
Wang Xiaofei's new wife is virtuous, but Big S has lost?

author:Colorful little saffron seSCOM


Zhang Lan's Japanese family time

The news that Zhang Lan and Wang Xiaofei took their grandchildren to Japan for a vacation has attracted a lot of attention on social media. In the video shared by Zhang Lan on social platforms, Xiao Yue'er's long hair reaches her waist,

Wang Xiaofei's new wife is virtuous, but Big S has lost?

Her walking posture and appearance are quite like her mother's shadow, while Xiao Jiujiu always wants to appear on camera to interact with her grandmother, and the picture is warm. This kind of family reunion scene undoubtedly touched the heartstrings of many netizens, and everyone left messages to express their envy and blessings.


However, such family gatherings have also sparked some controversy. Some netizens questioned whether Zhang Lan and Wang Xiaofei really just wanted to reunite with their children, or whether they took a fancy to the traffic value of their children.

Wang Xiaofei's new wife is virtuous, but Big S has lost?

After all, Zhang Lan often uses the interaction with children to attract the audience when she brings goods in live broadcasts, which has also aroused the disgust of some netizens to a certain extent. They believe that family reunification should be pure and should not be eroded by commercial interests.

Big S's parenting options


Why did Da S not let his two children go back to Beijing, but chose to reunite with his ex-husband and ex-mother-in-law abroad, this issue has also become the focus of discussion among netizens.

Wang Xiaofei's new wife is virtuous, but Big S has lost?

Some people speculate that Big S may be out of consideration for the child's educational environment, or to protect the child's privacy and avoid too much attention and disturbance in China. This speculation is not unfounded, after all, Big S has always been a mother who pays great attention to the privacy and education of her children.

Wang Xiaofei's new wife is virtuous, but Big S has lost?

At the same time, some netizens expressed their appreciation for Wang Xiaofei's new wife, thinking that she can get along well with the children and is a virtuous stepmother. To a certain extent, this view also reflects the society's expectation and recognition of remarried families.

Wang Xiaofei's new wife is virtuous, but Big S has lost?

However, this view has also sparked some controversy, with some arguing that the role of stepmothers should not be overemphasized, and more attention should be paid to the feelings and needs of children.

The complexity of family reunification


Whether Zhang Lan and Wang Xiaofei dare to bring their children directly back to the mainland from Japan has also aroused heated discussions among netizens. Some people believe that Zhang Lan and Wang Xiaofei are the relatives of the child

Wang Xiaofei's new wife is virtuous, but Big S has lost?

, has the right to take the child home, and Da S, as the child's mother, should also respect the child's choice. However, some people believe that this practice may lead to more family conflicts and disputes, which is not conducive to the growth of children and family harmony.

Wang Xiaofei's new wife is virtuous, but Big S has lost?

In this context, netizens' views on family reunions are also showing a trend of diversification. Some argue that family reunification should be pure and should not be eroded by commercial interests;

Wang Xiaofei's new wife is virtuous, but Big S has lost?

Others believe that family reunification should take into account the child's feelings and needs, and should not overemphasize the role of stepmothers. There are also people who believe that family reunions should respect the children's choices and should not cause more family conflicts and disputes.

Controversial summary


The news that Zhang Lan and Wang Xiaofei took their grandchildren to Japan for a vacation has attracted a lot of attention on social media. This kind of family reunion scene undoubtedly touched the heartstrings of many netizens, and everyone left messages to express their envy and blessings.

Wang Xiaofei's new wife is virtuous, but Big S has lost?

However, such family gatherings have also sparked some controversy. Some netizens questioned whether Zhang Lan and Wang Xiaofei really just wanted to reunite with their children, or whether they took a fancy to the traffic value of their children.

Wang Xiaofei's new wife is virtuous, but Big S has lost?

After all, Zhang Lan often uses the interaction with children to attract the audience when she brings goods in live broadcasts, which has also aroused the disgust of some netizens to a certain extent. They believe that family reunification should be pure and should not be eroded by commercial interests.


At the same time, why Da S did not let his two children go back to Beijing, but chose to reunite with his ex-husband and ex-mother-in-law abroad, this issue has also become the focus of discussion among netizens. Some people speculate that Big S may be out of consideration for the child's educational environment,

Wang Xiaofei's new wife is virtuous, but Big S has lost?

Or to protect the child's privacy and avoid being subject to too much attention and disturbance at home. This speculation is not unfounded, after all, Big S has always been a mother who pays great attention to the privacy and education of her children.

Wang Xiaofei's new wife is virtuous, but Big S has lost?

In this context, netizens' views on family reunions are also showing a trend of diversification. Some argue that family reunification should be pure and should not be eroded by commercial interests;

Wang Xiaofei's new wife is virtuous, but Big S has lost?

Others believe that family reunification should take into account the child's feelings and needs, and should not overemphasize the role of stepmothers. There are also people who believe that family reunions should respect the children's choices and should not cause more family conflicts and disputes.

Wang Xiaofei's new wife is virtuous, but Big S has lost?

In the midst of such controversies and discussions, we may be able to think more deeply about the meaning and value of family reunion, and how to achieve true family harmony on the basis of respect for children and family members.

Wang Xiaofei's new wife is virtuous, but Big S has lost?