
Qi Wei and Lee Seung-hyun joined forces as husband and wife, and the trailer of "Battle to the Peak" was exposed

author:Colorful little saffron seSCOM


Qi Wei and Lee Seung-hyun's husband and wife charm

Qi Wei and Lee Seung-hyun, a real couple in the entertainment industry, recently attracted countless eyeballs again in the Reuters of "Battle to the Peak". Their cooperation is not only a tacit understanding between husband and wife, but also a display of strength.

Qi Wei and Lee Seung-hyun joined forces as husband and wife, and the trailer of "Battle to the Peak" was exposed

The previous cooperation on the stage of "Flying in the Sky" has already made people see their unparalleled tacit understanding and charm. Qi Wei's domineering and Lee Seung-hyun's steadiness, the two stood together,

Qi Wei and Lee Seung-hyun joined forces as husband and wife, and the trailer of "Battle to the Peak" was exposed

The aura is full of energy, as if it has won at the starting line. Netizens have said that the real couple is a falling cow, and their cooperation is exciting.


In the Reuters of "Battle to the Peak", the interaction between Qi Wei and Lee Seung-hyun is even sweeter. Every eye contact between them and every tacit cooperation make people feel the unique charm of a real couple.

Qi Wei and Lee Seung-hyun joined forces as husband and wife, and the trailer of "Battle to the Peak" was exposed

Netizens have said that who understands the lethality of real couples! Their cooperation is not only a performance on stage, but also a true portrayal of life. Every cooperation between Qi Wei and Lee Seung-hyun makes people feel the deep feelings and tacit cooperation between them.

Qi Wei and Lee Seung-hyun's family status


The family status of Qi Wei and Lee Seung-hyun has always been a topic of conversation among netizens. On the stage of "Flying in the Sky", Qi Wei's sentence "It's not floating", and Lee Seung-hyun's "No, no, you have to live when you go home",

Qi Wei and Lee Seung-hyun joined forces as husband and wife, and the trailer of "Battle to the Peak" was exposed

It makes people feel the family status between them at a glance. This kind of real interaction makes people feel the intimacy and tacit understanding between them. Netizens have said that real couples are good, and their interaction makes people feel the warmth and happiness of the family.


In the Reuters of "Battle to the Peak", the interaction between Qi Wei and Lee Seung-hyun makes people feel the family status between them. Every interaction between them makes people feel the intimacy and tacit understanding between them.

Qi Wei and Lee Seung-hyun joined forces as husband and wife, and the trailer of "Battle to the Peak" was exposed

Netizens have said that real couples are the best, and their interaction makes people feel the warmth and happiness of the family. Every cooperation between Qi Wei and Lee Seung-hyun makes people feel the deep feelings and tacit cooperation between them.

Controversial summary


The real husband and wife charm of Qi Wei and Lee Seung-hyun has undoubtedly become a highlight in "Battle to the Peak". Their cooperation is not only a tacit understanding between husband and wife, but also a display of strength.

Qi Wei and Lee Seung-hyun joined forces as husband and wife, and the trailer of "Battle to the Peak" was exposed

However, this collaboration of real couples has also sparked some controversy. Some people believe that their cooperation relies too much on the tacit understanding between husband and wife, and lacks innovation and breakthroughs.

Qi Wei and Lee Seung-hyun joined forces as husband and wife, and the trailer of "Battle to the Peak" was exposed

There are also those who believe that this kind of cooperation between real couples is their unique charm. In any case, the real husband and wife charm of Qi Wei and Lee Seung-hyun is very exciting.

Qi Wei and Lee Seung-hyun joined forces as husband and wife, and the trailer of "Battle to the Peak" was exposed

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