
On this night in France, the Chinese and French actresses PK only realized how dignified Gong Li's oriental face is

author:Little Film and Television 0l3E

[Explosive point pre-set, suspense opening]

Title: Bright Night at the Elysee Palace, Gong Li VS Sophie Marceau: Oriental Atmosphere VS French Lightness, Whose Elegance Is More Moving?

The feast kicked off with a star-studded show

[Red carpet storm, double stars shining]

When the bell to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France echoed over China and France, the Elysée Palace ushered in its most dazzling moment. Gong Li, an evergreen in the international film industry, joined hands with her French husband Michelle to step on the red carpet and slowly walked into this grand banquet. On the other hand, the French national treasure actress Sophie Marceau descended elegantly with her unique French style, and a collision of Eastern and Western aesthetics is about to be staged.

On this night in France, the Chinese and French actresses PK only realized how dignified Gong Li's oriental face is

Gong Li's demeanor, the oriental power under the black dress

[Dance of the Black Swan, Full Aura]

Gong Li, dressed in simple but noble black dress, seems to be a black swan out of the old days, custom jewelry gently flickers in the light, and nude lipstick outlines her confident and deep smile. Even in the scorching summer, Gong Li skillfully took off the scarf and hung it on the bag at will, this inadvertent act was mistaken by the fashion circle as the latest trend design, and the details showed personality and taste.

On this night in France, the Chinese and French actresses PK only realized how dignified Gong Li's oriental face is

[Natural beauty under high-definition lens]

In the face of the pervasive high-definition lens, Gong Li's oriental face is more dignified and atmospheric, the years seem to be particularly tolerant to her, and the skin texture is clearly visible in the light, which is a kind of beauty that is not carved and naturally aged. She uses her actions to tell the world: true beauty does not need to be hidden, let alone afraid of the traces of time.

On this night in France, the Chinese and French actresses PK only realized how dignified Gong Li's oriental face is

Sophie Marceau, synonymous with French romance

[Light as the wind, free and uninhibited]

Sophie Marceau, an evergreen in French cinema, appeared in a black coat with stiletto heeled sandals, exuding a laid-back and glamorous French style with every step. Her temperament, like a breeze on the streets of Paris, free and unrestrained, is in stark contrast to Gong Li's exuberant vitality, one smart and one dignified, each with its own merits.

On this night in France, the Chinese and French actresses PK only realized how dignified Gong Li's oriental face is

In the battle for nationality, AFP strongly supported Gong Li

[The Glory of Chinese Actresses]

Although there are controversies about Gong Li's nationality from time to time, AFP did not hesitate to recognize her as a "Chinese actress" at this banquet, which is undoubtedly a reaffirmation of Gong Li's status in the international film industry. Whenever Gong Li appears, people can always think of the model of the "Oriental Girl", which is a unique charm that combines confidence, strength and elegance.

On this night in France, the Chinese and French actresses PK only realized how dignified Gong Li's oriental face is

Oriental beauty, what is the true meaning?

[Strength and self-confidence, the essence of beauty]

The article delves into the true connotation of Oriental beauty, pointing out that it is not just limited to external sophistication or fashion trends, but comes from inner self-confidence and strength. Gong Li's "earthy" Chinese temperament has been given a new life here, it is no longer a simple regional label, but an aesthetic attitude that can accommodate all rivers and embrace all things. Gong Li's eyes reveal perseverance and a deep understanding of culture.

On this night in France, the Chinese and French actresses PK only realized how dignified Gong Li's oriental face is

On the international stage, Gong Li's brilliant footprints

【From Cannes to the Élysée Palace】

As early as 1997, Gong Li appeared at the Cannes Film Festival with Adjani, the first beauty in France, as a "Chinese business card", and the glory of that moment is still talked about by fans. The personal invitation of French President Jacques Chirac highlights Gong Li's extraordinary influence in the international film industry. In the Chinese film industry, Gong Li's contribution is obvious to all, she is not only an outstanding actor, but also a disseminator of culture, known as "the country's film artist with outstanding contributions".

On this night in France, the Chinese and French actresses PK only realized how dignified Gong Li's oriental face is

The editor has something to say

On the bright night of the Élysée Palace, the encounter between Gong Li and Sophie Marceau is not only a display of the style of the two actresses, but also a profound dialogue between Eastern and Western aesthetics. Gong Li, with her unique oriental atmosphere and dignified beauty, not only conquered the international stage, but also made us rethink what true beauty is. In this fast-paced and high-pressure era, Gong Li's self-confidence and strength have undoubtedly injected a strong positive energy into us.

On this night in France, the Chinese and French actresses PK only realized how dignified Gong Li's oriental face is

She used her own experience to tell us that no matter where you are, maintaining inner firmness and self-confidence is the most beautiful scenery. Let's look forward to Gong Li continuing to illuminate the hearts of more people with her oriental charm in the future.

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