
Good news from Yao Di's article? Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and this time Ma Yili lost completely

author:White-faced calligraphy
Good news from Yao Di's article? Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and this time Ma Yili lost completely

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Text: White Paper

Edited by White Face

42-year-old Yao Di couldn't have imagined that because of her face, she "turned the tables against the wind".

Good news from Yao Di's article? Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and this time Ma Yili lost completely


Last year, because of his face, Yao Di appeared on the hot search.

The online movie "Fengshen: Disaster Merchant" was released, and she released a promotional video on social platforms.

Good news from Yao Di's article? Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and this time Ma Yili lost completely

The original intention was to be hot, but I never thought that everyone's attention was all on her face.

Without the aura of the past, the whole face feels like a fermented steamed bun.

So she was scolded miserably.

"Another crooked one."

"My face has changed, and I have hyaluronic acid."

Good news from Yao Di's article? Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and this time Ma Yili lost completely

Although she came forward to clarify when she was at the hottest, saying that she just didn't wear makeup when she recorded the video:

"Filter to understand, just took a shower."
Good news from Yao Di's article? Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and this time Ma Yili lost completely

But there are still many people complaining.

"It's not good-looking, it's old."

"Character is not good, it is really right to be born from the heart."

"It's not your average old."

Good news from Yao Di's article? Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and this time Ma Yili lost completely

This year, she has aroused heated discussions because of her "appearance".

The reason is that a netizen "encountered" Yao Di, who had not appeared for a long time, on the night of Xixi in Shanghai.

Good news from Yao Di's article? Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and this time Ma Yili lost completely

Unlike last time, this time she was in excellent form.

The black sleeveless evening dress with big waves makes her look very charming.

Good news from Yao Di's article? Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and this time Ma Yili lost completely

Looking at it up close, the skin is firm and fair, and I directly dream back to the "Tong Jiaqian" of the year.

Good news from Yao Di's article? Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and this time Ma Yili lost completely
Good news from Yao Di's article? Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and this time Ma Yili lost completely

Qi bangs, big eyes, I don't know how many people Bai Yueguang, until now I still remember how crazy fans were for her.

Talent combines beauty, and the future is naturally limitless.

Good news from Yao Di's article? Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and this time Ma Yili lost completely

Unfortunately, she was going to die.

Knowing that the article has a family:

"The teacher is my idol, but he's married."
Good news from Yao Di's article? Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and this time Ma Yili lost completely

knew that he was boldly showing his love on camera:

"The only thing I think is the best thing about me is that my woman's name is Ma Yili."
Good news from Yao Di's article? Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and this time Ma Yili lost completely

knew that it was against morality, but he still fell in love with him without hesitation.

The end result is self-defeating.

Good news from Yao Di's article? Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and this time Ma Yili lost completely

In the following ten years, her career and reputation plummeted.

She naively thought that the public's "dislike" for her would fade over time, but the truth only increased.

Good news from Yao Di's article? Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and this time Ma Yili lost completely

After so many years, why can't the public still forgive Yao Di and the article?

If she hadn't met the article, what would her life be like, and would it have been more exciting?

Now the glamorous Ma Yili, did she really win?

Is this war without gunpowder really over?


A good hand is played to pieces.

This sentence sums up Yao's life.

Good news from Yao Di's article? Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and this time Ma Yili lost completely

In 2011, "The Age of Naked Marriage" was broadcast.

's superb acting skills and pure appearance made her play "Tong Jiaqian" popular as soon as it was broadcast.

Who doesn't know Yao Di, who doesn't want Tong Jiaqian?

Good news from Yao Di's article? Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and this time Ma Yili lost completely

Her appearance opened the era of naked marriage.

Countless young people have nothing to do with money, real estate, and cars because they have seen them boldly pursue love.

And as everyone discusses the plot, her popularity is getting higher and higher.

Won the title of "National Girlfriend", and various resources floated towards her like "snowflakes".

"Beijing Youth", "New Love Era", "33 Days of Broken Love", ......
Good news from Yao Di's article? Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and this time Ma Yili lost completely

As soon as she made a move, it was a big hit, and even Ma Yili's fame back then lagged behind her a lot.

