
Ma Yun's former venture partner covets a new track, what are the chances of winning this time?

author:Web Scripture Digest

On June 27, the inauguration ceremony of the Green E-commerce Professional Committee of Hangzhou E-commerce Association was held, at which Mr. He Yibing, Chairman of the Working Committee of Alxa SEE Jiangnan Project Center, and Mr. He Yibing, Chairman of Face Technology, were awarded the position of Director of the Green E-commerce Professional Committee. This Internet veteran who once founded the "China Yellow Pages" with Jack Ma has embarked on a new track, what are the odds of winning this time?

Produced by Net Economic Society

Author|Wu Xiaxue


1. Unlock a new identity

In order to further promote the green development of the e-commerce industry, the Hangzhou E-commerce Association decided to establish a green e-commerce professional committee to go to the green and low-carbon appointment with China's leading e-commerce platforms and enterprises to polish the background color of Hangzhou's e-commerce capital of China.

At the inauguration ceremony of the special committee held on the same day, the awarding and certification ceremony of the executive director unit, the deputy director unit and the experts was carried out. Zheng Yongbiao, a first-level researcher of Hangzhou Municipal Bureau of Commerce, presented a plaque of the Green E-commerce Professional Committee to Mr. He Yibing, Chairman of the Working Committee of Alxa SEE Jiangnan Project Center, and Mr. He Yibing, Chairman of Face Technology.

Ma Yun's former venture partner covets a new track, what are the chances of winning this time?

He Yibing, director of the Green E-commerce Professional Committee, said that the Professional Committee will gather the strength of all parties to build a diversified platform from multiple perspectives such as policy promotion, awareness improvement, and action support to promote the green transformation of the e-commerce industry. He called on all parties to work together and looked forward to the professional committee playing an important role in the future to promote the realization of the green development goal of e-commerce.

He Yibing said: "SEE is committed to promoting environmental protection and public welfare, gathering the strength of entrepreneurs, funding environmental protection projects, advocating industry self-discipline, and cooperating with international organizations and industry partners to jointly address global environmental challenges. Since 2022, we have released the "Green E-commerce Action Guide" with the support of a number of project partners with the Hangzhou E-Commerce Association, and today we will continue to cooperate with the Hangzhou E-Commerce Association to promote green supply chain management and advocate sustainable consumption, and strive to create a more environmentally friendly and sustainable e-commerce ecosystem, jointly promote the green development of the e-commerce industry, and create a better ecological environment for the future. ”

Second, the road of "Internet veteran".

He Yibing, who is known as the "backbone" figure of China's Internet, actually doesn't like this title. He said, "Because the 'ashes' are crawling out of the box, saying 'ashes' thinks you have hit a ghost in broad daylight, I prefer everyone to call me 'mobile Internet entrepreneurship cutting-edge' He Yibing." ”

Ma Yun's former venture partner covets a new track, what are the chances of winning this time?

In 1995, He Yibing and Ma Yun co-founded China's early e-commerce website - China Yellow Pages, and Hangzhou Haibo Network Company, which specializes in making homepages for enterprises, opened in this way, becoming one of the earliest Internet companies in China. In less than three years, they made $5 million from the site. On June 1, 2009, the website was officially launched, which is completely public welfare website and does not charge any fees.

"At the beginning, Ma Yun and I thought that the Internet could change the world," He Yibing said, they connected online and offline together, BAT giants have achieved the connection between people and information, people and goods, people and people, and now what needs to be excavated is to connect people and venues, because the mobile Internet will bring services to the scene.

However, in 1996, Hangzhou Telecom invested 1.4 million yuan and acquired 70% of the shares of Hangzhou Haibo Network Company. This year, He Yibing and Ma Yun had serious disagreements on the direction of the company's development, and Ma Yun left the company in early 1997. A few years later, the current Alibaba was created.

Ma Yun's former venture partner covets a new track, what are the chances of winning this time?

After Jack Ma left the company, He Yibing independently led the company and ran the company into the first profitable company in the national Internet industry. Later, it merged with Zhejiang University Computer Company to establish Insigma Internet Information Technology Co., Ltd., which soon made the company one of the top 13 e-government service providers in China. 

In 2002, He Yibing founded Hangzhou Tiangu Information Technology Co., Ltd. and launched the electronic signature "eSign", which is a pioneer in China's third-party electronic signature platform industry. Provide customers with legally effective electronic contract life cycle services, compressing the document signing process that originally took days to tens of seconds. After that, it successfully issued 120,000 digital certificates for enterprises in Zhejiang Province, and developed the original "Tianyin" electronic signature, which established the most advanced technology position in network security in China. 

In 2003, Zhejiang Huixin Technology Co., Ltd. was founded to provide basic Internet security identity authentication services for enterprises, innovatively combining business licenses, seals and PKI technology, and its invention of electronic seal technology has also obtained national invention patents. 

In 2005, He Yibing was the first to propose the use of blog technology for enterprise e-commerce, put forward the concept of blog specialization of professional blogs and put it into practice, and jointly founded the Enterprise Blog Network ( In April of the following year, Zhejiang Blog Information Technology Co., Ltd. was established on the basis of Hangzhou Tiangu Information Technology Co., Ltd. (formerly China Yellow Pages E-commerce Team), officially operating, and creating a new generation of e-commerce platform and model with professional blogs, corporate blogs and business social networking as the core applications in China.

