
"Sending red envelopes in the family group and being accused by my cousin" sparked heated discussions, and how many family truths are hidden behind it

author:History of Crane View Clouds
The story comes from life, this article is a fictional novel, the pictures are all network pictures, the names of people and places are apocryphal, if there is any similarity, it is pure coincidence.

Hello everyone, I am a simple content creator, and today I bring you a seemingly ordinary but thought-provoking story - "The Turmoil Caused by Sending Red Envelopes in the Family Group".

This story happened to me, and I was the protagonist and the one who started this turmoil.

"Sending red envelopes in the family group and being accused by my cousin" sparked heated discussions, and how many family truths are hidden behind it


Let me walk you through this dramatic story step by step.

The cause of the incident has to start with this year's Spring Festival.

At that time, we were under the influence of the epidemic, and many gatherings between relatives were canceled, and everyone could only send greetings and blessings to each other online.

I thought about it and decided to send a red envelope in the family WeChat group as a festive way to let my relatives feel the atmosphere of the New Year and my heart.

So, in the early morning of the first day of junior high school, I took out my mobile phone, clicked on the family group, and entered 88.88 yuan.

Yes, you read that right, it's 88.88, and I think it's both auspicious and just right, not too much and not too little.

I didn't think much of it at the time, so I clicked send.

Who would have thought that my operation would cause a storm.

It turned out that my cousin felt that 88.88 yuan was too little, saying that in her opinion, it was simply a disrespect to the family.

In the group, she directly questioned me, and even began to accuse me, saying that I did it on purpose, with the intention of "showing off" how frugal I was in the family group.

When I first saw the news, I was a little confused.

The members of my family usually get along well, and my original intention was just to bring a little festive atmosphere and fun to everyone, but I didn't expect it to cause such a big controversy.

My cousin's words were very sharp, and a few relatives followed suit.

"Sending red envelopes in the family group and being accused by my cousin" sparked heated discussions, and how many family truths are hidden behind it

I really didn't know what to do for a while.

I had mixed feelings in my heart, and I thought about it for a long time.

I knew that a simple explanation or apology might not calm the storm, as things had escalated to questions about my personality and intentions.

So, I replied to a long message in the group, I explained my original intention, and also expressed my helplessness and sadness.

I would like to tell you that in the context of this special era, I hope that there will be more understanding and tolerance between families, and less pointless quarrels.

This reply didn't immediately quell the controversy, but things cooled down over time.

Several elders began to speak in the group, calling on everyone to be calm and not to affect the harmony of the family because of some small things.

"Sending red envelopes in the family group and being accused by my cousin" sparked heated discussions, and how many family truths are hidden behind it


Looking at my cousin's flood of scolding and coaxing with other relatives on the screen of my mobile phone, I felt so aggrieved that I almost dropped my phone.

In this group, everyone usually talks about the weather and shares a recipe or something, why did I send a red envelope, like setting off a ninth-level storm?

I decided I couldn't do that, I had to respond.

I tapped at the keyboard, figuring out how to reply.

Don't look at my usual gentle style, at this time, I can also raise my arms.

I wrote: "Dear cousin, maybe you don't know, I sent that red envelope in the hope of bringing a little fun and a sense of reunion to our family during this special period.

88.88 yuan, this number in my opinion, both auspicious and warm, I think this is a good choice.

I really didn't expect to cause such a misunderstanding. Is our family relationship based only on money? I think we should put more thought into understanding and inclusion. ”

After sending this message, I still feel a little empty in my heart.

I am afraid that this kind of open "debate" will cause an even greater storm.

"Sending red envelopes in the family group and being accused by my cousin" sparked heated discussions, and how many family truths are hidden behind it

But unexpectedly, a few distant relatives who don't usually speak much began to speak out in support of me.

During that time, my mobile phone left in the group was almost a hot iron, and I had to check it frequently due to the heated discussions.

What happened next was even more unexpected.

The grievances and unwillingness in my heart actually resonated with netizens.

Below my article, the comments multiplied several times.

Someone said: "It's really enough to have this kind of cousin at home." ”

Some people even said bluntly: "Sincerity is the most important thing, and the size of the red envelope does not represent everything." ”

This turmoil made me re-examine our family relationship.

I admit that my dissatisfaction with my cousin made me choose to fight back, but I hope that through this incident, every member of our family can understand that family harmony should not be based only on material things.

"Sending red envelopes in the family group and being accused by my cousin" sparked heated discussions, and how many family truths are hidden behind it

Later, the atmosphere in the group slowly subsided.

My cousin didn't reply to me directly, but through the communication of other relatives, I knew that she was also aware of her excesses.

I thought to myself that this turmoil might bring some different changes to our family.

Summing up this turmoil, I have gained a lot.

I have learned to stand up for my rights and dignity in the face of unfair accusations, and I have realized that communicating genuine emotions and understanding my family is more important than any material gift.

This is the story behind "The Turmoil Caused by Sending Red Envelopes in the Family Group".

Through this incident, I want to tell you that sometimes, small things can reflect many deep-seated problems.

Only understanding and tolerance are the long-term ways to maintain family relationships.


In that article, I used the words of Cao Xueqin's Dream of Red Mansions to open an in-depth discussion of the complexity of family relationships: "In the family, the love is deep and shallow, and each has its own merits. ”

In our big family, there is no shortage of colorful stories and complex relationships.

"Sending red envelopes in the family group and being accused by my cousin" sparked heated discussions, and how many family truths are hidden behind it

I think everyone has a specific role to play on this family stage, and I, too, am no exception.

I thought about it for a long time and decided to elaborate on my point further with another story.

This story happened to one of my distant relatives.

In order to realize his family's expectations, he resolutely gave up his dream and devoted himself to the family business.

At first glance, this selfless dedication is exemplary.

However, he often confided in me in the middle of the night about the pressure and pain behind the pursuit of family glory.

His story, like a mirror, reflects the double-edged sword of expectation and responsibility in family relationships, which affects the lives of each family member to a greater or lesser extent.

I introduced this story in the article and incorporated my own experiences and opinions.

"Sending red envelopes in the family group and being accused by my cousin" sparked heated discussions, and how many family truths are hidden behind it

I believe that family relationships are not only rosy, but also complex and individual.

Just as the cousin incident triggered the thinking, the way family relationships are handled is directly related to our sense of well-being.

Just as I pondered how to ease family ties, a positive example offered a lesson in the mix.

It was a friend's story.

On a major holiday, there were some minor disputes in her family, but through honest communication with each other, they not only resolved the misunderstanding, but also made the family relationship stronger.

This example has inspired me a lot – no matter how complex a family relationship is, through understanding and communication, a solution can always be found.

I conclude my article by emphasizing that while family ties are essential to each of us, maintaining personal independence and self-worth is equally important.

This not only makes us invincible in the family, but more importantly, it can contribute to our own happy life.

"Sending red envelopes in the family group and being accused by my cousin" sparked heated discussions, and how many family truths are hidden behind it

After the article was published, the comment area was lively again.

Many netizens shared their experiences related to family relationships, and each story was full of affection, which made me deeply feel that no matter which family I am in, there are similar experiences and challenges.

This strengthened my belief that through this writing, I not only found the answer in my heart for myself, but also pointed out a clear path for those who are lost in family relationships.

Through the discussion and sharing of this article, I hope to encourage more people to be brave enough to remain independent in the face of family relationships, while not forgetting to communicate and understand, so that we can not only maintain our self-worth, but also enjoy the warmth and support brought by our family.

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