
A 40-year-old woman dated a 62-year-old boyfriend, and after giving birth to a son, she was asked to break up: she was too greedy to ask for a 500,000 bride price

author:Moe Mobunsha
A 40-year-old woman dated a 62-year-old boyfriend, and after giving birth to a son, she was asked to break up: she was too greedy to ask for a 500,000 bride price
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
A 40-year-old woman dated a 62-year-old boyfriend, and after giving birth to a son, she was asked to break up: she was too greedy to ask for a 500,000 bride price

In the streets and alleys of Changsha, Hunan, there has been a staggering love story recently. 40-year-old Wang Lei, a woman who has experienced two failed marriages, and Zhang Guo, a 62-year-old retired cadre, sparked a spark of love.

They crossed the age gap of 22 years and thought they had found the other half of their lives. However, as fate would have it, when their love crystallized - a cute baby boy was born only a month later, the relationship suddenly fell to a freezing point.

The bride price of 500,000 yuan and a set of real estate have become the focus of entanglement, and the former sweetness is gone. What is the reason for this "year-old love" couple to fall from the clouds? Let's demystify this relationship and explore the true meaning of love.

Wang Lei's life trajectory is not smooth. As a 40-year-old woman, she has already experienced two failed marriages. The burden of life weighed on her thin shoulders, and she barely made ends meet by handicraft.

A 40-year-old woman dated a 62-year-old boyfriend, and after giving birth to a son, she was asked to break up: she was too greedy to ask for a 500,000 bride price

Twists of fate often come unexpectedly. On an ordinary day, Wang Lei went to apply for an ID card, but she didn't expect it to become an opportunity to change her life. In the office hall, she met Zhang Guo, a 62-year-old retired cadre.

Zhang Guo is quite famous in the local area. As a retired cadre, he can receive a pension of 4,000 yuan a month, his family conditions are good, and he has a son who is about to enter the university campus.

In the eyes of outsiders, Zhang Guo's life has entered a stable stage of old age.

However, Wang Lei's appearance caused ripples in Zhang Guo's calm heart. She is young and energetic, in stark contrast to Zhang Guo. Wang Lei was keenly aware of Zhang's desire for a partner who could bring him youthful vitality.

A 40-year-old woman dated a 62-year-old boyfriend, and after giving birth to a son, she was asked to break up: she was too greedy to ask for a 500,000 bride price

Despite the huge age gap, Wang Lei did not back down. She secretly calculated in her heart: Zhang Guo has a stable income and a good social status, maybe this is her chance to turn over.

"Those who are barefoot are not afraid of wearing shoes", Wang Lei plucked up her courage and decided to give it a go.

As the contact deepened, the relationship between the two quickly warmed up. Zhang Guo was attracted by Wang Lei's youth and vitality, as if he had found a second spring. Wang Lei, on the other hand, took a fancy to Zhang Guo's economic strength and social status, and felt that she had finally grasped the straw of fate.

They began to live together, regardless of the world's eyes, and marched forward bravely under the banner of love.

A 40-year-old woman dated a 62-year-old boyfriend, and after giving birth to a son, she was asked to break up: she was too greedy to ask for a 500,000 bride price

When the news of Wang Lei's pregnancy came out, the whole city was boiling. Zhang Guo made a decision that shocked everyone - he resolutely divorced his wife and chose to spend the rest of his life with Wang Lei, who was 22 years younger than him.

The decision caused an uproar in the local area, with many people skeptical of this "year-old love". Some people say that Zhang Guo is old and confused, and some people say that Wang Lei is greedy for wealth.

However, in the face of all kinds of criticism, Zhang Guo seems to be determined to fight for his "happiness in his old age".

In this way, a relationship built on a complex foundation quietly unfolded in the game between material and emotion.

A 40-year-old woman dated a 62-year-old boyfriend, and after giving birth to a son, she was asked to break up: she was too greedy to ask for a 500,000 bride price

When the romantic bubble gradually dissipates, the trivialities of life begin to erode this love that spans ages. The birth of Wang Lei and Zhang Guo's son should have been the happiest moment, but it unexpectedly became the fuse for the intensification of the conflict.

