
It's terrible! A girl in Jingbian was bullied by many people and slapped 105 times, and the live video was exposed!

author:Let's talk about it

In the scorching summer of 2024, the tranquility of Jingbian County, Yulin City, Shaanxi Province, was torn apart by a sudden storm, and a minor bullying incident that shocked the neighborhood was like a thunderbolt from the sky, making the entire community and even the whole country tremble. On June 30th, it should have been an ordinary day, but because of a heartbreaking video, it became an indelible haze in the hearts of countless people.


Nightmare in the underground garage

The story takes place in a hidden corner of a community in Jingbian County - an underground garage that is rarely visited on weekdays. Here, a 14-year-old girl, dressed in a striking red checkered dress, was supposed to be youthful, but unfortunately became the target of violence by four of her peers. The eldest of them is only 16 years old, and there are two immature 13-year-old boys who have learned to use violence to show their "strength".

It's terrible! A girl in Jingbian was bullied by many people and slapped 105 times, and the live video was exposed!

Every frame in the video is like a sharp blade, cutting the viewer's heart. The two girls, like wild beasts that had lost their minds, waved their palms again and again, and landed heavily on the victim's cheeks, and the crisp slaps mingled with the girl's helpless whimpering to form the harshest symphony of this summer night. According to statistics, during those long minutes, the girl withstood a full 105 heavy blows, and her hands, always clasped tightly, did not make any resistance. This scene is not only the destruction of the body, but also the extreme humiliation of the soul.

It's terrible! A girl in Jingbian was bullied by many people and slapped 105 times, and the live video was exposed!

The boiling of public opinion on the Internet

With the leak of the video, the Internet was instantly overwhelmed with anger and sadness. Netizens have reposted and commented one after another, denouncing the evil deeds of the perpetrators and complaining for the victims. Someone denounced: "How can these children be so cruel!" Some people are worried: "Has the juvenile protection law become their gold medal for avoiding death?" Countless netizens spontaneously organized and called on all sectors of society to pay attention to the problem of school bullying and jointly protect the environment in which children grow up.

It's terrible! A girl in Jingbian was bullied by many people and slapped 105 times, and the live video was exposed!

Controversy and Reflection: The Boundary Between Law and Morality

In this storm of public opinion, there is no shortage of fierce controversy and profound reflection. Some netizens bluntly said: "The perpetrator must be severely punished by the law, and minors cannot be used as an excuse to commit crimes!" There are also voices that question: "What's wrong with our education system?" Why such a tragedy? "Many parents and educators have begun to examine their own roles and responsibilities in their children's development.

It's terrible! A girl in Jingbian was bullied by many people and slapped 105 times, and the live video was exposed!

Case Study: The Tip of the Iceberg of School Bullying

In fact, this incident in Jingbian County is only the tip of the iceberg of the problem of school bullying. In recent years, similar news has been common, from punches and kicks in school corners to malicious abuse in cyberspace, bullying has become more and more diverse and has a wider range of impacts. For example, in a middle school in a certain place, there was a collective isolation incident caused by Internet rumors, and the victim was falsely accused of stealing, and suffered from the cold eyes and rejection of his classmates for a long time, which eventually led to his mental breakdown and had to suspend his studies for treatment.

It's terrible! A girl in Jingbian was bullied by many people and slapped 105 times, and the live video was exposed!

These cases all remind us that school bullying has become a social problem that cannot be ignored, which not only brings physical harm to the victim, but also leaves a wound that is difficult to heal in the depths of his soul. What is even more terrifying is that this kind of harm is often long-term and hidden, and in many cases, it is not until the tragedy occurs that it can attract widespread attention from society.

It's terrible! A girl in Jingbian was bullied by many people and slapped 105 times, and the live video was exposed!

Building a line of defense: the road to the future of multi-party co-governance

In the face of the daunting challenge of bullying in schools, we must take action to build a strong line of defense. First and foremost, the law should be the most powerful weapon. While protecting the rights and interests of minors, the legal responsibility for bullying should also be clearly defined to ensure that the perpetrator receives the punishment he deserves. At the same time, the judiciary should strengthen the education and correction of juvenile offenders to help them realize their mistakes and reintegrate into society.

It's terrible! A girl in Jingbian was bullied by many people and slapped 105 times, and the live video was exposed!

Second, schools should be the main front for bullying prevention. Through measures such as strengthening legal education, mental health education, and class culture construction, we will create a respectful, inclusive, and harmonious campus environment. Teachers should pay close attention to the dynamics of students, and identify and intervene in potential bullying behaviors in a timely manner. At the same time, schools should establish effective complaint and feedback mechanisms to ensure that victims' voices are heard and taken seriously.

It's terrible! A girl in Jingbian was bullied by many people and slapped 105 times, and the live video was exposed!

In addition, the role of the family cannot be ignored. Parents should strengthen communication and communication with their children, and pay attention to their emotional needs and psychological changes. When children are bullied, parents should provide adequate support and comfort, and guide them to learn to protect themselves and seek help. At the same time, parents should also establish correct educational concepts and values to set a good example for their children.

It's terrible! A girl in Jingbian was bullied by many people and slapped 105 times, and the live video was exposed!

Finally, all sectors of society should also actively participate in the prevention and control of school bullying. The media should play a role in public opinion supervision, expose typical cases, and convey positive energy; Government departments should increase investment and improve relevant policies and regulations; Social organizations and volunteers should also give full play to their own advantages and provide necessary assistance and support to victims.

It's terrible! A girl in Jingbian was bullied by many people and slapped 105 times, and the live video was exposed!

Conclusion: Let the sun shine into every dark corner

Although the bullying incident in Jingbian County is heartbreaking, it also sounded the alarm and provided us with an opportunity for reflection. Let's work together and act together! Defend justice with the power of law, illuminate the future with the light of education, care for growth with the warmth of family, and dispel the haze with social care.

It's terrible! A girl in Jingbian was bullied by many people and slapped 105 times, and the live video was exposed!

Only in this way can we create a safer, more harmonious and better environment for children to grow up; Only in this way can we let the sun shine into every dark corner; Only in this way can we jointly protect the happiness and hope of children!

It's terrible! A girl in Jingbian was bullied by many people and slapped 105 times, and the live video was exposed!

Disclaimer: The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact.

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