
Listen to the heroic legend and feel the red original heart On the July 1st Party Day, I visited and condoled the veterans of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea

author:One point in midsummer

On the occasion of the solemn and sacred day of the July 1st Party Day, I used my scholarship to buy a lot of pork and brought the Wuyao essence granules and other condolences donated by the Tiantai Wuyao Company of Hongshiliang Group, and took Pang Yichen, Pang Haochen and other primary school students, and followed Pang Yong, secretary of the Party branch of the Tiantai Love Team, to participate in the visit to the veterans of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. This is a rare learning opportunity and a baptism of the soul. By the veteran's side, I listened to his heroic deeds and felt his firm faith and indomitable spirit.

Listen to the heroic legend and feel the red original heart On the July 1st Party Day, I visited and condoled the veterans of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea

In the early morning, the sun shines through the gaps in the leaves on our way to the veteran's home. Along the way, my heart was filled with respect and curiosity for the veterans. I imagined what he looked like when he was younger, and imagined him heroically killing the enemy on the battlefield. When I stepped into the veteran's house and saw his kind face and full of gray hair, my heart was filled with respect.

Listen to the heroic legend and feel the red original heart On the July 1st Party Day, I visited and condoled the veterans of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea

Everyone sat around the veteran and listened to him tell about that magnificent history. The veteran's voice trembled a little, but every word was full of power. He told us that in those years, in order to defend the motherland and the happiness of the people, they resolutely stepped on the battlefield. On the battlefield, they were not afraid of hardships and sacrifices, and built a solid line of defense with their own flesh and blood. I was deeply shocked by his deeds, and it also made me more aware of what a true hero is.

Listen to the heroic legend and feel the red original heart On the July 1st Party Day, I visited and condoled the veterans of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea

In the course of the narration, the veteran also showed his medal. Those medals shone in the sun, as if telling the glory and glory of the veterans. I gently stroked the medals, as if I could feel the bravery and tenacity of the veterans on the battlefield. These medals are not only a symbol of honor, but also a precious treasure that he has exchanged for his life and blood.

Listen to the heroic legend and feel the red original heart On the July 1st Party Day, I visited and condoled the veterans of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea

After listening to the veteran's story, we took a photo with the veteran. I stood beside the veteran and felt his unwavering faith and indomitable spirit. At this moment, I deeply felt the pride and pride of being a Chinese. At the same time, I also have a better understanding of my responsibilities and missions.

Listen to the heroic legend and feel the red original heart On the July 1st Party Day, I visited and condoled the veterans of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea

Through this visit, I deeply realized the importance of the red gene. The red gene is the precious wealth of our party and the source of power for us to keep moving forward. As a young person in the new era, we should inherit and carry forward the red gene and pass on the spirit of the older generation of revolutionaries. We must keep history in mind, cherish the hard-won peaceful life, and strive to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Listen to the heroic legend and feel the red original heart On the July 1st Party Day, I visited and condoled the veterans of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea

At the same time, I was aware of my shortcomings and areas for improvement. In my communication with veterans, I found that young people today do not have a deep enough understanding of history and a thorough understanding of the red gene. Therefore, I decided to study history more hard in the future and gain a deeper understanding of the connotation and essence of the red gene. At the same time, I should also actively participate in various social practice activities, temper my will, quality and practical ability, and strive to become a qualified socialist builder and successor.

Listen to the heroic legend and feel the red original heart On the July 1st Party Day, I visited and condoled the veterans of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea

In this event, we not only sent condolences and blessings to this veteran, but also had in-depth exchanges and interactions with him. This kind of care and warmth made me feel the warmth and strength of society. I believe that as long as each of us can care for others and care for society, our society will become better and more harmonious.

Finally, I would like to say that I have benefited a lot from this visit and condolence activity, and I have not only learned a lot of historical knowledge, but also felt the power and charm of the red gene. I believe that in the days to come, I will study, work and practice harder, and strive to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. (Recorded by: Tang Zhiqi)

Editor in charge: Wu Di