
Having won the game, he wanted to hide his sadness! But he cried out under the towel!

author:Kitten Sports

Wang Chuqin: Hurricane and precipitation on the road to the championship

To say that Wang Chuqin is a young man, he is really a clear stream in the table tennis world. I remember he once said, "No one loves you if you don't win the championship." This sounds like a heart-wrenching statement, but it is indeed the cruel truth of competitive sports. Without grades, who will pay attention to you? is like his partner with Sun Yingsha, if it weren't for the fact that both of them are outstanding and frequently win championships, how could we see such a wonderful cooperation?

Having won the game, he wanted to hide his sadness! But he cried out under the towel!

Speaking of Wang Chuqin and Sun Yingsha, the tacit understanding between these two is not covered. At first, I just stumbled upon a video of their interaction, which I thought was quite interesting, and then it was out of control, and I didn't let go of anything from competitions, training, and interviews. Slowly, I went from liking their interaction to truly appreciating their skills and fighting spirit.

Having won the game, he wanted to hide his sadness! But he cried out under the towel!

Many people paid attention to Wang Chuqin because they liked Sun Yingsha. But I'm different, I prefer Wang Chuqin's hard work. This young man has a flexible mind and excellent ball skills, and his requirements for himself are not ordinary. In the past, he was a little anxious, but now he is really getting more and more calm, and he has the style of a general.

Having won the game, he wanted to hide his sadness! But he cried out under the towel!

Watching him play is a pleasure. The spirit of going all out on the field and fighting for every ball is really infectious. Wang Chuqin has won the love and respect of fans with his strength and hard work, and has also proved his worth.

Having won the game, he wanted to hide his sadness! But he cried out under the towel!

A netizen said: Wang Chuqin? Isn't it because of Sun Yingsha that he is a little famous? Without her, who knows who he is! I really take myself seriously.

Having won the game, he wanted to hide his sadness! But he cried out under the towel!

Another netizen said: What you said is that Wang Chuqin's strength is not blown. People have relied on their own efforts to get to where they are today, although Sun Yingsha is excellent, but Wang Chuqin's dedication and efforts cannot be denied. I really can't eat grapes and say that grapes are sour!

That day, he sat in front of the camera, as wise and calm as ever, every word was well thought out, just like his attitude towards table tennis, rigorous and serious. This guy is not only outstanding in his football skills, but also extraordinary in his conversation, and he is always methodical and realistic when he speaks. When evaluating himself, he is neither arrogant nor self-deprecating, he is so pertinent, and sometimes he can pop up a few words of humor, which makes people feel that this young man not only plays the ball well, but also is quite good at chatting.

Having won the game, he wanted to hide his sadness! But he cried out under the towel!

But you know what? What is most admirable about him is his respect for his predecessors. Especially the dragon team, which he has regarded as an idol since he was a child, is simply a god-like existence. Every time he mentioned Ma Long, his eyes flashed with little stars of worship, as if to say, "This buddy, it's amazing!" ”

Having won the game, he wanted to hide his sadness! But he cried out under the towel!

Time has passed day by day, and he has grown from a little fan brother who looks up to his idol to a national player who fights side by side with idols. Finally one day, he confronted Malone on the field, and after a fierce battle, he actually defeated the god-like existence in his heart. At that moment, he burst into tears, not a simple tear of victory or defeat, but an affirmation of his hard work in the past, and also a complex emotion after successfully challenging his idol.

Having won the game, he wanted to hide his sadness! But he cried out under the towel!

"No one knows how I got here." He choked up a little, but still said firmly: "I will also fail and make mistakes, but I have a heart that will never give up." These words, like a bombshell, blew up his determination and his dedication to his dreams.

Having won the game, he wanted to hide his sadness! But he cried out under the towel!

A netizen said: "Haha, finally someone can defeat Ma Long, it's really terrifying!" However, Malone is a legend after all, and if he wants to really take over his banner, this young man has to work harder. ”

Another netizen mocked: "Hmph, if you win once, you float? Don't forget, Marlon has become a legend not only because of his skills, but also because of his mentality and stability. Want to be the next Marlon? Let's put our minds at ease! ”

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