
The evening is not guaranteed! No amount of fame and fortune this time can save Wei Jizhong, who has self-destructed his future!

author:Xiao Song Monk


Sports, as a field that carries national honor and national pride, has always attracted the attention and love of society. And on this stage full of fierce competition and countless glory, athletes are undoubtedly the most dazzling existence, and the coaches behind the silent dedication are also indispensable.

Wei Jizhong, as a celebrity in the mainland sports industry, not only won gold medals in the athlete era, but also cultivated countless outstanding athletes in his coaching career and won countless honors for the country. Especially in the process of bidding for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, Wei Jizhong played a vital role and made great contributions to the development of sports and the acquisition of national honors in the great powers of the East.

The evening is not guaranteed! No amount of fame and fortune this time can save Wei Jizhong, who has self-destructed his future!
The evening is not guaranteed! No amount of fame and fortune this time can save Wei Jizhong, who has self-destructed his future!

Just when the outside world was full of praise and admiration for him, Wei Jizhong gradually caused some controversy in the sports world because of some personal preferences and stubborn opinions, and even affected the morale and trust of the entire team. As time passed, Wei Jizhong gradually faced criticism and self-reflection, and his career and later life changed dramatically.

The evening is not guaranteed! No amount of fame and fortune this time can save Wei Jizhong, who has self-destructed his future!
The evening is not guaranteed! No amount of fame and fortune this time can save Wei Jizhong, who has self-destructed his future!

1. The dilemma behind the honor

1. Personal preference is controversial

As an excellent coach, Wei Jizhong naturally has some preferences and preferences in the process of cultivating athletes, but this personal preference has gradually evolved into a problem in his later career.

The evening is not guaranteed! No amount of fame and fortune this time can save Wei Jizhong, who has self-destructed his future!

In his eyes, certain athletes may have greater potential and talent, so he tends to give more support and attention to these athletes in the allocation of resources and the arrangement of competitions, and ignore other team members.

The evening is not guaranteed! No amount of fame and fortune this time can save Wei Jizhong, who has self-destructed his future!

This apparent personal preference naturally does not escape the eyes of others, especially the neglected athletes and other coaches, who have questioned and resented Wei Jizhong's approach, believing that his actions have seriously affected the level playing and cohesion building of the entire team.

The evening is not guaranteed! No amount of fame and fortune this time can save Wei Jizhong, who has self-destructed his future!
The evening is not guaranteed! No amount of fame and fortune this time can save Wei Jizhong, who has self-destructed his future!

2. Team morale suffers

In a team, fair competition and solidarity are undoubtedly very important, and the negative impact of Wei Jizhong's personal preference has gradually spread in the team.

The evening is not guaranteed! No amount of fame and fortune this time can save Wei Jizhong, who has self-destructed his future!

The neglected athletes gradually developed self-doubt and wavering, they began to doubt their own strength and value, and even had some abnormal mentality in the competition, which undoubtedly had a certain impact on the performance of the whole team.

The evening is not guaranteed! No amount of fame and fortune this time can save Wei Jizhong, who has self-destructed his future!

Other coaches and staff are also dissatisfied and resistant because of Wei Jizhong's approach, and the team's cohesion and morale have also been affected to a certain extent in this atmosphere, which is undoubtedly a huge obstacle to the team's overall development and competition results.

The evening is not guaranteed! No amount of fame and fortune this time can save Wei Jizhong, who has self-destructed his future!

2. Criticism and reflection

1. Facing external skepticism

The evening is not guaranteed! No amount of fame and fortune this time can save Wei Jizhong, who has self-destructed his future!

As a series of competitions and discussions continued, Wei Jizhong's personal preference gradually attracted the attention of the outside world, and various doubts and criticisms came like a tide, which had a certain impact on his work and reputation.

The evening is not guaranteed! No amount of fame and fortune this time can save Wei Jizhong, who has self-destructed his future!

As a person who has made great achievements, Wei Jizhong naturally does not want his reputation to be tarnished in any way, but in the face of doubts from all sides, he seems a little at a loss, and even a little resentful and resistant.

The evening is not guaranteed! No amount of fame and fortune this time can save Wei Jizhong, who has self-destructed his future!

2. Self-reflection and adjustment

But as time passed, Wei Jizhong gradually calmed down and began to reflect deeply on his actions and practices.

The evening is not guaranteed! No amount of fame and fortune this time can save Wei Jizhong, who has self-destructed his future!

He began to understand that as a leader and coach, personal preferences and preferences are important, but how to find a balance between them, how to combine individual choices and decisions with the interests of the whole team, is the most important.

The evening is not guaranteed! No amount of fame and fortune this time can save Wei Jizhong, who has self-destructed his future!

He began to communicate and communicate with other members of the team, hoping to regain everyone's trust and support through his own efforts and changes, and also hoped to be able to make more wise and fair decisions in the future work, bringing more help and positive energy to the team.

The evening is not guaranteed! No amount of fame and fortune this time can save Wei Jizhong, who has self-destructed his future!

3. Start again

1. Stay true to your original intention and avoid the expansion of individualism

In this society full of competition and temptation, many people often have some problems of self-aggrandizement and individualism after achieving certain achievements, and Wei Jizhong is no exception.

The evening is not guaranteed! No amount of fame and fortune this time can save Wei Jizhong, who has self-destructed his future!

But through this experience, he gradually realized that no matter what position he is in, he needs to maintain a humble and pure heart, and he needs to reflect and adjust his state and mentality at all times, so that he can continue to improve, and only then can he bring real help and influence to others.

The evening is not guaranteed! No amount of fame and fortune this time can save Wei Jizhong, who has self-destructed his future!
The evening is not guaranteed! No amount of fame and fortune this time can save Wei Jizhong, who has self-destructed his future!

2. Promote win-win cooperation and cultivate core values

In addition, Wei Jizhong also began to pay more attention to the win-win cooperation of the team and the cultivation of core values, he hopes to influence more people through his words and deeds and the power of example, so that everyone can find their own goals and motivation under the guidance of sportsmanship, and work hard for the development of the country and the acquisition of glory.

The evening is not guaranteed! No amount of fame and fortune this time can save Wei Jizhong, who has self-destructed his future!

He believes that only when everyone can find their own unique value, and only when the whole society is full of positive energy and an atmosphere of fair competition, can the country truly become strong and the people can truly achieve happiness and satisfaction.

The evening is not guaranteed! No amount of fame and fortune this time can save Wei Jizhong, who has self-destructed his future!
The evening is not guaranteed! No amount of fame and fortune this time can save Wei Jizhong, who has self-destructed his future!


Wei Jizhong's experience may be just a microcosm of many stories in the sports world, but the truth and inspiration contained in it are very profound.

In this diverse and competitive society, everyone has their own position and role, as well as their own strengths and weaknesses, but how to achieve achievements without forgetting the original intention, how to face difficulties and challenges bravely, and actively respond to them, is the most important.

The evening is not guaranteed! No amount of fame and fortune this time can save Wei Jizhong, who has self-destructed his future!

I hope that through the story of Wei Jizhong, more people can be inspired and helped, so that everyone can have a heart of love and gratitude, move forward bravely, and create their own wonderful life.