Ma Yun's former venture partner covets a new track, what are the chances of winning this time?

In the same year, He Yibing founded "Face Technology". "Face Face Technology" (Hangzhou Face Face Network Technology Co., Ltd.) is a place-based scene e-commerce SAAS platform, focusing on offline scene traffic operation. Face has created an O2O2O (offline-online-offline) scenario e-commerce model, and through the comprehensive application of new technologies such as mobile Internet, big data, and AI, it has truly realized the integration of online and offline. It should serve shopping malls, department stores, communities, campuses, office buildings, brand merchants, financial institutions, commercial blocks, stores and other places.

Some people ridiculed He Yibing for not following Ma Yun, so much so that he missed the opportunity to succeed. But we can't think that because he rejected Jack Ma, he is just insisting on his own path, and there is no Jack Ma success yet. At present, although Ma Yun has retreated into the background, he founded Alibaba with a huge volume, involving Alibaba Cloud Intelligence, Taobao Tmall Commerce, Local Life, Cainiao, International Digital Commerce, Dawen Entertainment and other businesses. As of June 28, Alibaba's market capitalization reached $174.1 billion. In fact, looking back at He Yibing's journey, he has also grasped the Internet, electronic signature, e-government, SaaS and other industries, and has made certain achievements, but in terms of popularity and volume, he is not as good as Ma Yun.

3. Aiming at the new track, what is the success or failure?

So, which track does He Yibing have his eye on now?

At this 2024 retail e-commerce green development exchange meeting, He Yibing's identity is the chairman of the Working Committee of Alxa SEE Jiangnan Project Center. According to He Yibing, Alxa SEE is the largest public welfare and environmental protection organization for entrepreneurs in China, gathering more than 900 entrepreneurs in China, and has initiated the establishment of 8 foundations to support China's environmental protection cause, supporting more than 1,200 public welfare organizations, driving more than 1 billion people in total, and protecting 130,000 square kilometers of forests, grasslands, deserts, oceans and wetlands in China.

Ma Yun's former venture partner covets a new track, what are the chances of winning this time?

The Jiangnan Center was established in 2018 to promote the cause of environmental protection in Zhejiang, one is the classification of urban and rural garbage sources, which is an important direction and initial. He Yibing said that now we are promoting the protection of Zhejiang's endangered animals and plants, which is the direction of biodiversity. In mid-July, we will also innovate and promote cooperation with ICBC Hangzhou Branch to donate credit card financial points to support environmental protection and public welfare projects, and promote public welfare and environmental protection in innovative ways.

In the past 20 years, China's e-commerce has experienced rapid development. According to the 53rd Statistical Report on the Development of the Internet in China, as of December 2023, the number of online shopping users in mainland China reached 915 million, an increase of 69.67 million from December 2022, with a growth rate of 8.2%, accounting for 83.8% of the total number of Internet users. Helped online retail sales rank first in the world for 11 consecutive years. At the same time of rapid development, the carbon emission problems and environmental impact brought about by the e-commerce industry have also received more and more attention.

According to the Research Report on Total Greenhouse Gas Emissions of China's E-commerce Enterprises, the total carbon emissions of China's e-commerce enterprises in 2019 were 53.26 million tons, accounting for 2.5% of the total emissions of the tertiary industry that year. And the total carbon emissions of e-commerce will continue to grow rapidly in the next five years, and are expected to reach 116 million tons in 2025, with a growth rate of 73%. Therefore, the "14th Five-Year Plan for the Development of E-commerce" points out that e-commerce enterprises should take the initiative to adapt to the requirements of green and low-carbon development, actively fulfill their social responsibilities for ecological and environmental protection, and improve the level of green innovation.

In this context, He Yibing chose the development path of green e-commerce. He Yibing said that Hangzhou is the capital of China's e-commerce, and e-commerce has accounted for 27.7% of social retail sales in 2023, which has become a very important part of consumption. One of the most important dimensions of the sustainable development of e-commerce is green e-commerce, and we proposed "environment-friendly e-commerce" at that time, which is not only environmentally friendly, but also social-friendly.

Ma Yun's former venture partner covets a new track, what are the chances of winning this time?

In fact, in order to respond to the call of the country and meet the needs of consumers, Alibaba, and other companies have practiced the concept of green and low-carbon in large-scale shopping festivals such as "Double 11", and launched green venues and green consumption vouchers. In April this year, Tmall Youpin established the "Green Home Appliance Trade-in Alliance"; Last year, 618, Cainiao launched the "618 Everything Recycling Festival" to upgrade the green recycling model. In addition, merchants also encourage consumers to make green purchases by providing products marked with green product labels and trade-in.

Nowadays, with the continuous improvement of environmental awareness and continuous progress of technology, the development prospects of green e-commerce will be broader. Standing at the new outlet, what are the chances of He Yibing's bet this time? His popularity and worth are far behind Ma Yun, can He Yibing be on par with him again?