
The Yao Mei collection is confirmed! Prepare 2 crystals and 88 shards to meet the deer

author:Brother Joon has skin

Players of "Honor of Kings" have recently ushered in a series of exciting news, from the exposure of the new dual-form mage hero Lilian, to the preview of the new skins of Yang Yuhuan and Xi Shi, to the upcoming launch of Yaomei's limited collection skin, and the upcoming update of the Fragment Store, each of which is full of expectations and surprises.

First, let's talk about this new hero named Lillian. As the second new hero launched in the collaboration between "Honor of Kings" and "Legend Showdown", Lilian's arrival has undoubtedly injected new vitality into the game. This new dual-form mage hero is known for his great prowess in Legends Showdown. She has two forms, a nine-tailed fox and a figure, with a unique image design, and is as charming and moving as the nine-tailed fox. It is reported that Lilian is expected to officially land on the "Honor of Kings" experience server in the next few weeks, and I believe that her arrival will bring players a new game experience.

The Yao Mei collection is confirmed! Prepare 2 crystals and 88 shards to meet the deer

Next, let's take a look at Yang Yuhuan's new skin "Chunqin". This skin is designed with a spring theme, wearing clothes that resemble the image of Lexin, with pale pink streamers on both sides of the shoulders and a bow tied at the waist, and the overall design is full of spring atmosphere. According to people familiar with the matter, this skin is the first skin of Tim Yip's linkage plan, and the quality is at the legendary limited level. For Yang Yuhuan, this new skin is undoubtedly another affirmation of her beauty and strength.

The Yao Mei collection is confirmed! Prepare 2 crystals and 88 shards to meet the deer

And Xi Shi will also usher in a new skin, which also comes from the linkage plan between the king's official and Tim Yip. This skin is designed with the theme of the river and incorporates many flower elements, which perfectly interprets the theme scenery and scenery. The quality is also at the Legendary level, and it is one of the few legendary skins in Shih Tzu. At present, the poster of Xi Shi's new skin has been announced, which looks beautiful and beautiful, and is worthy of being one of the four beauties.

The Yao Mei collection is confirmed! Prepare 2 crystals and 88 shards to meet the deer

And Yao Mei's limited collection skin is even more eagerly awaited by players. As a hero at the top of the support rankings, Yao Mei's appearance rate has always been high. According to a well-known blogger of the king, the launch time of Yao's limited collection skin has been confirmed, and it will be officially launched in September soon. This skin is designed with a fairytale-style theme that complements the image of Yao Mei. As the first limited collector's skin in the canyon, its quality speaks for itself. According to rumors, Yao Mei's limited collection skin will last for more than a month for a limited time, which is the same as the limited collection of the king creep, but requires 2 crystals. This undoubtedly gives players plenty of time to collect this precious skin.

The Yao Mei collection is confirmed! Prepare 2 crystals and 88 shards to meet the deer

Finally, let's take a look at the upcoming update to the Shard Shop. Judging from the exposed pictures, this update will include Han Xin's "Street Fighter", Armor's "Guardian of the Dawn", Arthur's "Psychic Warrior", Yao's "Meet the Divine Deer", Sun Shangxiang's "Doomsday Mecha", Diao Chan's "A Midsummer Night's Dream", Promise-Keeping "Agent Phantom" and Li Bai's "Millennium Fox" and many other popular skins. These skins range from 88 shards to 168 shards of Legendary skins, all of which are classics that players love. If you can exchange 88 fragments for your favorite encounter deer in this update, it will undoubtedly be a happy thing.

The Yao Mei collection is confirmed! Prepare 2 crystals and 88 shards to meet the deer

In short, this update of "Honor of Kings" has undoubtedly brought many surprises and expectations to players. Whether it's the addition of a new hero, Lilian, a new skin for Yang Yuhuan and Xi Shi, a limited collection skin for Yao Mei, or an update to the Fragment Shop, the game will be breathed new life. Let's wait and see when these new content is officially launched!

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