
"Top Wind" patriotic star: Zhang Mingmin was banned for patriotism, and sold cars and houses to raise funds for the country

author:Willing to talk about emotions

On the stage of Hong Kong television, a young singer is preparing to sing on stage. His name is Zhang Mingmin, and his eyes are firm. In his singing, a song "My Chinese Heart" will completely change the trajectory of his life.

The melodious melody sounded, and Zhang Mingmin's soulful singing immediately attracted the attention of all the audience. "The rivers and mountains are only in my dreams, and the motherland has not been close for many years, but no matter what, it can't change my Chinese heart", every lyric seems to spring up from the depths of his heart, full of his attachment and love for the motherland.

"Top Wind" patriotic star: Zhang Mingmin was banned for patriotism, and sold cars and houses to raise funds for the country

The audience was moved by his sincere emotions, and applause poured in like a tide.

The impact of this song on Hong Kong society far exceeded Zhang Mingmin's expectations and caused a lot of ripples. Many people were infected by the strong patriotic feelings in the song and began to rethink their connection with the motherland.

Zhang Mingmin became famous overnight because of this song, but he is not satisfied with becoming a simple pop singer in his heart, this song carries a more important mission - to awaken the patriotism of Hong Kong compatriots.

However, in the political climate of the time, it was not easy to openly express patriotic feelings. Zhang Mingmin knows this, but he is not afraid. He firmly believes that he is on the right path, and no matter how many thorns lie ahead, he is willing to overcome all obstacles and contribute his strength to spreading the patriotic spirit.

"Top Wind" patriotic star: Zhang Mingmin was banned for patriotism, and sold cars and houses to raise funds for the country

This persistence won him more supporters and planted the seeds of an unusual career in his later career. Zhang Mingmin began to realize that his singing is not only for entertainment, but also shoulders the important mission of conveying patriotic feelings.

He secretly resolved that no matter what difficulties he encountered in the future, he would continue to use music to convey his love for the motherland.

In this way, "My Chinese Heart" not only became a turning point in Zhang Mingmin's career, but also made him firm in his patriotic position. This song was not only widely sung in Hong Kong, but also penetrated into the hearts of Chinese, becoming the most touching patriotic hymn of that era.

"Top Wind" patriotic star: Zhang Mingmin was banned for patriotism, and sold cars and houses to raise funds for the country

As time passed, Zhang Mingmin's patriotic stance became more unwavering. In a TV program, the host asked him about his identity, and Zhang Mingmin did not hesitate to say the phrase "I am Chinese".

Although this simple confession caused a great repercussion in Hong Kong at that time, he was still fearless in front of the public and showed his sincerity.

After the show aired, Zhang Mingmin found himself suddenly caught in an unexpected turmoil. The media that he had been sought after became silent, and the enthusiastic invitation cooled in an instant. Zhang Mingmin was told that he could not appear on Hong Kong television, and even the opportunity to show some entertainment programs was denied.

"Top Wind" patriotic star: Zhang Mingmin was banned for patriotism, and sold cars and houses to raise funds for the country

His hard-working business seemed to collapse overnight.

Facing great confusion and struggle, Zhang Mingmin examined his determined eyes in front of the mirror, and couldn't help but ask himself repeatedly in his heart: "Is it wrong to say 'I am Chinese'?" However, he soon strengthened his conviction that he would stand firm in his patriotic stance, no matter what the cost.

During this period, Zhang Mingmin experienced a low point in his career, his agent's phone no longer rang, letters from fans gradually decreased, and his once thriving acting career came to a standstill.

"Top Wind" patriotic star: Zhang Mingmin was banned for patriotism, and sold cars and houses to raise funds for the country

Surprisingly, however, these difficulties did not defeat him, but instead made him more determined in the face of adversity.

Zhang Mingmin began to think about how to continue to spread patriotic ideas in the current environment. He realized that although he had lost the opportunity to be a guest on Hong Kong television, there were other ways to express his patriotism.

He began to actively participate in various public welfare activities, and proved with his practical actions that patriotism is not impossible.

"Top Wind" patriotic star: Zhang Mingmin was banned for patriotism, and sold cars and houses to raise funds for the country

Despite the difficult situation, Zhang Mingmin has never regretted his choice. He often said to himself: "I'd rather be a backbone Chinese than a star without a position."

It is because of this perseverance that he is able to maintain his inner peace and pride in the face of adversity.

