
It turned out that she was the wife of the "drama bone" He Zhengjun, because she didn't accept Gong Li back then

author:Indefinite pleasure reading
It turned out that she was the wife of the "drama bone" He Zhengjun, because she didn't accept Gong Li back then
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It turned out that she was the wife of the "drama bone" He Zhengjun, because she didn't accept Gong Li back then

On the campus of the Central Academy of Drama, a quiet relationship quietly breeds between He Zhengjun and Gong Li. The young He Zhengjun, although handsome and chic in appearance, has an "elm head".

He devoted himself to his studies and was eager to perfectly interpret the image of a soldier in his future film and television works. However, fate always likes to joke, and he actually became a classmate with Gong Li, who later became the "goddess of first love".

Gong Li has a good impression of this honest big boy, and his eyes often show a gentle light. He Zhengjun also had a secret affection for this school girl, and his heart was full of throbbing.

However, both of them are introverted, and neither of them is willing to take the lead in breaking this ambiguity.

It turned out that she was the wife of the "drama bone" He Zhengjun, because she didn't accept Gong Li back then

As time passed, the unstarted relationship became more and more complicated. When Gong Li left school to shoot "Red Sorghum", He Zhengjun still had not mustered up the courage to confess.

The distance between them is not only geographically distant, but also spiritually alienated.

Gong Li's acting career is in full swing, and He Zhengjun is still silently honing his acting skills. The two who were once close at hand are now separated from each other. This crush that ended without a problem became a faint regret in He Zhengjun's heart, and also laid the groundwork for his future emotional experience.

Who would have thought that it was this ignorant miss that made He Zhengjun more decisive when he met true love in the future. The young boy who once missed Gong Li will eventually grow into a true man who dares to love and hate.

It turned out that she was the wife of the "drama bone" He Zhengjun, because she didn't accept Gong Li back then

He Zhengjun was born in a family with a deep military background, and he has been exposed to it since he was a child, and he is full of yearning for military life. His eyes flashed with longing for military uniforms, and his heart burned with enthusiasm to serve the motherland.

However, the road of life is often full of accidents. He Zhengjun's father, a veteran who had experienced a rain of bullets, resolutely opposed his son's path to joining the army.

His father's attitude was like a basin of cold water, which extinguished the fire of joining the army in He Zhengjun's heart. However, this admiration and love for soldiers has always burned deep in his heart.

In order to find the direction of his life, He Zhengjun tried various possibilities, but never found his true home.

It turned out that she was the wife of the "drama bone" He Zhengjun, because she didn't accept Gong Li back then

In those days, being a city worker was a dream job for many. He Zhengjun's mother, who felt sorry for her son, paved the way for him to enter the factory early.

This job is stable and decent, and it should have been a gratifying choice. However, fate played a joke on He Zhengjun at this time.

By chance, He Zhengjun came into contact with the profession of actor. This discovery was like a lightning bolt that illuminated his deepest dream that had never been extinguished. He suddenly realized that although he couldn't really become a soldier, he could interpret the image of a soldier and convey the spirit of a soldier through acting.

As soon as this idea was generated, it was like a spark that quickly burned in He Zhengjun's heart.

It turned out that she was the wife of the "drama bone" He Zhengjun, because she didn't accept Gong Li back then

With a longing and enthusiasm for his acting career, He Zhengjun made a decision that shocked his parents. He resolutely gave up his stable factory job and devoted himself to preparing for the exams at the Central Academy of Drama.

This decision seemed like madness at the time, and the parents even wondered if their son had "fallen into an evil spirit".

However, Ho's determination and enthusiasm eventually impressed his parents. Despite their worries, they chose to support their son in pursuing his dreams. He Zhengjun lived up to his parents' expectations, and with his own efforts and talent, he was successfully admitted to the Central Academy of Drama.

Here, He Zhengjun not only found his own direction in life, but also met a group of like-minded friends, including Ni Dahong, Gong Li and Zhang Guangbei, who would become leaders in the entertainment industry in the future.

