
Behind the death of 17-year-old national feather player Zhang Zhijie: his father died the year before last, and he was the only son in the family

author:Jiuxia Wei-hsien

The situation on the field has changed abruptly, and the new star has fallen into a mystery

In Indonesia, a badminton arena full of passion and dreams, a sudden tragedy has focused the world's attention on it.

The 17-year-old badminton star Zhang Zhijie, a talented teenager who has won many awards in domestic and foreign competitions and is known as a future star, fell to the ground in full view of everyone, and finally failed to stand up again, and his life came to an abrupt end.

This news was like a thunderbolt from the sky, instantly exploding in the badminton world and even the entire sports circle, making countless fans and spectators sigh, as if a bright star suddenly fell in the night sky.

Behind the death of 17-year-old national feather player Zhang Zhijie: his father died the year before last, and he was the only son in the family

The family of Yutan, the unfulfilled dream of his father who died early

His badminton path has been predestined since he was a child.

Zhang Zhijie, a real "second generation of badminton", his father Zhang Guozhong is a senior coach, and he has pinned all his hopes on him since he was a child.

His father personally taught him the skills and cultivated his love and dedication to badminton.

Behind the death of 17-year-old national feather player Zhang Zhijie: his father died the year before last, and he was the only son in the family

Zhang Zhijie showed extraordinary talent and indomitable spirit under his father's rigorous training, and gradually stood out among his peers.

The impermanence of fate made his sky suddenly overcast.

Coach Zhang Guozhong passed away due to illness, leaving behind an unfinished dream and a new star that urgently needs to bloom.

But Zhang Zhijie did not live up to his father's expectations, he used his sweat and tears, continue to move forward unswervingly on the road of badminton, and the trophies are not only a reward for his own efforts, but also a kind of comfort and consolation for his father's soul in the sky.

Behind the death of 17-year-old national feather player Zhang Zhijie: his father died the year before last, and he was the only son in the family

Zhang Zhijie is not only a badminton player, but also the inheritor of a family dream.

No matter how big the challenges and sorrows are, as long as you have a dream in your heart, you will be able to persevere, and one day you will reap your own light and glory.

Crowned with glory in the arena: the brilliant achievements of a talented teenager

Zhang Zhijie's badminton career can be said to be brilliant all the way.

Behind the death of 17-year-old national feather player Zhang Zhijie: his father died the year before last, and he was the only son in the family

Since he was a kindergarten student, he has been exposed to badminton and has shown a talent and potential that is unlike any other.

As he grew older and improved his skills, he gradually made a name for himself in major competitions at home and abroad.

Especially at the 2022 National Badminton Finals, at the age of 15, he won the men's singles championship with his outstanding performance, becoming the youngest national champion in history.

At the 2023 National Youth Badminton Championships and World Youth Badminton Championships, Zhang Zhijie has been making great progress, winning two championships in a row and becoming a dazzling new star in the badminton world.

Behind the death of 17-year-old national feather player Zhang Zhijie: his father died the year before last, and he was the only son in the family

These honors are not only a recognition of his personal strength, but also an expectation of the infinite possibilities of his future development.

Zhang Zhijie's achievements tell us that talent is important, but more important is unremitting efforts and persistent pursuit of dreams.

With his youth and sweat, he wrote his own legend and added infinite brilliance to the future of Chinese badminton.

Tragic Moment Replay: The speed of life and death on the field

Behind the death of 17-year-old national feather player Zhang Zhijie: his father died the year before last, and he was the only son in the family

Fate played tricks on the badminton prodigy in his most glorious moments.

In the Indonesian game, Zhang Zhijie suddenly fell to the ground, and this scene stunned everyone at the scene.

From the heart-wrenching video at the scene, seeing Zhang Zhijie suddenly fall, the coach was so anxious that he rushed up to see how he was doing without thinking about it, but he was stopped by the referee.

The precious rescue opportunity was delayed minute by minute.

Behind the death of 17-year-old national feather player Zhang Zhijie: his father died the year before last, and he was the only son in the family

Although someone hurriedly came up to do first aid later, trying their best to save something, but unfortunately, in the end, Zhang Zhijie could not be retained.

This scene not only made Zhang Zhijie's family feel painful, but also made countless fans and viewers feel deep regret and anger.

The world is sometimes so unfair, a young, hopeful life is taken away in a fleeting moment.

The passing of Zhang Zhijie makes people lament the fragility and preciousness of life, and also makes people cherish everything they have in front of them even more.

Behind the death of 17-year-old national feather player Zhang Zhijie: his father died the year before last, and he was the only son in the family

His passing is a great loss to the badminton world, but the spirit and impact he left behind will forever be engraved in people's hearts.

The social repercussions are strong: questioning and reflection are intertwined

Zhang Zhijie's unexpected death has set off huge waves in society.

People have expressed their condolences and reluctance to this young genius.

Behind the death of 17-year-old national feather player Zhang Zhijie: his father died the year before last, and he was the only son in the family

Doubts and criticisms were raised about the first aid measures at the game site.

If more timely and effective first aid had been intervened, this tragedy might have been averted.

There are also many voices who have expressed concern and dissatisfaction with the medical security system in Indonesia, arguing that such a tragedy should not happen again.

This incident is a profound reminder of the preciousness of life and the key to every first aid, no matter where we are.

Behind the death of 17-year-old national feather player Zhang Zhijie: his father died the year before last, and he was the only son in the family

Even in sports, a good medical security system and a timely emergency response are crucial.

We hope that through this tragedy, more people can pay attention to and improve the safety of sports events, and ensure that every athlete can use their talents in a safe environment without losing their lives.

Improvement of the safety and first aid system in the stadium

Zhang Zhijie's death is not only a family tragedy, but also a deep reflection on the entire sports world and even society.

Behind the death of 17-year-old national feather player Zhang Zhijie: his father died the year before last, and he was the only son in the family

People are beginning to pay attention to the safety of the stadium and the perfection of the first aid system.

The organizers of the competition should assume greater responsibilities and obligations to ensure the safety of athletes.

All sectors of society also call for joint attention and support for the development of sports, and provide better protection and support for athletes.

People also put forward higher requirements for athletes' own health management and self-protection awareness.

Behind the death of 17-year-old national feather player Zhang Zhijie: his father died the year before last, and he was the only son in the family

This incident is a profound wake-up call to remind us that life safety is always paramount, no matter the occasion.

We hope that this painful lesson will lead to a higher standard of safety in the world of sport and ensure that every athlete is fully protected and cared for during the competition.


Although Zhang Zhijie has left us, his spirit and dreams will always remain in people's hearts.

Behind the death of 17-year-old national feather player Zhang Zhijie: his father died the year before last, and he was the only son in the family

He wrote a glorious badminton legend with his sweat and tears, and also used his life to interpret what true love and perseverance are.

We should remember the glory and glory of this young genius, and at the same time, reflect on and be alert to the lessons and revelations of this tragedy.

Let's work together to provide better protection and support for athletes so that tragedies like this don't happen again.

Behind the death of 17-year-old national feather player Zhang Zhijie: his father died the year before last, and he was the only son in the family

At the same time, let us continue to inherit and carry forward the spirit and culture of badminton represented by Zhang Zhijie, so that love and dreams can continue on the court.

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