
Chang'e-6 will collect soil on the far side of the moon for the first time, how will it be distributed? Will it be returned to the United States?

author:Sunflowers see the world

In the field of astronautics, we once caught up with some countries for half a century. But now, while we are still running, we find that there is no opponent in front of us.

Chang'e-6 will collect soil on the far side of the moon for the first time, how will it be distributed? Will it be returned to the United States?

This time, Chang'e not only went to the moon, but also brought back a precious "local specialty" - 1935.3 grams of lunar samples!

This is a real sample from the Moon, which includes soil from both the front and back sides of the Moon.

Chang'e-6 will collect soil on the far side of the moon for the first time, how will it be distributed? Will it be returned to the United States?

This is the first feat in human history, and our Chinese Chang'e-6 has done it!

Chang'e-6 will collect soil on the far side of the moon for the first time, how will it be distributed? Will it be returned to the United States?

Now, the question arises, will we generously share these precious lunar soils with other countries? The answer, of course, is yes.

Chang'e-6 will collect soil on the far side of the moon for the first time, how will it be distributed? Will it be returned to the United States?

In the Chang'e-6 mission, we have established cooperative relationships with ESA, France, Italy and Pakistan, which is a testament to our commitment to international cooperation in the field of space.

Chang'e-6 will collect soil on the far side of the moon for the first time, how will it be distributed? Will it be returned to the United States?

However, before sharing, there is a country that is in a hurry, who is it? Of course, it's a beautiful country! The latest report is that the United States is skewking about applying for samples, and it also says that it will beat China in the "race to the moon".


In 2020, we introduced the measures for the management of lunar samples, which is our "family law". The first batch of 18 countries to share lunar soil, Russia, the United Kingdom, Palestine and others, are on the list.

Chang'e-6 will collect soil on the far side of the moon for the first time, how will it be distributed? Will it be returned to the United States?

Hey, Japan too? This makes people sweat, after all, Japan and the United States wear the same pants, in case the United States asks for it, will Japan dare not give it?

Don't worry, in December 2020, the National Administration and the Chinese Academy of Sciences jointly issued the measures for the management of lunar samples, which is our "Shangfang Sword".

Chang'e-6 will collect soil on the far side of the moon for the first time, how will it be distributed? Will it be returned to the United States?

According to this "family law", we don't have to worry that Japan will leak secrets, otherwise they will face severe punishment, and it will be difficult to cooperate with us in the future. In the face of interests, the Japanese also have to weigh and weigh, and they dare not mess around.

The management measures have detailed regulations on the use of lunar soil. For example, Article 21 requires countries that borrow lunar soil to record the use of lunar soil throughout the process, and to shoot videos of damaged experiments to ensure the traceability of sample use. In this way, no one wants to make small moves.

Chang'e-6 will collect soil on the far side of the moon for the first time, how will it be distributed? Will it be returned to the United States?

Article 22 is even more ruthless, directly requiring the borrowing entity to accept the inspection of our lunar exploration center. This means that you have to be ready to be "raided" at all times to see if you dare to mess around.

The most powerful is Article 23, which directly blocks the way for Japan to secretly give lunar soil to the United States.

It clearly stipulates that the borrowing entity does not have the right to give lunar soil to a third party for use. If you need to conduct experiments, tests and other related work in a third party, you must first report to our Lunar Exploration Center, and only after the review is passed can it be implemented.

Chang'e-6 will collect soil on the far side of the moon for the first time, how will it be distributed? Will it be returned to the United States?

In the face of these strict terms, all countries must of course be obedient and cherish this hard-won opportunity for cooperation. After all, China is now a space power, and if it does not cooperate, it will be they who will lose.

So, although our Chinese lunar soil is generously shared, there are also rules, and you want to take advantage of us? There are no doors!

Speaking of the United States, their reaction this time is really laughable. They once gave us a gram of lunar soil as a "gift", but now they want to use it as an excuse to ask for a share of our lunar soil.

Chang'e-6 will collect soil on the far side of the moon for the first time, how will it be distributed? Will it be returned to the United States?

However, they tried to circumvent their own proposal of the Wolf Act, which was originally intended to prevent exchanges and cooperation with the mainland in the field of space. Isn't this a typical "shooting yourself in the foot"?

Chang'e-6 will collect soil on the far side of the moon for the first time, how will it be distributed? Will it be returned to the United States?

However, we Chinese aerospace scientists are not so stingy people.

Therefore, we will not only share the results of lunar soil research with our partners, but also with more countries. Of course, the United States, which is subject to the Wolf Act, may only be able to watch with a blank eye.

Chang'e-6 will collect soil on the far side of the moon for the first time, how will it be distributed? Will it be returned to the United States?

The success of Chang'e-6 is not only a success of space activities, but also a powerful response to the lies of certain countries.

Remember that NASA once said that the far side of the moon is forever on the dark side, and they do not plan to explore it. However, the video sent back by Chang'e-6 shows that the far side of the moon is also quite bright.

Chang'e-6 will collect soil on the far side of the moon for the first time, how will it be distributed? Will it be returned to the United States?
Chang'e-6 will collect soil on the far side of the moon for the first time, how will it be distributed? Will it be returned to the United States?
Chang'e-6 will collect soil on the far side of the moon for the first time, how will it be distributed? Will it be returned to the United States?
Chang'e-6 will collect soil on the far side of the moon for the first time, how will it be distributed? Will it be returned to the United States?

This can't help but make people wonder if the Apollo moon landing in the United States was also a secret that no one knows?

Chang'e-6 will collect soil on the far side of the moon for the first time, how will it be distributed? Will it be returned to the United States?

Looking to the future, our lunar exploration journey will continue. Chang'e-7 and Chang'e-8 are already in the works, and some people have even proposed that since the United States doesn't like it, then we will take a robot dog "Howling Dog" to land at the south pole of the moon.

After this news broke, the US Congress went so far as to put forward the "dog threat theory," which really made people laugh and cry.

In terms of lunar resources, the abundant helium-3 that may be contained on the back side is even more eye-catching. The abundance of this substance on the moon is staggering, and a few kilograms can provide the entire planet with energy needs for a year. With such treasures, it is no wonder that the United States is in such a hurry.

Chang'e-6 will collect soil on the far side of the moon for the first time, how will it be distributed? Will it be returned to the United States?

The success of Chang'e-6 is not only a source of pride for China, but also an important contribution to the exploration of the universe by all mankind. As for the countries that have tried to stop us, I am afraid that they can only do it in a hurry now. Because in this new era of aerospace, the glory is no longer the glory of the past, and the hero is only about the present!

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