It turned out that she was the wife of the "drama bone" He Zhengjun, because she didn't accept Gong Li back then

This seemingly crazy decision not only changed the trajectory of He Zhengjun's life, but also laid the groundwork for his future love life. Since then, the son of a soldier with dreams has embarked on the road of acting and opened a new chapter in his life.

In 1990, a fateful encounter was staged in the mountains and rivers of Yunnan. He Zhengjun came to this picturesque land for a movie, and he had no special expectations for this work.

However, the gears of fate quietly turned, and on the set, he met the woman who would change his life - Fan Yu.

When they met for the first time, He Zhengjun's heartstrings were gently plucked. Fan Yu's temperament is completely different from Gong Li, who he once had a crush on, but he has a unique charm that makes him unable to take his eyes off.

It turned out that she was the wife of the "drama bone" He Zhengjun, because she didn't accept Gong Li back then

This time, having learned the lessons of the past, He Zhengjun decided to take the initiative. He plucked up the courage to show favor to Fan Yu and impressed the girl he met for the first time with sincerity.

Fan Yu was at first confused by this seemingly serious man, but was soon infected by his enthusiasm. The conversation between the two is like a trickle, slowly converging into an undercurrent of love.

During their time in Yunnan, they cultivated a deep relationship, but the good times did not last long, and the end of filming meant the coming of separation.

The test of reality ensues. He Zhengjun and Fan Yu began a long long-distance relationship. As a fledgling actor, He Zhengjun's financial situation is not optimistic.

It turned out that she was the wife of the "drama bone" He Zhengjun, because she didn't accept Gong Li back then

For two years, they relied on letters and occasional phone calls to maintain their relationship, and each time they got together, it was precious.

He Zhengjun often secretly wrote letters to Fan Yu between the sets, full of thoughts and persistence. Fan Yu reads He Zhengjun's letter every lonely night, silently cheering for his lover in the distance.

Despite being thousands of miles apart, their hearts were always connected.

However, as time went on, economic pressures weighed on He Zhengjun's shoulders like a mountain. His savings gradually ran out, and his heart was full of self-blame and confusion. On an ordinary day, He Zhengjun made a big decision.

It turned out that she was the wife of the "drama bone" He Zhengjun, because she didn't accept Gong Li back then

He dialed Fan Yu's phone, his voice trembling slightly due to nervousness, but full of firmness: "Fan Yu, let's get married."

Fan Yu on the other end of the phone was stunned. She didn't expect He Zhengjun to propose under such circumstances. After a short silence, Fan Yu's laughter came, with both surprise and a hint of helplessness.

She saw through He Zhengjun's predicament and understood his determination. In the end, the emotion overcame all concerns, and Fan Yu said the word "good" that made He Zhengjun ecstatic.

In this way, He Zhengjun and Fan Yu entered the palace of marriage hand in hand. This love, which began in the mountains and rivers of Yunnan, has experienced the test of long-distance relationship, and finally achieved positive results.

It turned out that she was the wife of the "drama bone" He Zhengjun, because she didn't accept Gong Li back then

Their story seems to be a kind of redemption and compensation for the relationship that He Zhengjun once missed.

Since then, no matter how difficult life is, He Zhengjun and Fan Yu firmly believe that as long as they have each other by their side, they can bravely face all challenges. This love that sprouted in Yunnan will eventually bloom the most beautiful flowers in the long river of years.

The palace of marriage is not the end of a fairy tale, but the beginning of another journey in life. He Zhengjun and Fan Yu soon discovered that real life was far more difficult than they imagined.

In order to maintain his family's expenses, He Zhengjun had to travel between various crews, looking for performance opportunities everywhere. Every time he left home, his heart was full of reluctance, but he had to fight hard to embark on the journey.

It turned out that she was the wife of the "drama bone" He Zhengjun, because she didn't accept Gong Li back then

Fan Yu made a decision that surprised many. This former working woman resolutely quit her job and devoted herself to family life. Her choice stemmed from her support for He Zheng's military career and her sense of responsibility to her family.

However, this decision also meant that she had to deal with the heavy burden of housework and childcare alone.

