
The finale of "Just Time": Mei Yiduo and Zhou Yao's desire to conquer the crush Bai Yueguang is the same

author:Nei Yuwen said

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The play "Time is Just Right" mainly talks about the emotional entanglement between Zhou Yao, Mei Yiduo, Chen Wanzhen and Li Lin.

The finale of "Just Time": Mei Yiduo and Zhou Yao's desire to conquer the crush Bai Yueguang is the same

Let's talk about the pair of Zhou Yao and Chen Wanzhen first. Zhou Yao's feelings for Chen Wanzhen are so complicated that they are like a mess. He really showed that he cared for every detail. When Chen Wanzhen encountered difficulties, Zhou Yao always stepped forward as soon as possible, sheltered her from the wind and rain, and helped her solve one problem after another.

The finale of "Just Time": Mei Yiduo and Zhou Yao's desire to conquer the crush Bai Yueguang is the same

That kind of gentleness and thoughtfulness, as if he was the guardian angel in Chen Wanzhen's life, made people envious when they saw it. But his strong desire to control makes people can't help but smack his tongue in every detail, he has to intervene, and he has to do it according to his wishes. This is like giving Chen Wanzhen a sweet candy, but then slapping her hard, making Chen Wanzhen dizzy and confusing us onlookers.

The finale of "Just Time": Mei Yiduo and Zhou Yao's desire to conquer the crush Bai Yueguang is the same

Look at Mei Yihua again, this girl's deep affection for Li Lin is really hidden. She carefully covered this feeling in her heart and did not dare to show it easily. But fate always seems to love to play tricks on people, but Li Lin chose to walk into the palace of marriage hand in hand with Xu Mengan. This news was like a bolt from the blue for Mei Yiduo, shattering her heart full of anticipation. However, Mei Yiduo, this girl is really righteous enough.

The finale of "Just Time": Mei Yiduo and Zhou Yao's desire to conquer the crush Bai Yueguang is the same

When Li Lin encountered the dilemma of unemployment, she did not hesitate to use the network resources she had accumulated to introduce him to a very good job. She was looking forward to it with joy, and now she could always shorten the distance with Li Lin. However, who would have expected that Li Lin, a kid, would refuse this kindness because of his firm dedication to the family. He knew in his heart that accepting the job could lead to a series of troubles that would jeopardize the family harmony he had worked so hard to maintain.

The finale of "Just Time": Mei Yiduo and Zhou Yao's desire to conquer the crush Bai Yueguang is the same

In this play, not only is the emotional line worrying, but there are also some specific things that are quite interesting. For example, Blue Ocean Media's successful acquisition of Xinmiao Media is estimated to be a thrilling business war behind the scene. The high-level leaders of the two sides have come and gone at the negotiating table, and various strategies and means have emerged one after another. Another example is that there was a problem with the gambling agreement signed by Yu Hai, this toss, not only Yu Hai himself was anxious, but also affected a large number of people who followed him, I don't know how many people were in a hurry and couldn't sleep at night.

The finale of "Just Time": Mei Yiduo and Zhou Yao's desire to conquer the crush Bai Yueguang is the same

Let's talk about the feelings of these people, it is really more exciting than the TV series. Zhou Yao's loving and controlling attitude towards Chen Wanzhen made me wonder repeatedly, is this true love, or is it satisfying my possessiveness under the banner of love? Chen Wanzhen is estimated to have mixed tastes in this relationship. It is naturally sweet for someone to care so much about themselves, but the free space is seriously compressed, and it is inevitable that they will feel distressed. She is like a bird trapped in a beautiful cage, enjoying comfort but losing the freedom to soar.

The finale of "Just Time": Mei Yiduo and Zhou Yao's desire to conquer the crush Bai Yueguang is the same

Mei Yiduo's crush on Li Lin is as pure as the dew in the morning, without a trace of impurities. She didn't expect anything in return, she just simply hoped that Li Lin could live well. But Li Lin is already married and has a family, and he knows in his heart where his responsibilities and bottom line are. Although it is regrettable that he rejected Mei Yiduo's job offer, from another point of view, it also fully demonstrates his responsibility as a man. He knew that once he accepted it, it could lead to an unforeseen crisis for his family.

The finale of "Just Time": Mei Yiduo and Zhou Yao's desire to conquer the crush Bai Yueguang is the same

At the end of this play, the more I pondered, the more flavorful it became. It is not just a matter of a few people falling in love, it shows the fierce struggle between desire and reason in human nature. Zhou Yao's desire to control may be behind his excessive desire for love, longing to have each other completely, but ignoring that love also needs space to breathe. Mei Yiduo's infatuation comes from her deep yearning for true love, and her desire is to be with Li Lin, even if it is just to watch from afar. And Li Lin's persistence is the victory of reason. He understands the importance of family and his responsibilities, so he is able to resolutely reject temptation.

The finale of "Just Time": Mei Yiduo and Zhou Yao's desire to conquer the crush Bai Yueguang is the same

Think about our own lives, who doesn't have a little desire? Sometimes I want an unforgettable love, sometimes I want to achieve brilliant success in my career, and sometimes I want to live a free and easy life. But desire, if left unchecked, is easy to run wild like a wild horse, messing up our otherwise peaceful and orderly life. It can cause us to lose our way, lose ourselves, and even hurt those closest to us.

The finale of "Just Time": Mei Yiduo and Zhou Yao's desire to conquer the crush Bai Yueguang is the same

Let's talk about reason, this is like the needle in our hearts. It allows us to hold our feet in the tide of desire and not get carried away. Just like Li Lin, he knows the importance of his family and his responsibilities, so he can refuse that seemingly tempting job offer. He used reason to overcome desire and keep the harmony and tranquility of the family.

The finale of "Just Time": Mei Yiduo and Zhou Yao's desire to conquer the crush Bai Yueguang is the same

This drama is like a clear mirror, allowing us to see our hearts. It reminds us that when facing relationship problems, we must keep a clear head and not be led by desire. We must cherish the family and affection around us, because these are our real harbors and the warm embrace that we can rely on in the wind and rain. Family is our eternal safe haven, and family affection is the tenacious rope that holds our hearts together.

The finale of "Just Time": Mei Yiduo and Zhou Yao's desire to conquer the crush Bai Yueguang is the same

Looking back at the characters in this play, although their stories have come to an end, the reflections left for us are far from over. We are playing out all kinds of dramas on the stage of our lives every day. Sometimes, we may be like Zhou Yao, blinded by desire and trying to control everything; Sometimes, we are like a plum flower, desperate to pay for the obsession in our hearts; Sometimes, we hope to be like Li Lin, stick to our principles and bottom line, and use reason to control our desires.

The finale of "Just Time": Mei Yiduo and Zhou Yao's desire to conquer the crush Bai Yueguang is the same

I hope that we can all play our roles well on the stage of our own lives, so that desire and reason can reach a perfect balance. Only in this way can we find our own happiness and tranquility in the complex world and live a truly happy and fulfilling life.

The finale of "Just Time": Mei Yiduo and Zhou Yao's desire to conquer the crush Bai Yueguang is the same

So, friends, if you haven't watched this drama, you can really take a look, and maybe you can find some inspiration about life and feelings from it! Maybe it can be a beacon on your life path and illuminate the direction you are heading forward.

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