
Zhang Yi adjusted, Shen Teng slipped gear?

author:Colorful little saffron seSCOM


The nomination turmoil of the Hundred Flowers Award

As soon as the list of nominees for the Hundred Flowers Award was announced, it caused a lot of waves on the Internet. In particular, the nomination of Zhang Yi and Shen Teng was jokingly called "adjustment" and "slippage" by netizens, this kind of playful expression,

Zhang Yi adjusted, Shen Teng slipped gear?

In fact, it reflects the audience's doubts about the fairness of the award. As a senior actor, Zhang Yi's works and acting skills have always been recognized by the industry and outside, but this nomination failed to come true, which made many fans feel sorry.

Zhang Yi adjusted, Shen Teng slipped gear?

And Shen Teng, a leader in the comedy industry whose works and performance style are loved by the audience, unexpectedly failed to be nominated, which undoubtedly disappointed the long-awaited fans.


Netizens reacted particularly violently to the results, making various comments on social media, some humorous and some expressing dissatisfaction with the selection of the awards.

Zhang Yi adjusted, Shen Teng slipped gear?

The catharsis of this kind of emotion is actually a kind of protection and pursuit of the artistic value of film. In this context, the list of nominees for the Hundred Flowers Award has become the focus of public discussion, and it has also triggered a wide discussion on the selection criteria and fairness of the film awards.

Controversy and reflection on the Hundred Flowers Award


The nomination controversy of the Hundred Flowers Award is not only a question of the evaluation of individual actors, but also a test of the evaluation system of the entire film industry. In such a controversy,

Zhang Yi adjusted, Shen Teng slipped gear?

We see the audience's love for the art of cinema and their desire for fair evaluation. Although Zhang Yi and Shen Teng's nominations were jokingly called "adjustments" and "slippage" by netizens, this reflects the audience's recognition and expectations for the performance of film works and actors.


In such controversy, it is not difficult for us to find that the selection of film awards is not only a recognition of artistic achievements, but also a reflection of film culture and social values. Controversy over the nomination of the Hundred Flowers Award,

Zhang Yi adjusted, Shen Teng slipped gear?

It is undoubtedly a reminder of the evaluation system of the film industry, and it is also a reaffirmation of the artistic value of film. In this context, we hope that the film industry can conduct the selection more fairly and transparently, so that every outstanding work and actor can get the recognition they deserve.

Controversial summary


The nomination controversy of the Hundred Flowers Award is undoubtedly a test of the evaluation system of the film industry. In such controversies, we see the audience's love for film art and their desire for fair evaluation.

Zhang Yi adjusted, Shen Teng slipped gear?

Although Zhang Yi and Shen Teng's nominations were jokingly called "adjustments" and "slippage" by netizens, this reflects the audience's recognition and expectations for the performance of film works and actors. In such controversy, it is not difficult for us to find that the selection of film awards is not only a recognition of artistic achievements, but also a reflection of film culture and social values.


In this context, we hope that the film industry can conduct the selection more fairly and transparently, so that every outstanding work and actor can get the recognition they deserve. At the same time, we also hope that the audience can continue to maintain their love and support for the art of film, so that the film industry can continue to progress in the controversy, and create more excellent works to meet the needs of the audience.

Zhang Yi adjusted, Shen Teng slipped gear?

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