
A Guide to Project Management Tools: From Concept to Practical Options

author:Zoho vs SaaS

Project management tools help project management to be refined, including task management, project estimation, resource management, collaborative communication, etc., to ensure timely completion of projects, quality standards, improve team collaboration efficiency, break information silos, and achieve scientific management.

A Guide to Project Management Tools: From Concept to Practical Options

1. What is a project management tool?

Project management has a long history, dating back to World War II, and Gantt charts have been used in weapons production. The International Journal of Project Management once gave a vivid analogy: "Project management is the art of management that makes vision a reality"

According to PMI, excellent project management not only helps the project to be completed in a timely manner, but also ensures that the project export specifications exceed expectations. PMA's definition of project management is to be project-centric, focusing on project objectives for resource integration, risk control, communication and coordination, and team leadership.

A project management tool is a tool for refined project management.

With the help of project management tools, we can promote solidarity and monitor the progress of the project, thereby speeding up the progress of the project and ensuring the quality of the project.

2. What are the main functions of the project management tool?

1. Task management

Every project consists of a large number of tasks, and project management tools can track the entire lifecycle of a task, assigning task owners, setting task deadlines, monitoring and approving work, and more from the start to the end of the task.

A Guide to Project Management Tools: From Concept to Practical Options

2. Project estimate

Track progress in real-time through project baselines, EVMs, and evaluate projects based on performance.

3. Manage budgets

Manage costs to ensure that the planned budget is not exceeded.

4. Resource allocation

Use a resource utilization map to allocate resources appropriately and have the right people working on the tasks they excel at.

5. Collaboration

Features like chat rooms, feeds, discussions, comments, and document management facilitate easy collaboration for teams.

A Guide to Project Management Tools: From Concept to Practical Options

6. Quality management

Continuously manage the quality of the project and continuously improve the work results.

7. Project management

From industry templates to third-party app integrations, project management tools can manage projects in a variety of ways.

8. Bug management

Manage project issues, schedule tasks to meet various deadlines, and set bug severity to efficiently manage project issues.

3. Benefits of project management tools

1. Gantt chart to plan the project process at a glance

Use Gantt chart software to adjust for project delays, compare against schedules, and capture and manage task dependencies.

A Guide to Project Management Tools: From Concept to Practical Options

2. Control the scope of the project, all-round

Project management tools provide project teams with timesheets, project costs, and task details to gain complete control over the scope of the project.

3. A powerful assistant to control the cost of the project

The role of project management tools is not only cost control, but also plays an important role in various areas of project management, such as project cost estimation, investment decision-making, and budgeting.

4. Collaboration is the key to unlocking information silos

The phenomenon of information islands often exists between departments, and collaboration is the door to open the door to information blockage. The project team is able to collaborate on all aspects of the work and truly communicate effectively as a team. Major progress of the project can be posted in the project dynamics, and members can discuss issues in the comment area or chat one-on-one.

Easy-to-use project management tools can open the door to a new world of project work, discover interesting aspects of project work, make work based on evidence, and scientifically manage man-hours, tasks, and project costs.

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