
On the first anniversary of "Jade Bone Yao", Lord Shiying crossed the live broadcast to bring goods? Netizen: I took this crossover

author:Ashin said entertainment

Opening: "Time and space travel" triggered by a poster

On the first anniversary of "Jade Bone Yao", Lord Shiying crossed the live broadcast to bring goods? Netizen: I took this crossover

Anyway, on this day, the circle of friends suddenly exploded, not whose pet became fine again, nor which Internet celebrity overturned again, but "Xiao Zhan Yugu Yao's new poster" was born, announcing the first anniversary of the launch of "Jade Bone Yao". As soon as this news came out, it seemed to cast a chilled watermelon on the hot summer, which instantly cooled the entire network. Netizens said: "Lord Shiying, are you coming back from time travel to send us cool?" ”

The "Conclave" behind the poster

On the first anniversary of "Jade Bone Yao", Lord Shiying crossed the live broadcast to bring goods? Netizen: I took this crossover

Imagine that in a futuristic conference room in the Baidu Building, the planning team is in full swing preparing for this "anniversary celebration". Xiao Li, the project manager, held coffee in one hand and scratched on the trackpad with the other, and muttered: "This poster has to be both emotional and innovative, and it is best to trigger a wave of memories to kill." Designer Xiao Zhang is focused, the sketch on the screen from blurry to clear, the figure of Lord Shiying gradually appears, and the eyes seem to be able to penetrate the screen and hit people's hearts. At this time, Xiao Zhao, the copywriter on the side, had a flash of inspiration: "Xuewei flowers bloom, and time and shadow return!" How about it, this eight-character proverb is both appropriate and literary! Everyone hit it off, and so, this poster, which carries countless expectations and memories, was born.

Netizens' "brain-opening"

On the first anniversary of "Jade Bone Yao", Lord Shiying crossed the live broadcast to bring goods? Netizen: I took this crossover

As soon as the poster came out, the brains of netizens could no longer be closed. Someone started the P-picture contest and P-sama Shiying to various unexpected scenes: some fought side by side with the Avengers heroes to save the universe; Some are holding spatulas in the kitchen, and they are seriously cooking "Time Shadow Brand" dark dishes; What's more, he directly gave Lord Shiying the slogan "I am Shiying, I am waiting for you in "Jade Bone Yao", and I am also bringing goods on Douyin live broadcast", which made people laugh. In the comment area, netizens left messages: "Lord Shiying, you are a cross-border development!" "Ask Lord Shiying for the same spatula, and you can cook with a fairy spirit!"

"Memory Killing" in a Time Machine

On the first anniversary of "Jade Bone Yao", Lord Shiying crossed the live broadcast to bring goods? Netizen: I took this crossover

As the popularity of the poster continued to rise, many netizens began to spontaneously review the classic clips in "Jade Bone Yao". Someone edited the "Eye Killing" collection of Lord Shiying, and every look seemed to be able to speak, which made people's hearts move; Someone made a collection of "Time and Shadow Quotations", and those affectionate and philosophical lines once again awakened the emotion in the audience's hearts. For a while, social media seemed to start a time machine journey, and everyone was looking for their own unique memories of "Jade Bone Yao".

Controversial Topic: The "Modern Life" of Shikage-sama

On the first anniversary of "Jade Bone Yao", Lord Shiying crossed the live broadcast to bring goods? Netizen: I took this crossover

Just as everyone was immersed in their memories, a rather controversial topic quietly arose—"If Shikage-sama traveled back in time to the modern day, how would he live?" Some netizens believe that with the wisdom and temperament of Lord Shiying, he is definitely a rising star in the science and technology industry, and may be able to develop black technology that changes the world; Some people also feel that Lord Shiying is more suitable to become a cultural ambassador, using his influence to spread positive energy and make the world a better place. Of course, there are also some "brain-opening" netizens who proposed: "Lord Shiying may open a teahouse, make a pot of good tea every day, share the philosophy of life with the guests, and become a clear stream in the city." This topic quickly sparked heated discussions among netizens, and the comment area was lively, as if Lord Shiying had really crossed over to us.

Ending: An unfinished "Dialogue in Time and Space"

On the first anniversary of "Jade Bone Yao", Lord Shiying crossed the live broadcast to bring goods? Netizen: I took this crossover

In this way, the celebration of the first anniversary of the launch of "Jade Bone Yao" gradually came to an end in the laughter of netizens. But this "time and space travel" triggered by a poster is like a seed that takes root in everyone's hearts. It makes us realize that no matter how the times change, those beautiful stories and characters can always cross the boundaries of time and space and touch the softest part of our hearts. As for the "modern life" of Lord Shiying, perhaps everyone has their own answer in their hearts. As one netizen said: "In this world full of infinite possibilities, the story of Lord Shiying is always worth looking forward to and discussing." As a result, this unfinished "dialogue between time and space" continues its journey in the ocean of the Internet, waiting for more people to join and continue to write.