But alas, she was carried away by love.

and the article fell in love because of the play, and the two were photographed by the paparazzi many times going in and out arm-in-arm.

Good news from Yao Di's article? Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and this time Ma Yili lost completely

The photo was exposed, and the two became the target of public criticism.

At that time, Ma Yili had just given birth to her second child and was breastfeeding.

Here she fantasizes about the happiness of a family of four, and on the other side, she and Yao Di privately talk about you and me.

One cheats in marriage, and the other knows three things.

Good news from Yao Di's article? Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and this time Ma Yili lost completely

That's what kills people.

We all know what happened next.

Yao Di was nailed to the pillar of shame of the "little three", and he would be pointed out wherever he went.

Good news from Yao Di's article? Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and this time Ma Yili lost completely

If she knows her mistake and corrects it, she may still be saved.

However, his mouth was very hard, not only did he not admit his mistake, but he also said unashamedly that he had never done anything that was sorry for his conscience.

"I, Yao Di, have never done anything that is ashamed of my conscience."
Good news from Yao Di's article? Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and this time Ma Yili lost completely

In her cognition, the one who is not loved is the third person.

She thinks that Moon loves her more than Ma, and that he will choose her between the two of them, so she says it.

But it turned out that she was wrong, and she couldn't have been more wrong.

Good news from Yao Di's article? Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and this time Ma Yili lost completely

underestimated the impact of this love game, and also overestimated his own position in the heart of the article.

Ma said "do it and cherish it", and the article immediately returned to the family, leaving her alone to face criticism from the outside world.

Good news from Yao Di's article? Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and this time Ma Yili lost completely

The career was ruined, and the man he loved left with his hands, and in the end, the bamboo basket was empty.

It was also at that moment that she understood that the man she fell in love with, even willing to give up everything for him, was nothing more than a coward.

Sober, she focused on her career and tried to make a comeback.

Good news from Yao Di's article? Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and this time Ma Yili lost completely

But internal entertainment no longer has her status, even if a director "pips" her and gives her a role, the audience is still unwilling to buy for her.

As soon as she appeared, the comment area was full of abuse.

Good news from Yao Di's article? Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and this time Ma Yili lost completely


In 17, she was photographed by the paparazzi going in and out of the hotel with a rich man, and after the relationship was exposed, she officially announced her marriage the following year.

"This peace of mind is happiness."
Good news from Yao Di's article? Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and this time Ma Yili lost completely

Not long after the official announcement, Ma Yili and the article filed for divorce.

Going round and round, everything is back to square one.

Some people say that this is Ma's revenge on Yao, that is, she can't love her, and in the end she can only marry someone else.

Whether this is really the case is not known for the time being, the only thing that is certain is that the green man is always green.

Good news from Yao Di's article? Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and this time Ma Yili lost completely

Not long after the marriage, her wealthy husband was photographed with intimate photos and videos of different women.

Good news from Yao Di's article? Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and this time Ma Yili lost completely

Cheating men are hateful.

But for Yao Di, the public only ridiculed, not distressed.

Someone commented:

"It's not that I don't report it, the time has not come."
Good news from Yao Di's article? Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and this time Ma Yili lost completely

Someone commented:

"For the first time, I think Xiao San did a good job."
Good news from Yao Di's article? Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and this time Ma Yili lost completely

Ten years ago, the shot she fired at Ma Yili hit her eyebrows ten years later.

Injured twice in a row, she realized that it was better to rely on others than on herself.

First, he broke the kettle and took the "black and red route".

The derailment door was exposed, and he posted a post on his social platform to mock himself:

"If you want to live a decent life, you have to have some green on your head."
Good news from Yao Di's article? Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and this time Ma Yili lost completely

Then it's from the front of the screen to behind the scenes.

There are many people who work as directors across industries.

Bao Bell, Lin Xinru, Li Chen.

Good news from Yao Di's article? Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and this time Ma Yili lost completely

Although the work is controversial, the effect is quite objective.

Yao Di also wants to follow suit.

In January 2024, "Grandma's Spring" directed by her will be launched in Hengdian, and she can't stop smiling from ear to ear.

