
How hard was life as a child? Netizen: Have you licked the crystal head of the network cable? I've licked it, and I'm numb

author:Peter Pan food

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How hard was life as a child? Netizen: Have you licked the crystal head of the network cable? I've licked it, and I'm numb

In the long river of life, childhood is often endowed with the color of innocence, but looking back at that time, it is not difficult to find that every child's growth path is full of unknown challenges and miracles.

Recently, there has been a craze on the Internet to share "how hard life was when I was a child", and netizens have posted their thrilling and incredible childhood experiences or those around them.

People can't help but sigh: it turns out that it was so difficult for us to "kill" when we were children!

How hard was life as a child? Netizen: Have you licked the crystal head of the network cable? I've licked it, and I'm numb

Weren't you afraid of death as a child? Guts are so fat

How hard was life as a child? Netizen: Have you licked the crystal head of the network cable? I've licked it, and I'm numb

The main character is hard, suitable for being a mercenary

How hard was life as a child? Netizen: Have you licked the crystal head of the network cable? I've licked it, and I'm numb

The dead can't comment here, not to mention that there are a lot of other children who drowned while playing in the water

How hard was life as a child? Netizen: Have you licked the crystal head of the network cable? I've licked it, and I'm numb

Buckle off the pus and scab and continue to buckle

How hard was life as a child? Netizen: Have you licked the crystal head of the network cable? I've licked it, and I'm numb

When I was a child, I used a keyplug socket to jump my electric switch, or I felt that it would be gone

How hard was life as a child? Netizen: Have you licked the crystal head of the network cable? I've licked it, and I'm numb

The main thing is to go home, and when he is found, he will be beaten again

How hard was life as a child? Netizen: Have you licked the crystal head of the network cable? I've licked it, and I'm numb

Hades is angry with you

How hard was life as a child? Netizen: Have you licked the crystal head of the network cable? I've licked it, and I'm numb

Ha ha. My grandmother also took care of this

How hard was life as a child? Netizen: Have you licked the crystal head of the network cable? I've licked it, and I'm numb


How hard was life as a child? Netizen: Have you licked the crystal head of the network cable? I've licked it, and I'm numb

I was stung and my uncle rubbed me on the cow and touched the toothpaste

How hard was life as a child? Netizen: Have you licked the crystal head of the network cable? I've licked it, and I'm numb

What the hell is electricity? I'll have to touch it. Bounce three meters directly, and the finger meat is burned to shrink into a ball.

How hard was life as a child? Netizen: Have you licked the crystal head of the network cable? I've licked it, and I'm numb

It is said that the snake does not bite when it is in the water

How hard was life as a child? Netizen: Have you licked the crystal head of the network cable? I've licked it, and I'm numb

When I was a child, I was tricked into drinking a sip by a child older than me, and I also drank soapy water to induce vomiting

How hard was life as a child? Netizen: Have you licked the crystal head of the network cable? I've licked it, and I'm numb

I'll tell you, it's not that tall, it's just that you were short at the time

How hard was life as a child? Netizen: Have you licked the crystal head of the network cable? I've licked it, and I'm numb

You're a sixth

How hard was life as a child? Netizen: Have you licked the crystal head of the network cable? I've licked it, and I'm numb

I jumped into the water and my mouth pierced, I couldn't eat, and I drank porridge every day for fear that my parents would know and scold, so I didn't dare to tell it

How hard was life as a child? Netizen: Have you licked the crystal head of the network cable? I've licked it, and I'm numb

I have a friend, when I was a child, my mother picked cotton, put it on the field stalks, and when my mother picked the head, she saw that the child was gone, and was taken away by the dog, snatched it back from the dog's mouth, and bit it to a pulp

How hard was life as a child? Netizen: Have you licked the crystal head of the network cable? I've licked it, and I'm numb

I was thirsty and drank water from the ditch

Thank you for reading, there are talents in the comment area since ancient times! If you have different experiences and opinions, please participate in the discussion!

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