This experience made Zhang Mingmin deeply realize that the price of patriotism can be enormous. However, he also clearly understands that it is this unwavering belief and dedication that can truly show a person's patriotic feelings.

"Top Wind" patriotic star: Zhang Mingmin was banned for patriotism, and sold cars and houses to raise funds for the country

He made up his mind that no matter how difficult the road ahead was, he would stick to his beliefs and interpret true patriotism with practical actions.

In 1990, the news spread across China that Beijing was about to host the Asian Games. This is the first large-scale comprehensive sports meeting held after the founding of the People's Republic of China, which is of great significance. However, due to the limited economic strength of the country, the preparatory work faced many difficulties.

The lack of funds has become a major problem in the preparation process for the Asian Games.

"Top Wind" patriotic star: Zhang Mingmin was banned for patriotism, and sold cars and houses to raise funds for the country

Upon hearing the news, Zhang Ming, who was far away in Hong Kong, was very worried. He paced back and forth in his home, thinking about what he could do for his country. Suddenly, a bold idea crossed his mind: why not use his influence to raise money for the Asian Games?

Making this decision meant a huge personal price to pay, but Zhang Mingmin did not hesitate and immediately set about preparing for an unprecedented national tour. In order to raise funds, he resolutely sold his car and real estate and invested all his savings in this charity performance.

In the next 60 days, Zhang Mingmin completed an astonishing 100 concerts across the country non-stop. He performs three times a day, from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.

"Top Wind" patriotic star: Zhang Mingmin was banned for patriotism, and sold cars and houses to raise funds for the country

Despite his exhaustion and often hoarse voice, he was invigorated by the thought of what he was doing for his country.

The intensity of this tour is enormous. Zhang Mingmin recalled: "At that time, I was really desperately singing. Sometimes there are three performances a day, starting at 9 a.m., 2 p.m., and 7 p.m.

Even so, he never thought of giving up every performance, he threw himself into it, and infected every audience with the fullest enthusiasm.

"Top Wind" patriotic star: Zhang Mingmin was banned for patriotism, and sold cars and houses to raise funds for the country

Zhang Mingmin's dedication was warmly responded to by the audience. Everywhere I went, there were a large number of fans who enthusiastically supported me. They were moved by Zhang Mingmin's patriotic spirit and donated generously.

The tour not only raised a lot of money for the Asian Games, but also set off a nationwide upsurge of support for the Asian Games.

When Zhang Mingmin was asked why he was working so hard, he replied firmly: "I just want to contribute to the motherland." I'm very proud to be a part of the Asian Games.

"Top Wind" patriotic star: Zhang Mingmin was banned for patriotism, and sold cars and houses to raise funds for the country

In this national tour, Zhang Mingmin used practical actions to interpret what true patriotism is. His dedication and persistence touched countless people, and also contributed to the smooth holding of the 1990 Beijing Asian Games.

This experience has not only become the proudest memory of Zhang Mingmin's life, but also a touching story in the history of Chinese sports.

"Top Wind" patriotic star: Zhang Mingmin was banned for patriotism, and sold cars and houses to raise funds for the country

In 1997, the crucial moment of Hong Kong's return to the motherland was approaching. In such a historical background, Zhang Mingmin once again appeared on the stage. When the melody of the song "My Chinese Heart" played, the audience held their breath tightly, waiting for what kind of surprise this singer who has always firmly defended the country's position for many years will bring.

Zhang Mingmin's singing this time is more affectionate than 13 years ago, and he uses his singing voice to convey his deep love for the motherland, his expectation for the return, and the course of his life over the years. When he sang "The Great Wall of the Yangtze River, the Yellow Mountain and the Yellow River, weigh a thousand pounds in my heart", many viewers were already in tears.

This song is no longer just a pop song, but has become a moving footnote to Hong Kong's return to the embrace of the motherland.

"Top Wind" patriotic star: Zhang Mingmin was banned for patriotism, and sold cars and houses to raise funds for the country

The applause echoed in the audience for a long time, and Zhang Mingmin's tearful eyes were full of relief and emotion. At this moment, he knew that his hard work and dedication had paid off. He expressed his ardent feelings for the motherland with his singing, and at the same time, he also used silent language to pour out the ups and downs he has gone through over the years.

Zhang Mingmin expressed affectionately: "I have always regarded the country as the most important part of my life. Being able to sing "My Chinese Heart" again at this important historical moment of Hong Kong's return to the motherland is of far-reaching significance to me.

This passage fully demonstrates his consistent patriotic feelings over the years.

