
The spy war drama "Lonely Battle Maze" has neither a lonely battle nor a lost city, but it makes the audience feel confused

author:The green pine on the moon looks at entertainment

From the hustle and bustle of the comments on the Internet about the spy war dark horse of "Lonely Battle Maze", the score of 9.1, Zhang Zijian's pressure on the treasure, the word-of-mouth explosion of the premiere, and the domestic drama should be filmed like this, I found that "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" is neither a lonely battle, nor a lost city, but it makes people feel confused.

The spy war drama "Lonely Battle Maze" has neither a lonely battle nor a lost city, but it makes the audience feel confused

The title of the play "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" does not meet the meaning and does not live up to the name. Looking at the eight episodes that have been broadcast so far, it seems that Ou Xiaoan is fighting alone due to amnesia, but in fact, he did not fight alone in the Japanese army's cave in Shanghai before his amnesia. After he lost his memory, he secretly helped Qin Moqing of the underground party, and successively received the attention of Ye Xuanmin and Wang Qiushui, the leaders of the underground party. Where is this lonely battle?

The spy war drama "Lonely Battle Maze" has neither a lonely battle nor a lost city, but it makes the audience feel confused

Battle of Songhu

The original meaning of the lost city is to be charming because of the beauty of the city, and neither Shanghai nor Chongqing in the play was charming at that time. Although Shanghai was named the Paris of the East, it was reduced to ruins due to the Battle of Songhu, and was occupied by the Japanese army, shrouded in the White Terror.

The spy war drama "Lonely Battle Maze" has neither a lonely battle nor a lost city, but it makes the audience feel confused

Although Chongqing served as a wartime companion capital, it was often bombed by the Japanese army, which also led to the Chongqing bombing of the 65 Tunnel tragedy. Therefore, the beautiful municipalities of Shanghai and Chongqing were not called hell on earth at that time, and they were also poor people, full of greenery, how to talk about the lost city?

The spy war drama "Lonely Battle Maze" has neither a lonely battle nor a lost city, but it makes the audience feel confused

Chongqing, also known as the fog capital, is often full of fog, which makes people lose their way, and it is inevitable that they will be confused and do not know where they are. And after watching "Lonely Battle Maze", it is really like being in a fog.

The spy war drama "Lonely Battle Maze" has neither a lonely battle nor a lost city, but it makes the audience feel confused

The subject matter of the play is not new. Because of the amnesia of the underground party, it was reflected in "Lonely Goose", which was also a spy war drama ten years ago. As for the literary and artistic works that reflect the biological and chemical weapons of the Japanese army, there have long been countless works.

The spy war drama "Lonely Battle Maze" has neither a lonely battle nor a lost city, but it makes the audience feel confused

It's not a problem that the theme of the play is depicted in this way, the key is that the plot of the play is really a child blowing a trumpet - no score. If you don't believe it, let's just list a few plots.

The spy war drama "Lonely Battle Maze" has neither a lonely battle nor a lost city, but it makes the audience feel confused
The spy war drama "Lonely Battle Maze" has neither a lonely battle nor a lost city, but it makes the audience feel confused
The spy war drama "Lonely Battle Maze" has neither a lonely battle nor a lost city, but it makes the audience feel confused

In the wartime ambulance station where China and the United States counterattacked Burma, Qin Moqing could not only quickly test his blood type, but also test Ou Xiaoan's blood to confirm that he was not infected with the virus, and then extract serum from his blood. This is not counting, obviously the blood transfusion requires a blood type test, but after Qin Moqing was infected, he took Ou Xiaoan's blood and gave himself a tube, is it possible that people are born with blood types?

The spy war drama "Lonely Battle Maze" has neither a lonely battle nor a lost city, but it makes the audience feel confused

No matter how domineering the Japanese puppet spies are, there must be a reason for arresting people. But in the play, he didn't explain how Lou Mingyuan was exposed, he was arrested by Zeng Jiwu, and he was tortured. Lou Mingyuan, who was covered in bruises, was tortured by the drug to tell the truth, and sang the righteous international anthem in pain, isn't this taking the initiative to reveal his identity after receiving so many punishments in vain?

The spy war drama "Lonely Battle Maze" has neither a lonely battle nor a lost city, but it makes the audience feel confused

The most speechless thing is that Ou Xiaoan actually cried when he interrogated Lou Mingyuan, my brother, no matter how lyrical he is, he can't abuse sex in the enemy's interrogation room, right?

The spy war drama "Lonely Battle Maze" has neither a lonely battle nor a lost city, but it makes the audience feel confused
The spy war drama "Lonely Battle Maze" has neither a lonely battle nor a lost city, but it makes the audience feel confused
The spy war drama "Lonely Battle Maze" has neither a lonely battle nor a lost city, but it makes the audience feel confused

Underground work must first protect oneself, but after arousing the suspicion of the enemy, Ye Xuanmin, the head of the underground party in Shanghai, not only refused to evacuate, but also took the initiative to show up on the street to preach in order to rescue the students who were detained by the Japanese puppet and marched on the streets.

The spy war drama "Lonely Battle Maze" has neither a lonely battle nor a lost city, but it makes the audience feel confused
The spy war drama "Lonely Battle Maze" has neither a lonely battle nor a lost city, but it makes the audience feel confused
The spy war drama "Lonely Battle Maze" has neither a lonely battle nor a lost city, but it makes the audience feel confused

In addition, the editing of the play is chaotic, not only changing back and forth between Shanghai and Chongqing, but also the events that happened in 1945 and the previous years of 1939 and 1941 are constantly interspersed, which is very easy to cause confusion in time and space, making people feel like they are in a different world.

The spy war drama "Lonely Battle Maze" has neither a lonely battle nor a lost city, but it makes the audience feel confused

Therefore, "Lonely Battle Maze" is really no score to open the door without a score, and there is no score to get home.