Zhang Guo, as a retired cadre with a successful career, is accustomed to planning and control. He hopes that Wang Lei can take care of her children in the city with peace of mind and return to her hometown twice a month at most.

In order to provide adequate material security, he generously took out 4,400 yuan from his monthly pension of 4,000 yuan as the living expenses of the mother and son. In Zhang Guo's view, this is a near-perfect arrangement.

However, for Wang Lei, this arrangement made her feel suffocated. She looked out the window at the bustling city, but her eyes were full of loneliness and discomfort. "My friends and relatives are all in my hometown, is it fair that you let me take care of my children alone in a strange city?" She asked, a hint of grievance in her voice.

A 40-year-old woman dated a 62-year-old boyfriend, and after giving birth to a son, she was asked to break up: she was too greedy to ask for a 500,000 bride price

Whenever the holidays come, Wang Lei feels lonely like never before, and she longs to be able to bring her children back to a familiar environment.

Zhang Guo frowned, his expression serious. "We have an agreement that you can't always go back with the kids.

As time went on, the two became more and more divided. Wang Lei began to take her children back to her hometown frequently, violating her previous agreement. She felt she needed the support of her family and a familiar environment to raise her children.

Angry and betrayed, Zhang began to pay alimony irregularly, believing that Wang Lei had not fulfilled her promises.

A 40-year-old woman dated a 62-year-old boyfriend, and after giving birth to a son, she was asked to break up: she was too greedy to ask for a 500,000 bride price

The pressures of life forced Wang Lei to earn extra income by handcrafting clothes on weekends and holidays. She sat in front of the sewing machine, her eyes flashing with exhaustion and unwillingness.

Finally, a month after the birth of the child, the contradiction reached its climax. After a heated argument, Zhang Guo made a shocking decision - he took the child and handed it over to other relatives to take care of.

"You don't know how to take care of children!" Zhang Guo said angrily, his face full of disappointment and anger, "I can't let my son grow up in this environment."

Wang Lei was dumbfounded, tears rolling in her eyes.

A 40-year-old woman dated a 62-year-old boyfriend, and after giving birth to a son, she was asked to break up: she was too greedy to ask for a 500,000 bride price

In this way, a relationship that began with material interests and lacked a deep emotional foundation quickly collapsed under the test of reality. What was once a sweet promise turned into a sharp accusation, and the temperature of love dropped sharply in the conflict of interests.

Wang Lei stood in the empty room, looking at the lonely toys on the crib, and her heart was like a knife. She began to question her choices and also began to doubt the nature of the relationship.

And Zhang Guo, although he took away the child, also lost the happy old age of his dreams.

Both of them lost a mess in this love gamble. Their story becomes a complex equation of age, money, and love, which no one can easily solve.

A 40-year-old woman dated a 62-year-old boyfriend, and after giving birth to a son, she was asked to break up: she was too greedy to ask for a 500,000 bride price

As the conflict continued to escalate, the relationship between Wang Lei and Zhang Guo soon fell into a double dilemma of law and morality. The couple, who are so different in age, never received a marriage license, leaving their relationship in a vague gray area in the eyes of the law.

Wang Lei stood in front of the mirror, her eyes full of uneasiness and confusion. "We don't have a license, but we have a child, doesn't that prove our relationship?" She muttered to herself, a hint of hope in her voice, as if seeking some kind of recognition.

However, reality gave her a slap in the face. Mr. Zhang's family scoffed at the relationship. They coldly pointed out that Wang Lei received a bride price of 500,000 yuan and a set of real estate, but did not fulfill the obligations of the agreement.

The 500,000 yuan bride price became the focus of controversy. In traditional Chinese beliefs, the bride price is often seen as a symbol and guarantee of marriage. But in this atypical relationship, its nature becomes obscure.

A 40-year-old woman dated a 62-year-old boyfriend, and after giving birth to a son, she was asked to break up: she was too greedy to ask for a 500,000 bride price

Is it a gift or a compensation? Is it a testimony of affection or a bargaining chip? These issues are constantly swinging on the moral and legal scales, making it difficult to determine.