"Top Wind" patriotic star: Zhang Mingmin was banned for patriotism, and sold cars and houses to raise funds for the country

Zhang Mingmin thought that his career would improve after the performance, and he looked forward to regaining his foothold in the Hong Kong entertainment industry and continuing to convey the patriotic spirit with his singing. However, the reality is not what he wanted, and he still faces many restrictions after returning to Hong Kong.

Many TV stations and entertainment companies are estranged and indifferent to him, and his career is still struggling.

However, these difficulties did not shake Zhang Mingmin's determination. He was convinced that the path he had chosen was difficult, but it was absolutely right. "No matter what the difficulties are, I will never regret my choice," he said.

"Top Wind" patriotic star: Zhang Mingmin was banned for patriotism, and sold cars and houses to raise funds for the country

I will continue to express my love for my country through music."

The singing at the celebration of Hong Kong's return to the motherland is another important milestone in Zhang Mingmin's patriotic career, which not only demonstrates his resolute patriotic stance, but also witnesses his tenacity in the face of adversity.

In the face of Hong Kong's hindered development, Zhang Mingmin is not reconciled, but is full of ambition to step towards a larger international stage. He was determined to use his singing voice and actions to establish a positive image of Chinese in the world.

"Top Wind" patriotic star: Zhang Mingmin was banned for patriotism, and sold cars and houses to raise funds for the country

Zhang Mingmin has participated in numerous international charity activities, especially fundraising for underprivileged areas in China. In every activity, he won the respect of international friends with his all-out enthusiasm and sincere attitude, and demonstrated the great fraternity and responsibility of the Chinese with practical actions.

Abroad, Zhang Mingmin continues to maintain the country's image abroad through practical actions. He has been involved in a number of international charity projects to raise funds and materials for underprivileged areas in China.

In every event, he never forgets to introduce China's culture and development achievements to international friends, and strives to dispel misunderstandings about China from the outside world.

"Top Wind" patriotic star: Zhang Mingmin was banned for patriotism, and sold cars and houses to raise funds for the country

This experience made Zhang Mingmin deeply realize that patriotism is not only about singing patriotic songs at home, but more importantly, speaking out with actions on the international stage. He said: "Abroad, I feel that I am shouldering the important responsibility of spreading Chinese culture and showing China's image.

Zhang Mingmin's efforts have not only set an example for overseas Chinese, but also enhanced China's international image. His actions proved that even in a foreign country, one can contribute to the country in one's own way.

Zhang Mingmin's transnational experience not only broadened his horizons, but also gave him a new way of expressing his love for his country. He interpreted the true meaning of "patriotism without borders" with practical actions, and showed the international vision and responsibility of a true patriot.

"Top Wind" patriotic star: Zhang Mingmin was banned for patriotism, and sold cars and houses to raise funds for the country

Looking back at Zhang Mingmin's life trajectory, we see an unswerving patriotic artist. He sang "My Chinese Heart", so he embarked on the road of being banned, but he proved the true meaning of a patriot with all his selfless behavior of supporting the Asian Games.

Despite several setbacks in his career, he never wavered in his beliefs, and his patriotism was very strong. In his view, the gains and losses of the individual are not worth mentioning at all compared to the interests of the state.

This unwavering patriotism enabled him to hold his head high in the face of adversity and have no guilt in his heart.

"Top Wind" patriotic star: Zhang Mingmin was banned for patriotism, and sold cars and houses to raise funds for the country

Zhang Mingmin once said: "I'd rather be a backbone Chinese than a star without a position." This sentence profoundly illustrates his attitude towards life, and even in difficult times, he has never regretted his decision.

His story tells us that patriotism is not only a momentary impulse, but also requires long-term perseverance and dedication. In the face of business interests and personal fame, Zhang Mingmin has always adhered to his patriotic beliefs, which shows his precious national integrity.

Zhang Mingmin used his life actions to fully interpret the "top wind" patriotism. He adhered to his beliefs in the face of many adversities, did not flinch in the face of difficulties, and proved with practical actions that patriotism is not just empty words, but requires practical actions and even certain sacrifices.

"Top Wind" patriotic star: Zhang Mingmin was banned for patriotism, and sold cars and houses to raise funds for the country

Today, Zhang Mingmin's story has become a beacon in the hearts of many people, inspiring more people to silently dedicate themselves to the motherland in ordinary posts. His experience tells us that everyone can express patriotism in their own way, and true patriotism requires us to accumulate bit by bit in our daily life and interpret it with actions.

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