Working day after day, Fan Yu gradually transformed into an omnipotent "female man". Not only is she able to cope with heavy manual labor, but she also taught herself to become a "little electrician" and is proficient in the maintenance of various household appliances.

Whenever He Zhengjun came home, he was always surprised by what new skills his wife had mastered.

It turned out that she was the wife of the "drama bone" He Zhengjun, because she didn't accept Gong Li back then

And He Zhengjun, although he spends most of his time filming outside, he has not forgotten his family responsibilities. Every time he comes home, he takes the initiative to take on some household chores, especially manual work such as sewing, which he is good at.

The two tacitly cooperate in the division of labor and work together to maintain the operation of this small family.

There will inevitably be friction and disputes in life. Sometimes, Fan Yu feels aggrieved because he has been carrying the burden of the family alone for a long time; He Zhengjun will also feel pressured by the slow development of his career.

But after every turmoil, they can always be honest with each other and understand each other. Fan Yu's strength and ability have become a strong backing for He Zheng's military career; And He Zhengjun's gentleness and thoughtfulness is the best reward for Fan Yu's hard work.

It turned out that she was the wife of the "drama bone" He Zhengjun, because she didn't accept Gong Li back then

This marriage, although ordinary and trivial, is full of sincere emotions and mutual support. It allows us to see that true love is not a vigorous confession, but a companionship and dedication day after day.

The story of He Zhengjun and Fan Yu confirms the old proverb: "It is better to forget each other in the rivers and lakes than to be in the foam." They chose to be in love with each other, but they wrote their own legends in ordinary life.

Life's events are often full of drama. For He Zhengjun, playing the role of "Political Commissar Zhao" in the TV series "Bright Sword" is undoubtedly an important turning point in his acting career.

This opportunity not only allowed him to realize his dream of playing the role of a soldier when he was a teenager, but also made him famous in the entertainment industry.

It turned out that she was the wife of the "drama bone" He Zhengjun, because she didn't accept Gong Li back then

With his acting skills honed over the years, He Zhengjun interpreted the role of "Political Commissar Zhao" to the fullest. His performance is delicate and realistic, presenting the image of a flesh-and-blood military political commissar in front of the audience.

The huge success of "Bright Sword" has made He Zhengjun gain unprecedented popularity and praise, and is even known as "pension insurance".

The success of this role is not only the best reward for He Zhengjun's persistence in his acting career over the years, but also an affirmation of his persistence in his dreams. From the shattered dream of joining the army when he was a child, to the successful performance of the role of a soldier on the screen, He Zhengjun's life seems to have come a big circle.

The image of "Political Commissar Zhao" is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and as long as "Bright Sword" is still on the air, He Zhengjun's career will continue to be brilliant. This success not only brought He Zhengjun a peak in his career, but also brought more stability and happiness to his family life.

It turned out that she was the wife of the "drama bone" He Zhengjun, because she didn't accept Gong Li back then

Since then, the young actor who used to run around and worry about his livelihood finally stood at the peak of his acting career.

The years are like a song, and the marriage of He Zhengjun and Fan Yu has gone through more than 30 spring and autumn seasons. This marriage of more than 30 years has witnessed their transformation from a young couple to a middle-aged couple, experienced the ups and downs of life, and witnessed each other's growth and success.

In these long years, Fan Yu is not only He Zhengjun's wife, but also a solid backing for his career. Her silent dedication and unconditional support have laid a solid foundation for the success of the government and army.

And He Zhengjun's gentleness and thoughtfulness is the best reward for Fan Yu's silent dedication over the years. With sincere feelings and tacit cooperation, they jointly composed a moving love concerto.

It turned out that she was the wife of the "drama bone" He Zhengjun, because she didn't accept Gong Li back then

Their stories tell us that true happiness lies not in vigorous love, but in mutual support and understanding in ordinary life. The thirty-year marriage between He Zhengjun and Fan Yu is the best interpretation of this ordinary and sincere love.

Their story seems to be a kind of redemption and compensation for the relationship He Zhengjun once missed, and it is also the best testimony to sincere and lasting love.

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