
Shocking scandal! Kerosene tankers have turned into edible oil trucks, and China Grain and Oil Storage has been caught in a food safety scandal!

Shocking scandal! Kerosene tankers have turned into edible oil trucks, and China Grain and Oil Storage has been caught in a food safety scandal!

As the saying goes, the people take food as the sky, and the tanker loaded with "kerosene" is not cleaned, and it becomes an "edible oil" transport vehicle, do you dare to eat such oil?

Recently, why do some people dare to take risks and put the health of our consumers at risk? Let's take a look at how deep the water is behind this.


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No wonder some people say: "Why does the newly bought fried vegetables smell of kerosene?" ”

While you're enjoying your meal, there may be a group of "invisible people" playing a game of "tanker truck shifting" out of sight.

Shocking scandal! Kerosene tankers have turned into edible oil trucks, and China Grain and Oil Storage has been caught in a food safety scandal!

Recently, a person familiar with the matter broke the news that the tanker loaded with our people's edible oil was mixed with the tanker loaded with chemical supplies and kerosene!

Under the secret visit of the reporter, the clue was discovered. On the tanker with chemical materials written on it, the name of the chemical is simply obscured by a piece of white paper, and then the word "edible oil" is written on the tank.

Shocking scandal! Kerosene tankers have turned into edible oil trucks, and China Grain and Oil Storage has been caught in a food safety scandal!

The state regulations are clear, edible oil must be transported by special tankers, but there are people who do not follow the routine to play cards, and directly use the tankers that transport chemical liquids to transport oil, which is also called "the normal state of the industry".

Shocking scandal! Kerosene tankers have turned into edible oil trucks, and China Grain and Oil Storage has been caught in a food safety scandal!

There are clear regulations for the goods transported by tankers, and the tanks must be cleaned when the goods are replaced. But they not only mixed it, but also loaded the cooking oil after filling the chemical supply such as kerosene, and the inside of the tank was not even cleaned......

Shocking scandal! Kerosene tankers have turned into edible oil trucks, and China Grain and Oil Storage has been caught in a food safety scandal!

The tanker driver revealed that the cost of cleaning the tank once is about four or five hundred yuan, so in order to save costs, they do not clean the tank. For the sake of these few hundred dollars, you can ignore food safety.

If the driver doesn't clean the tank, then when he goes to the canned cooking oil, doesn't anyone check whether the tank is clean?

Shocking scandal! Kerosene tankers have turned into edible oil trucks, and China Grain and Oil Storage has been caught in a food safety scandal!

Tanker Driver: ""

Shocking scandal! Kerosene tankers have turned into edible oil trucks, and China Grain and Oil Storage has been caught in a food safety scandal!

Tanker Driver: ""

Shocking scandal! Kerosene tankers have turned into edible oil trucks, and China Grain and Oil Storage has been caught in a food safety scandal!

The edible oil manufacturer, which should be strictly controlled, turned a blind eye to the canning inspection, and the inspection became a formality, and he was released after looking at the photos, regardless of whether he was today or when. What kind of inspection is this, it's like a "blind man touching an elephant".

Shocking scandal! Kerosene tankers have turned into edible oil trucks, and China Grain and Oil Storage has been caught in a food safety scandal!

The answer given by Zhongchu was even more disappointing to our consumers: ""

Shocking scandal! Kerosene tankers have turned into edible oil trucks, and China Grain and Oil Storage has been caught in a food safety scandal!

According to statistics, after unloading kerosene, there are usually residues in the tank, ranging from a few thousand grams to more than a dozen kilograms. These residual kerosene tanks are mixed with cooking oil without being cleaned and flow into the public dining table......

Shocking scandal! Kerosene tankers have turned into edible oil trucks, and China Grain and Oil Storage has been caught in a food safety scandal!

Professor Zhu Yi from the College of Food Science of China Agricultural University pointed out: "Edible coal-to-liquid will cause damage to human health, and long-term use and consumption will also lead to poisoning. ”

Shocking scandal! Kerosene tankers have turned into edible oil trucks, and China Grain and Oil Storage has been caught in a food safety scandal!

Coal-to-liquid can cause harmful health consequences, not to mention the harm to the human body of edible oil that has been transported and canned without cleaning......



Shocking scandal! Kerosene tankers have turned into edible oil trucks, and China Grain and Oil Storage has been caught in a food safety scandal!

Netizens thought that the oil they bought was too cheap to have a strange taste, but it turned out that the problem was fundamental.


Shocking scandal! Kerosene tankers have turned into edible oil trucks, and China Grain and Oil Storage has been caught in a food safety scandal!

Netizens are afraid that they will go to pull the dung today, and they will not wash and pull the cooking oil tomorrow. To tell you the truth, in fact, I think it is safer to install manure than to install chemical raw materials and then install edible oil......

Shocking scandal! Kerosene tankers have turned into edible oil trucks, and China Grain and Oil Storage has been caught in a food safety scandal!

Fortunately, with the exposure of the media, this scandal finally surfaced. The condemnation of public opinion and the concerns of consumers are pushing relevant departments to speed up their actions.

It is hoped that the food sector will keep in mind its mission and responsibility and put food safety first. Don't sacrifice the long-term future for the sake of immediate benefits, because once you lose the trust and support of consumers, even the largest enterprise will be unsustainable!

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Shocking scandal! Kerosene tankers have turned into edible oil trucks, and China Grain and Oil Storage has been caught in a food safety scandal!

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