
Summer rain irrigates the breeze | The forest gathers the sound of cicadas, and the summer clouds open

author:Learn and learn poetry

The forest gathers the sound of cicadas, and the summer clouds open.

Suddenly, there was a chord stopping, and the rain poured into the breeze.

Summer rain irrigates the breeze | The forest gathers the sound of cicadas, and the summer clouds open

This poem describing the summer rain, through vivid imagery and delicate brushstrokes, shows the unique charm of the summer rain scene, and also conveys the poet's keen observation and deep feeling of natural changes.

Summer rain irrigates the breeze | The forest gathers the sound of cicadas, and the summer clouds open

"The sound of cicadas in the forest", this sentence starts from the cicada song in the forest, and builds a background full of summer atmosphere. Cicadas chirp is a common natural phenomenon in summer, and their tireless chirping is often seen as a symbol of summer. The word "gathering" here is particularly exquisite, not only emphasizing the sound of cicadas, but also reflecting the number of cicadas, as if the forest has "gathered".

Summer rain irrigates the breeze | The forest gathers the sound of cicadas, and the summer clouds open

"The summer breaks and the clouds open", as the poem progresses, the poet turns his perspective to the sky. On hot summer days, the clouds are often thick and oppressive, as if to lock in the heat. But here, the word "summer decision" suddenly breaks this dullness, causing the clouds to begin to disperse, and the clouds gradually dissipate, showing the summer sun in the sky.

Summer rain irrigates the breeze | The forest gathers the sound of cicadas, and the summer clouds open

The phrase "suddenly there is a chord stop" is a very clever twist, from the grand natural landscape to a more delicate and subtle auditory experience. The "one string" here refers to the sound of a certain cicada, which stops, is silent, and suddenly it is quiet, as if something big is about to happen.

Summer rain irrigates the breeze | The forest gathers the sound of cicadas, and the summer clouds open

"The rain is pouring into the breeze", this sentence finally unveiled all the suspense foreshadowed by the previous article. With the silence of "one string stops", the heavy rain pours down, and the word "irrigation" is used to describe its fierce momentum and large amount of water, vividly showing the majestic momentum of the rain. The "Fresh Breeze" echoes the "Summer Decision", further emphasizing the cooling effect of the rain. The rain not only dispels the heat, but also brings a cool breeze, making the whole environment fresh and pleasant.

Summer rain irrigates the breeze | The forest gathers the sound of cicadas, and the summer clouds open

Overall, the poem shows the unique charm of summer rain scenes by depicting vivid pictures of summer rain scenes. From the noise of the cicadas to the dispersal of the clouds, to the cessation of the sound and the arrival of the rain, every detail is full of poetry and beauty. At the same time, this poem also conveys the poet's deep love and yearning for the beauty of nature, as well as his awe of the laws of natural change.
