sister Li, "Sister Li, is today's dish not to your taste?" Why are there so many left? ”

Sister Li was stunned for a moment, and then explained with a smile, "No, Sister Mei, the food is delicious, it's just that our unit has been very busy with work recently, and we eat more at noon, and we have a little less appetite for dinner, so don't worry about it." ”

Although she said this, I still felt a little uncomfortable in my heart, after all, I tried my best, and I ended up with so many dishes left.

The next day, I woke up early, thinking that I couldn't be discouraged and that I had to do better today. Breakfast is simple, but I specially prepared Sister Li's favorite porridge with preserved eggs and lean pork. She took a sip and nodded, "Sister Mei, your porridge is so good, it's much better than outside." ”

Mr. Wang also praised me, "Yes, Sister Mei, your craftsmanship is really getting better and better." ”

I'm a nanny, and I want to cook the dishes that my employers love to eat, so I have leftovers from today's cooking

Hearing their compliments made me feel a little better. At noon, I decided to make a few dishes that were more to their taste. I went to the market and bought fresh fish, shrimp and all kinds of vegetables. After a busy morning, I finally got lunch ready.

Sister Li came back early, and when she saw the table full of dishes, she was a little surprised, "Sister Mei, how did you make so many dishes?" ”

I'm a nanny, and I want to cook the dishes that my employers love to eat, so I have leftovers from today's cooking

"I think you're working hard, make more dishes you like, and make you happy." I replied with a smile.

She tasted a bite of braised fish, "It tastes really good, thank you, Sister Mei." ”

I'm a nanny, and I want to cook the dishes that my employers love to eat, so I have leftovers from today's cooking

When Mr. Wang came home, he also showed a satisfied smile when he saw the dishes on the table, "Sister Mei, you are really our chef!" ”

During the meal, they kept complimenting me on a good job, and I was very happy. However, when I cleaned up the table, I found that there were still a lot of leftovers.

I couldn't help but ask Sister Li, "Is today's dish not to your taste?" Why are there so many left? ”

Sister Li was a little embarrassed, "Sister Mei, it's not a problem with the dishes, it may be that we have really eaten less recently, don't worry too much." ”

Even though she said this, I still felt a little sad in my heart. I don't know what the problem is, why there are so many dishes left every time.

I'm a nanny, and I want to cook the dishes that my employers love to eat, so I have leftovers from today's cooking

At night, I lay in bed tossing and turning, thinking about what to do to make them eat more satisfying. Maybe I'm not doing it well enough, or maybe their tastes have changed? I decided to wait a few more days and see how it went.

On the third day, I still woke up early to prepare breakfast. This time, I deliberately made some light side dishes, hoping to meet Sister Li's appetite. She took a bite and nodded, "Sister Mei, today's dish is very light, I like it." ”

Mr. Wang also said, "Yes, Sister Mei, today's breakfast is really good." ”

Even though they said that, I was still a little apprehensive. At noon, I made a few simple home-cooked dishes, and I didn't dare to make too many of them, for fear that there would be leftovers. As a result, when I was eating, they still praised me for doing a good job, but there were still a lot of dishes left after the meal.

I finally couldn't help but ask Mr. Wang, "Mr. Wang, have you had a bad appetite lately?" Why are there always so many dishes left? ”

He explained with a smile, "Sister Mei, it's not your problem, we've been too tired from work lately and have a small appetite." The dishes you cook are good and we all like it. ”

Even though he said this, I was still a little disappointed in my heart. I don't know what else I can do to get them to eat. I just hope that I can make a dish that they really like and make them happy.

I began to wonder if I was doing something wrong. Maybe it's because the seasoning is not the right place, or maybe the type of dish is not to their liking. I decided to confess to Sister Li and ask her for advice.

At noon, when Sister Li came back, I took out my notebook and asked her earnestly, "Sister Li, can you tell me what kind of food you like to eat?" I've been feeling bad lately because I've been doing leftovers. ”

Sister Li looked at me and was a little surprised, "Sister Mei, the food you cook is delicious, we really like it." ”

"Then why is there always left?" I couldn't help but wonder in my heart.

Sister Li was silent for a while, as if she was thinking about how to answer. I was a little nervous, afraid that I was really doing something wrong. In the end, she sighed and said, "Sister Mei, to tell you the truth, we have been a little nervous recently, and Mr. Wang has encountered some trouble in the company, he is under a lot of pressure, and his appetite for eating is a little smaller. ”

I was stunned, so it was. I know that Mr. Wang is a middle-level leader in the company, and he usually has a lot of work pressure. Hearing this, I was also anxious for them. "Sister Li, should I make some lighter dishes, or what do you want to eat, I'll do it?"