Good news from Yao Di's article? Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and this time Ma Yili lost completely

The goal is very big, "over 100 million in account", which seems to be riveting and shameful.

It's just like Na Ying said:

"Interlaced like mountains."
Good news from Yao Di's article? Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and this time Ma Yili lost completely

Whether it will actually succeed is still unknown.

Compared with her no drama to film, the current situation of the former idol is even more bleak.


After the "See You on Monday" incident was exposed, the article's life was ruined.

Good news from Yao Di's article? Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and this time Ma Yili lost completely

's career was paused by scandals, whether it was being an actor or a director across industries, he didn't make a splash.

After announcing his divorce from Ma Guan, his state was even worse.

With dull skin and gray hair, he is like a handsome boy in the sunshine of the past.

Good news from Yao Di's article? Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and this time Ma Yili lost completely

The happiest is none other than Ma Yili.


She is not happy because of the downfall of her ex-husband and a third party, but happy for her own new life.

When the matter was exposed, she turned the tide with one sentence and mentioned this incident, giving her husband enough face.

"Be empathetic and give people a chance to make mistakes."
Good news from Yao Di's article? Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and this time Ma Yili lost completely

At that time, everyone called her stupid, but they didn't know that this was her cleverness.

When the article career reached its peak, it was all her credit behind it.

If she chooses to divorce immediately after the scandal is exposed, then it will reduce the damage to the article.

Good news from Yao Di's article? Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and this time Ma Yili lost completely

On the contrary, she forgave him tolerantly, making him full of guilt for this family and his daughter, so as to pay for this family wholeheartedly.

While he was behaving well in order to gain forgiveness, the horse began to act on his own.

Return to the entertainment industry and get back everything that belongs to her.


Huading Award,

Prove yourself with strength again and again.

Good news from Yao Di's article? Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and this time Ma Yili lost completely

As for why not get divorced?

Disgusting Yao Di accounts for a part, but a bigger part is for the children.

She doesn't want her children to live in a family with only a father or a mother, so that the child who grows up in the family is insecure.

Good news from Yao Di's article? Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and this time Ma Yili lost completely

As for why they got divorced again?

That's because she got back everything that belonged to her, and her two daughters were already sensible.

So she didn't give in and resolutely walked out of this marriage.

Good news from Yao Di's article? Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and this time Ma Yili lost completely

And without emotional restraints, she has become stronger.

The career is singing all the way.

When other middle-aged actresses were worried about their future path, she had already embarked on another avenue.

"The First Half of My Life", "Flowers", "My Altay"......
Good news from Yao Di's article? Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and this time Ma Yili lost completely

All of them are big hits.

And she cooperates with all kinds of powerful actors in the circle.

She is a winner, but also a loser.

Good news from Yao Di's article? Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and this time Ma Yili lost completely

To put it bluntly, in this war without gunpowder, none of the three of them had a winner.

One lost his reputation, the other lost his career, and what Ma Yili lost was his heart.

gave the article all the blood, but in the end, it was betrayal.

She was afraid of being disappointed, so she didn't dare to love.

So much so that she has never had an affair for so many years.

Good news from Yao Di's article? Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and this time Ma Yili lost completely

Ma Yili wrote Yao Di, the three of them are like "Faye Wong, Nicholas Tse, Cecilia Cheung".

No matter whose name is on the hot search, the other two can be involved.

Is it ridiculous?


What's even more ridiculous is that after so long since things happened, there are still people hyping it.

Good news from Yao Di's article? Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and this time Ma Yili lost completely

The most outrageous thing is that someone broke the news:

"The article and Yao Di are back together, and both parties have already met their parents"

The reason is that someone was photographed going out together.

Good news from Yao Di's article? Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and this time Ma Yili lost completely

I don't know if it's hype for the time being, but I just know that if the two of them are really together, I think word-of-mouth will definitely be able to remake against the wind.

After all, so many things have happened, and the two are still together, so there must be true love.

What do you think about this? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area, we will see you in the next issue.


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Good news from Yao Di's article? Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and this time Ma Yili lost completely

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