
2024 stone surface layer ramp cost calculation

author:Site Alert 101

In the construction project in 2024, the stone surface ramp is widely used in various occasions due to its durability and aesthetic properties. In order to provide a detailed and accurate cost estimate of the ramp of the strip stone surface course, we need to calculate the various costs. The following is a cost estimate for the stone surface course ramp.

2024 stone surface layer ramp cost calculation

Labor costs are an indispensable part of the construction of stone surface ramps. According to market conditions and industry standards, the labor cost of granite paving in 2024 is 58.00 yuan/㎡, the brushing cement slurry is 1.2 yuan/㎡, the concrete pouring is 90 yuan/m³, and the actual usage is 0.06m³/㎡, so the price is 5.4 yuan/㎡. The ash cushion is paved at 35 yuan/m³, and the actual usage is 0.3m³/㎡, so the price is 10.5 yuan/㎡. The labor cost of plain soil compaction is 1.5 yuan/㎡.

The material cost includes 100 thick granite, 30 thick cement mortar, plain cement mortar, C15 concrete and hydrated lime. According to the calculation, the price of 100 thick granite is 175 yuan/㎡, and the actual price is 180.25 yuan/㎡ considering certain losses and transportation costs. The price of 30-thick cement mortar is 380 yuan/m³, and the actual consumption is 0.03m³/㎡, so the price is 11.74 yuan/㎡. The price of plain cement slurry is 1.5 yuan/㎡. The price of C15 concrete is 280 yuan/m³, and the actual usage is 0.06m³/㎡, so the price is 17.13 yuan/㎡. The price of hydrated lime is 330 yuan/m³, the actual consumption is 0.3m³/㎡, and the actual price is 30.59 yuan/㎡ considering a certain loss.

2024 stone surface layer ramp cost calculation

In order to ensure the normal operation and sustainable development of the enterprise, the addition of the management fee is 5% of the project cost, that is, 15.89 yuan/㎡.

In order to ensure the normal operation and sustainable development of the enterprise, the profit is added to 10% of the project cost, that is, 31.78 yuan/㎡.

Adding up the labor cost, material cost, management fee and profit, and considering the 9% value-added tax, the quotation of the stone surface layer ramp is 414.4 yuan/㎡.

2024 stone surface layer ramp cost calculation