
Analysis of the market price of fixed labor in 2024

author:Site Alert 101

In the construction market in 2024, different types of workers have different market values depending on their skill level and area of expertise. In order to provide a detailed and accurate analysis of the market price of fixed labor, we need to calculate the daily wages of various types of workers. The following is an analysis of the market price of fixed labor in 2024.

Analysis of the market price of fixed labor in 2024

The market price of decoration workers is 145 yuan/working day.

The market price of decoration mechanics is 180 yuan per working day.

The market price for construction workers is 140 yuan per working day.

The market price of the installer is 120 yuan/man-day.

The market price of installation and commissioning workers is 140 yuan/man-day.

The market price for municipal road workers is 118 yuan per working day.

Analysis of the market price of fixed labor in 2024

The market price of municipal bridge workers is 130 yuan per working day.

The market price for municipal plumbing workers is 120 yuan per working day.

The market price of municipal green workers is 118 yuan per working day.

The market price of municipal courtyard workers is 120 yuan per working day.

The market price of workers with antique structures is 135 yuan/working day.

The market price of antique decoration workers is 150 yuan / working day.

Analysis of the market price of fixed labor in 2024

The market price of rail transit shield workers is 150 yuan/working day.

The market price of above-ground workers in rail transit is 135 yuan/working day.

The market price of rail transit installation workers is 120 yuan/working day.

The market price for rail transit workers is 160 yuan per working day.

Analysis of the market price of fixed labor in 2024