
66 counties embezzled nearly 2 billion yuan in rural student meal subsidies to pay off debts, commented the fryer

author:Jiuxia Wei-hsien


A recent piece of news is like a bombshell, which directly blows the hearts of many parents: the Audit Office revealed that from 2021 to August 2023, 66 counties actually embezzled 1.951 billion yuan in student meal subsidies to repay debts and other expenses.

The misappropriation of nutritious meals for their children is nothing short of overt, and many parents have expressed their anger and disappointment.

Nutritious meals become "debt meals"

66 counties embezzled nearly 2 billion yuan in rural student meal subsidies to pay off debts, commented the fryer

Hearing this news, the anger of parents is understandable.

The purpose of the nutritious school meal is to ensure that the children can eat better and healthier, but the money is used to fill the hole in the local debt.

This not only violates the original intention of the policy, but also directly infringes on the rights and interests of children.

Many netizens expressed their anger and doubts on social media: "No matter how hard you are, you can't be bitter about your children, and no matter how poor you are, you can't be poor in education." ”

66 counties embezzled nearly 2 billion yuan in rural student meal subsidies to pay off debts, commented the fryer

Some netizens sighed: "This is deducting money from between the teeth of rural students, the key is that rural students are really short of nutrition, which is tantamount to adding insult to injury." ”

These comments are a true reflection of the strong reaction of all sectors of society to this incident.

Parents' helplessness and doubts

Many parents said they didn't even know the subsidy existed.

66 counties embezzled nearly 2 billion yuan in rural student meal subsidies to pay off debts, commented the fryer

One parent said, "I would like to ask all parents, have your children ever eaten free nutritious meals? It turns out that the state has subsidized this meal for rural students, but I really don't know. ”

Such helplessness reflects the issue of transparency.

Parents are supposed to be the beneficiaries and supervisors of their children's nutritious meal programs, but in reality, they are often kept in the dark and ignorant of the actual situation.

Another parent said helplessly: "I was in charge of lunch last semester, but this semester I will take my children home to eat, saying that the government has no money." ”

66 counties embezzled nearly 2 billion yuan in rural student meal subsidies to pay off debts, commented the fryer

This not only exposes the lack of policy implementation, but also raises questions about how bad the fiscal situation of local governments really is.

A blow to government trust

The blow to the government's credibility cannot be ignored.

Some netizens said: "I was not very surprised to see this news, I felt that it was expected."

66 counties embezzled nearly 2 billion yuan in rural student meal subsidies to pay off debts, commented the fryer

These various subsidies and subsidies are about to become a business, feeding a large number of bosses. ”

Such rhetoric reflects a deep public distrust of the government's use of funds.

How can local government officials not be outraged by the "food" they snatch from rural students? When there is the problem of malnutrition on one side and the repayment of local debts on the other, it is no wonder that many people ask, "Is there really no money?" There is no money to feed students, but retirement salaries are rising every year. ”

Controversy and reflection

66 counties embezzled nearly 2 billion yuan in rural student meal subsidies to pay off debts, commented the fryer

Since ancient times, China has attached great importance to children and education, and this incident is undoubtedly contrary to tradition and makes people feel very sad.

Someone sighed: "Since ancient times, the most important thing we have paid attention to is children and education, which is really against tradition." ”

Others argue that this is not only a moral degradation, but also a challenge to societal values.

In the face of such a reality, how to ensure that the student nutritious meal subsidy funds are truly used for the healthy growth of students, and how to strengthen the supervision of the use of funds, have become urgent problems to be solved.

66 counties embezzled nearly 2 billion yuan in rural student meal subsidies to pay off debts, commented the fryer

This incident is undoubtedly a wake-up call for us to be more transparent and rigorous in the implementation of policies.

The original intention and reality of the nutritious meal plan

The original purpose of the school nutritious meal program was to improve the nutritional status of rural students and ensure their healthy growth.

The misappropriation of funds exposed this time has discounted this good intention.

66 counties embezzled nearly 2 billion yuan in rural student meal subsidies to pay off debts, commented the fryer

Many parents question why funds that should be spent on their children are being diverted. What impact will this have on children's health and future?

One parent said: "The health and growth of children should be the highest priority, and any misappropriation of funds is unacceptable." ”

This skepticism not only reflects the concerns of parents, but also highlights the problems in the implementation of the policy.

Responses and measures taken by relevant authorities

66 counties embezzled nearly 2 billion yuan in rural student meal subsidies to pay off debts, commented the fryer

After the incident was exposed, the relevant departments quickly responded, saying that they would strengthen the supervision of the use of funds to ensure that the funds for student nutritious meal subsidies are no longer misappropriated.

Many parents are skeptical, arguing that post-mortem supervision and punishment alone will not solve the problem, and that the possibility of misappropriation of funds must be eliminated in the first place.

Some netizens pointed out: "In addition to strengthening supervision, it is more important to establish a transparent mechanism for the use of funds, so that every penny can be used where it should be used." ”

Such proposals not only reflect the public's expectations for government transparency, but also provide ideas for policy improvements.

66 counties embezzled nearly 2 billion yuan in rural student meal subsidies to pay off debts, commented the fryer

The Future of Student Nutritious Meal Programs

In the face of this incident, how to ensure the smooth implementation of the student nutritious meal plan has become the focus of attention from all walks of life.

The use of funds should be strictly regulated through legislative means to ensure that the funds for student nutritious meal subsidies are earmarked.

Establish a transparent monitoring mechanism so that parents and all sectors of society can participate in monitoring to ensure that funds are not misappropriated.

66 counties embezzled nearly 2 billion yuan in rural student meal subsidies to pay off debts, commented the fryer

"Ensuring the nutrition and health of children is our shared responsibility, and we must work hard to ensure the smooth implementation of the school feeding program," said an education expert. ”

This call not only reflects the expectations of experts, but also provides a direction for policy improvement.


The misappropriation of student meal subsidies not only reveals the problems of local governments in the use of funds, but also reflects many loopholes in policy implementation.

66 counties embezzled nearly 2 billion yuan in rural student meal subsidies to pay off debts, commented the fryer

To ensure that such incidents do not happen again, we need the joint efforts of all sectors of society, strengthen supervision, improve transparency, and truly use funds where they should be used to ensure the healthy growth of children.

This is not only a responsibility for the children, but also a responsibility for the future.

66 counties embezzled nearly 2 billion yuan in rural student meal subsidies to pay off debts, commented the fryer

It is our common goal and responsibility to ensure the smooth implementation of the student nutritious meal program through continuous improvement of the policy, so that every child can grow up healthily.

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