Sister Li smiled, "Sister Mei, don't blame yourself too much, the dishes are really fine." It's just that we're in a bad mood now, and our appetite naturally decreases. We all love the food you cook. ”

I'm a nanny, and I want to cook the dishes that my employers love to eat, so I have leftovers from today's cooking

Even though she said that, I was still a little worried. After being a nanny for so many years, I know the importance of food and drink for a family. I decided to make something different and hopefully find something they liked.

Over the next few days, I tried a variety of new dishes, from southern stir-fry to northern pasta, and even learned some Western food. Every time, Sister Li and Mr. Wang would praise me, saying that the food was delicious, but there would still be some leftovers.

One night, Mr. Wang suddenly said to me, "Sister Mei, I've worked hard for you lately, and we all know that you've done your best." Actually, you don't have to worry too much about how much we eat, you've done a good job. ”

I'm a nanny, and I want to cook the dishes that my employers love to eat, so I have leftovers from today's cooking

Hearing him say this, my heart warmed, but I was still unwilling. "Mr. Wang, I just hope you can eat happily and be satisfied."

Mr. Wang smiled, "Sister Mei, we are really satisfied. It's just that you also know that there are always problems in life, not the problems of vegetables. ”

It made me relax a little, but I still had a pimple in my heart. I decided to wait a little longer and see if I could find the real problem.

One day, I met my sister-in-law Zhang in the next neighborhood at the vegetable market. She is also a nanny and has been working for many years. We talked for a while, and I told her about my recent troubles.

I'm a nanny, and I want to cook the dishes that my employers love to eat, so I have leftovers from today's cooking

After listening to this, Sister-in-law Zhang smiled and patted me on the shoulder, "Sister Mei, you, you are too attentive." In fact, sometimes whether the food is good or not has more to do with their mood. ”

I thought, "You mean, they're in a bad mood, so they can't eat?" ”

Sister-in-law Zhang nodded, "Yes, think about it, when you're usually in a bad mood, can't you eat anything?" ”

It dawned on me that maybe it wasn't really the food. I decided to try to talk to Sister Li more and find out what happened to them lately.

In the evening, when Sister Li came back from work, I specially made her a cup of chrysanthemum tea. "Sister Li, you've been very busy at work lately, right?"

I'm a nanny, and I want to cook the dishes that my employers love to eat, so I have leftovers from today's cooking

She picked up the teacup and blew it gently, "yes, I'm so busy that I don't even have time to catch my breath." ”

"Is there any big change in the company?" I asked tentatively.

Sister Li sighed, "Mr. Wang has been in some trouble recently, the company is a little unstable, and he is busy every day. ”

I nodded, a little understood. "Sister Li, you don't have to worry about family affairs, if there is anything you need me to do, just say it."

She looked at me gratefully, "Sister Mei, thank you so much." In fact, with you at home, we really saved a lot of heart. ”

My heart warmed and I felt that what I was doing had meaning.

After a few days, I noticed that Mr. Wang's face was getting worse and worse, and he looked very tired. I was anxious and felt that I couldn't go on like this. I decided to make some soup and water to nourish my body, hoping to help him relieve his stress.

In the evening, I stewed a pot of old hen soup and put some herbs in it. When Mr. Wang came back from work, he smelled the fragrance and had a smile on his face. "Sister Mei, this soup smells so fragrant."

"This is what I specially stewed for you, I have seen that you have been stressed recently, drink some soup to replenish your body." I say.

He picked up the bowl and took a sip, the exhaustion on his face seemed to lessen a little. "Sister Mei, you are really our lucky star."

Sister Li also took a sip and nodded, "Sister Mei, this soup is so delicious, we really need to make up for it recently." ”

I was relieved to see that they liked it. Although there will still be some leftovers, their faces are gradually improving, and their mood seems to be much better. I felt like I had found the root of the problem and decided to make more nourishing soups in the hope of helping them get through the storm.

One weekend morning, Sister Li suddenly said to me, "Sister Mei, we plan to go out for a walk, you can go with us." ”

I was stunned for a moment, "Me? It's not suitable, you guys go out as a family, I'll just wait for you at home. ”

Sister Li smiled and shook her head, "You are also a member of our family, you usually take care of us, and now we also want to ask you to relax together." ”

Hearing her say this, I was moved in my heart and nodded in agreement. That day, we went to a park on the outskirts of the country, where the air was fresh and the scenery was pleasant. Everyone walked around and chatted together, and the mood was much more relaxed. Mr. Wang and Sister Li also had more smiles on their faces.

After I came back, Mr. Wang said to me, "Sister Mei, thank you so much. Without you, our home wouldn't be so warm. ”

I smiled, "Mr. Wang, Sister Li, if you are happy, I will be satisfied." ”

Since then, I've noticed that their appetites have gradually improved and their leftovers have become less and less. I finally understood that being a nanny is not only about cooking and cleaning, but also about caring for every family member. As long as you do it with your heart, every dish is an expression of love.

Watching their family eat happily every day fills my heart with a sense of satisfaction. I know that I'm not just a babysitter, I'm an important part of the family.

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