
Zhang Zhijie's mother has been hospitalized! The chat records before his death were exposed, he lost his father when he was young, and the dialogue between mother and son caused tears

author:It's so beautiful that I don't have friends

It's distressing to listen to.

In the badminton world, Zhang Zhijie, a 17-year-old player, suddenly fainted during a match in Indonesia, and as a result, he couldn't get up again.

Zhang Zhijie's mother has been hospitalized! The chat records before his death were exposed, he lost his father when he was young, and the dialogue between mother and son caused tears

As soon as this news came out, it really made people panic, and there was an uproar in the sports circle.

In the video, as soon as Zhang Zhijie fell, the medical team seemed to be half a beat slower.


His sister spoke out on the Internet, feeling that the medical response was slow, and that it may be because of this delay in treatment.

Zhang Zhijie's mother has been hospitalized! The chat records before his death were exposed, he lost his father when he was young, and the dialogue between mother and son caused tears

Not only the family was anxious, but even foreign fans and experts shook their heads, saying that the first aid was not fast enough, and they did not keep up with cardiopulmonary resuscitation or AED at the critical moment.

Zhang Zhijie's mother has been hospitalized! The chat records before his death were exposed, he lost his father when he was young, and the dialogue between mother and son caused tears

Zhang Zhijie's departure added another blow to his already difficult family.

Zhang Zhijie's mother has been hospitalized! The chat records before his death were exposed, he lost his father when he was young, and the dialogue between mother and son caused tears

He lost his father at a young age, and he was raised by his mother. As soon as the pillars of the family left, my mother and sister's hearts were broken.

Zhang Zhijie's mother has been hospitalized! The chat records before his death were exposed, he lost his father when he was young, and the dialogue between mother and son caused tears
Zhang Zhijie's mother has been hospitalized! The chat records before his death were exposed, he lost his father when he was young, and the dialogue between mother and son caused tears
Zhang Zhijie's mother has been hospitalized! The chat records before his death were exposed, he lost his father when he was young, and the dialogue between mother and son caused tears

Zhang Zhijie is a very sensible child, and he has known that his mother is not easy since he was a child, so he trains hard and wants to make his mother and sister happy in the future.


Zhang Zhijie's mother has been hospitalized! The chat records before his death were exposed, he lost his father when he was young, and the dialogue between mother and son caused tears
Zhang Zhijie's mother has been hospitalized! The chat records before his death were exposed, he lost his father when he was young, and the dialogue between mother and son caused tears

Who would have thought that before the good days came, he would leave first.

Zhang Zhijie's mother has been hospitalized! The chat records before his death were exposed, he lost his father when he was young, and the dialogue between mother and son caused tears

When this happened, everyone talked about it, and they were all talking about whether the first aid measures for this game went wrong.

"It sounds like this makes people feel uncomfortable, such a young life is gone."

"The reaction of the emergency team is really anxious, how can the chain be dropped at a critical moment?"

Zhang Zhijie's mother has been hospitalized! The chat records before his death were exposed, he lost his father when he was young, and the dialogue between mother and son caused tears
Zhang Zhijie's mother has been hospitalized! The chat records before his death were exposed, he lost his father when he was young, and the dialogue between mother and son caused tears
Zhang Zhijie's mother has been hospitalized! The chat records before his death were exposed, he lost his father when he was young, and the dialogue between mother and son caused tears

"Zhang Zhijie's sister is right, there has to be an explanation for this matter, and it can't be just left at that."

"This is a wake-up call to all sporting events, first aid measures have to keep up, and there can be no next time."

"It's a pity, such a gifted child, his future should be infinitely bright."

Zhang Zhijie's mother has been hospitalized! The chat records before his death were exposed, he lost his father when he was young, and the dialogue between mother and son caused tears
Zhang Zhijie's mother has been hospitalized! The chat records before his death were exposed, he lost his father when he was young, and the dialogue between mother and son caused tears

"Zhang Zhijie's departure made us fans feel uncomfortable, and I felt that I had lost a hero."

"Hopefully he can continue to play his favorite badminton in heaven, where there is no pain."

Zhang Zhijie's mother has been hospitalized! The chat records before his death were exposed, he lost his father when he was young, and the dialogue between mother and son caused tears
Zhang Zhijie's mother has been hospitalized! The chat records before his death were exposed, he lost his father when he was young, and the dialogue between mother and son caused tears

"In the video of the incident, I watched him fall down and convulsed and struggle in pain, no one was next to him, and no one rescued him, it was a person who couldn't accept such a sudden scene."

Zhang Zhijie's mother has been hospitalized! The chat records before his death were exposed, he lost his father when he was young, and the dialogue between mother and son caused tears

It's really distressing, Zhang Zhijie, this young man just left, he is really jealous of talent.

Everyone learns something from this and reminds themselves how precious life is and how important health is.

Although Zhang Zhijie is gone, his hard work and love for badminton will always inspire us.

In that place that we can't see, I hope Zhang Zhijie can still hold a racket and continue his badminton dream.

His smile, his energy, will always remain in our hearts.

Zhang Zhijie's family was the most uncomfortable at this time.

Although I can't share the pain for them, I can cheer them on and accompany them through this difficult time.