
The rule "cannibalism"! The national feather teenager Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game, and the referee stopped saving people, who did not act

author:Xiao Song Monk


Sports competitions have always attracted the attention and love of the society, whether it is an international competition or a variety of campus events, it can attract a large number of enthusiastic participation of the audience. In the sports arena, people can see a variety of wonderful competitions, and you can also feel the scene of athletes doing their best for honor and dreams, which contains the understanding and inheritance of sportsmanship.

The rule "cannibalism"! The national feather teenager Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game, and the referee stopped saving people, who did not act

In sports, in addition to fierce competitions and wonderful performances, we also need to realize that life is paramount, and protecting the lives of athletes should be the most important at any time and under any circumstances. However, a recent tragedy has led to deep reflection and questioning of the principle of the primacy of life in sports.

The rule "cannibalism"! The national feather teenager Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game, and the referee stopped saving people, who did not act
The rule "cannibalism"! The national feather teenager Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game, and the referee stopped saving people, who did not act

1. Tragedy occurred

Recently, a tragic incident about sports competition has attracted great attention in the society, and the protagonist of this incident is a 17-year-old badminton player named Zhang Zhijie. As an athlete with high potential, Zhang Zhijie has always been full of love for badminton, and has achieved good results in various competitions, attracting people's attention and expectations.

The rule "cannibalism"! The national feather teenager Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game, and the referee stopped saving people, who did not act
The rule "cannibalism"! The national feather teenager Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game, and the referee stopped saving people, who did not act

In a competition not long ago, Zhang Zhijie participated as a contestant, and he was in very good shape at that time, and he also showed a very good level of competition, allowing the audience to see a wonderful game. However, in the middle of the game, the sudden accident made the atmosphere at the scene very tense and heavy, Zhang Zhijie suddenly felt uncomfortable in the game, and then fell ill to the ground.

The rule "cannibalism"! The national feather teenager Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game, and the referee stopped saving people, who did not act
The rule "cannibalism"! The national feather teenager Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game, and the referee stopped saving people, who did not act

In the face of such an emergency, the staff and the audience at the scene were very worried, and they were eager to treat Zhang Zhijie as soon as possible to protect his life. But just when everyone stepped forward to help, there was an unexpected scene, and the referee actually stopped the rescue behavior at the scene, which made people feel very shocked and angry.

The rule "cannibalism"! The national feather teenager Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game, and the referee stopped saving people, who did not act
The rule "cannibalism"! The national feather teenager Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game, and the referee stopped saving people, who did not act

2. The referee stops the rescue

In the face of Zhang Zhijie's illness, the referee at the scene actually ordered that no one should come forward to rescue, he believed that such a practice would affect the game, and it also violated the rules of the game, so it was necessary to wait until the game was suspended before the rescue. Such a decision made the audience and staff at the scene very angry, they felt that the referee's approach completely ignored Zhang Zhijie's life, and how could the conduct and result of the game be compared to the life of an athlete?

The rule "cannibalism"! The national feather teenager Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game, and the referee stopped saving people, who did not act
The rule "cannibalism"! The national feather teenager Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game, and the referee stopped saving people, who did not act
The rule "cannibalism"! The national feather teenager Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game, and the referee stopped saving people, who did not act

Under everyone's strong demand and protest, the referee finally agreed to the suspension of the game, and then the on-site medical team had the opportunity to come to the rescue. However, what is surprising is that even in such an emergency, the rescue work at the scene is still very slow and inefficient, they did not take effective treatment measures in time, nor did they send Zhang Zhijie to the hospital as soon as possible, but carried out simple treatment at the scene, so that Zhang Zhijie's life could not be effectively protected.

The rule "cannibalism"! The national feather teenager Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game, and the referee stopped saving people, who did not act
The rule "cannibalism"! The national feather teenager Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game, and the referee stopped saving people, who did not act

3. Tragedy occurred

The rule "cannibalism"! The national feather teenager Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game, and the referee stopped saving people, who did not act

Due to the untimely and imperfect rescue, Zhang Zhijie's condition was not effectively controlled, and he unfortunately passed away on the way to the hospital, which brought great blows and pain to his family and all those who cared for him. In the face of such a tragedy, Zhang Zhijie's mother was grief-stricken, she was full of expectations and support for her son's badminton career, but she didn't expect to lose him in the end, such a blow made her body unbearable, and finally fell ill in bed.

The rule "cannibalism"! The national feather teenager Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game, and the referee stopped saving people, who did not act
The rule "cannibalism"! The national feather teenager Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game, and the referee stopped saving people, who did not act

In addition to her mother, Zhang Zhijie's sister also questioned this matter, she believes that the reason why her younger brother fell ill on the playing field and finally passed away must have a reason why the on-site treatment was not timely, and maybe if the treatment could be carried out in time and effective measures were taken, such a tragedy would not have happened. However, in the face of the family's doubts and demands, the event organizers and the medical team did not give a convincing explanation, and their approach was also criticized and questioned by the outside world.

The rule "cannibalism"! The national feather teenager Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game, and the referee stopped saving people, who did not act
The rule "cannibalism"! The national feather teenager Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game, and the referee stopped saving people, who did not act

4. Reflection and appeal

The rule "cannibalism"! The national feather teenager Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game, and the referee stopped saving people, who did not act

In the face of such a tragic event, all sectors of society have carried out in-depth conjecture and discussion on the reasons and responsibilities, and everyone agreed that the principle of the supremacy of life in sports competition must be fully valued and respected, whether it is in the formulation of the rules of the game or the implementation of the referee's judgment, this point can not be ignored and erased, and the conduct of the game and the life safety of athletes are not contradictory, but should promote and protect each other.

The rule "cannibalism"! The national feather teenager Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game, and the referee stopped saving people, who did not act
The rule "cannibalism"! The national feather teenager Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game, and the referee stopped saving people, who did not act

In addition, some people have criticized and suggested that the event organizers and medical teams must be equipped with professional medical teams and perfect first-aid equipment in similar sports events, so that they can do a good job of rescue work in an emergency and protect the lives of athletes, rather than similar slow and inefficient rescue phenomena.

The rule "cannibalism"! The national feather teenager Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game, and the referee stopped saving people, who did not act
The rule "cannibalism"! The national feather teenager Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game, and the referee stopped saving people, who did not act

In addition to these recommendations, people have also begun to pay attention to the lives and health of sports practitioners, who realize that athletes also face various challenges and difficulties behind the struggle for glory and dreams, and society should provide them with more care and support, so that they can train and compete in a healthy and safe environment to avoid similar tragedies.

The rule "cannibalism"! The national feather teenager Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game, and the referee stopped saving people, who did not act


The rule "cannibalism"! The national feather teenager Zhang Zhijie passed away in the game, and the referee stopped saving people, who did not act

Sports competition is not only about the pursuit of competition results and honors, but more importantly, the inheritance and display of sportsmanship, and the most important point is the respect and protection of life, I hope that through such tragic events, more people can arouse deep conjectures about this point, and can also prompt all sectors of society to take practical actions to provide better protection and support for the principle of life first in sports competition

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