
Some leaders in the system are kind but unable to make progress, and some leaders are short-tempered but grow rapidly

author:Mengyuan talks about the system


Among the units within the system, my uncle can be called a good leader with unique characteristics.

He treats his subordinates without sticking to the rigid rules of commuting to and from work on time, but he has strict requirements for the completion of the workload, and emphasizes the need to ensure that the mobile phone is unblocked 24 hours a day. For overtime, he is even more opposed, often saying: "often overtime, that is a mismatch between ability and work, hurry up to make up for classes, improve ability!" "His measure of ability is simple and straightforward, which is not to work overtime.

Some leaders in the system are kind but unable to make progress, and some leaders are short-tempered but grow rapidly

Once, his subordinate Xiao Li worked overtime for several days because the progress of a task was lagging behind. The uncle called him to the office and said with a serious expression: "Xiao Li, overtime is not the solution to the problem, which shows that your method is not right, and your ability needs to be improved." Xiao Li blushed and nodded yes.

In terms of work arrangement, the uncle's requirements are also concise and clear. "Report less, ask for instructions, call the shots more, let it go, manage it to the end, and keep the bottom line of not violating discipline." These are the words on his lips.

Xiao Wang is a newcomer, and he is a little timid when he takes over an important job, and he always asks for instructions frequently. Uncle patted him on the shoulder and said, "Go ahead and do it, I'll take care of the problem, but you have to learn to make your own decisions." ”

Some leaders in the system are kind but unable to make progress, and some leaders are short-tempered but grow rapidly

In this way, under the leadership of the uncle, his subordinates grew rapidly.

One day, several subordinates got together to chat.

"Working with the boss, although it is stressful, you can really learn something."

"Yes, his unique management style forces us to progress."

"It's not, look at the few of us, we all have a half-official position, and some of them are even on the same level as the boss or surpass him."

Time flies, and those who have followed the uncle have done a good job in their respective positions.

Some leaders in the system are kind but unable to make progress, and some leaders are short-tempered but grow rapidly

Once, a subordinate who had been promoted came back to visit his uncle.

"Boss, thanks to your teachings back then."

Uncle smiled and said, "It's you who have the ability, I just gave some direction." ”

In this complex environment, Uncle has cultivated a group of outstanding talents with his unique leadership style, and has also won the sincere respect of his subordinates.

PS: (The above content is an original novel story, if there is any similarity is purely coincidental, it is not easy to create, thank you for your comments and likes, if it bothers you, you are also welcome to leave a message to correct, listen to your valuable opinions at any time)