At the same time, the pressure of public opinion is like an invisible net, tightly surrounding Wang Lei. There are many discussions in the neighborhood about this "year-old love", and many people are critical.

Some people accused Wang Lei of being with Zhang Guo for money, calling her a "gold worshipper"; Some people also accused her of destroying Zhang Guo's original family and labeling her a "third party".

In the face of these accusations, a trace of pain flashed in Wang Lei's eyes. She whispered, "I also sincerely want a home, doesn't it matter how I feel?" But her justification seemed so insignificant in the chaos of public opinion.

A 40-year-old woman dated a 62-year-old boyfriend, and after giving birth to a son, she was asked to break up: she was too greedy to ask for a 500,000 bride price

Nor does the law seem to provide a perfect solution to this complex relationship. Not having a marriage certificate means that their relationship is not legally secured.

If it does go to court, disputes over the division of property and child custody will become more complicated.

They are caught in a dilemma: they can't easily part with their relationship and their common children, and they can't continue the relationship within the existing legal and moral framework.

Both Wang Lei and Zhang Guo realized that they were standing on the edge of a cliff, and that every step could lead them into an abyss from which they could never recover.

A 40-year-old woman dated a 62-year-old boyfriend, and after giving birth to a son, she was asked to break up: she was too greedy to ask for a 500,000 bride price

Under the double attack of law and morality, this relationship, which was originally built on a fragile foundation, seems to be more and more precarious.

In this emotional dispute, Wang Lei and Zhang Guoguo stood on opposite sides, and no one was willing to give in. The confrontation between the two sides is like a war without gunpowder, and everyone insists on their own position and does not give in to each other.

The Zhang clan was resolute, and they demanded that Wang Lei return 500,000 yuan in cash and the property in Chenzhou. In their opinion, since Wang Lei was unable to fulfill the agreement, all the property obtained should be returned.

Wang Lei, on the other hand, stubbornly demanded custody and visitation rights for the child.

A 40-year-old woman dated a 62-year-old boyfriend, and after giving birth to a son, she was asked to break up: she was too greedy to ask for a 500,000 bride price

The confrontation between the two sides has reached a stalemate, and neither is willing to back down. Eventually, they had to turn to mediation agencies in the hope of finding a balance.

The mediator sat in the middle, his eyes scanning back and forth between the two. He took a deep breath and said earnestly: "We need to calm down, for the sake of the children's future, you must put aside your preconceptions and find a reasonable solution."

It's not just about you, it's about the fate of an innocent child.

However, in the double entanglement of interests and emotions, the truth seems to become obscure. Everyone is convinced that they are right, but ignores the feelings and positions of the other.

A 40-year-old woman dated a 62-year-old boyfriend, and after giving birth to a son, she was asked to break up: she was too greedy to ask for a 500,000 bride price

This confrontation is not only a struggle for property and custody, but also a collision of values and life choices.

In this game where there are no winners, the only thing that is clear is that an innocent life is suffering from the willfulness and paranoia of the adult world.

The story of Wang Lei and Zhang Guo is like a mirror, reflecting some distorted views of love in modern society. This relationship, which spanned 22 years, eventually became an embarrassing lesson.

It ruthlessly reveals a harsh reality: how fragile relationships are based solely on material grounds. When the balance of interests is unbalanced, the so-called feelings will fall apart.

A 40-year-old woman dated a 62-year-old boyfriend, and after giving birth to a son, she was asked to break up: she was too greedy to ask for a 500,000 bride price

What's more, this story is also a wake-up call that we must pay attention to the impact of such relationships on children. In the strife of the adult world, children are often the most innocent victims, suffering from pain that should not belong to them.

Perhaps, true love should be based on mutual understanding and respect, not on the game of age and money. Only in this way can a truly warm and stable family be built.

The story of Wang Lei and Zhang Guo teaches us a profound life lesson, reminding us not to lose ourselves in the pursuit of love, let alone to forget responsibility and morality.

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