
If it comes, it will be safe (idiom story)

author:The classics of Chinese culture are ancient and modern
If it comes, it will be safe (idiom story)

See the disciples of Confucius in the Spring and Autumn Period, "The Analects of Ji".

In the Spring and Autumn Period, the Jisun clan, an emerging group of Lu nobles, wanted to annex the small country of Zhuan Yu (a small subsidiary state of the Lu State, in the northwest of present-day Fei County, Shandong Province), and Confucius's disciples Ran You and Ji Lu, who were retainers of the Jisun family, came to see Confucius and tell about it. Confucius said: "Qiu also heard: Those who have a country and a family do not suffer from widowhood but inequality, and do not suffer from poverty but suffer from anxiety; There is no greed, no widowhood, and no inclination. If the husband is so, so the distant people are not satisfied, then the cultivation of virtue has come to it, and since it comes, it will be safe. Now by the art and the master, the distant people are not satisfied and cannot come, the state is divided and cannot be kept, and the plot is in the state. I'm afraid that Ji Sun's worries are not in the moment, but within the Xiao wall. ”

If it comes, it will be safe (idiom story)

The meaning of Sun Tzu's words is: If you have a country and a family, you are not afraid of less but are afraid of inequality, and you are not afraid of poverty but are afraid of instability; Sure enough, it can reach such a point that people from afar are not convinced, and they do not use force to conquer them, but attract and influence them with benevolence, righteousness, courtesy, and faith; Now that you have come, try to calm them down and be willing to obey. Now, as retainers of other people, not only can you not influence people from afar, but you will also make your own state plot to fight and fall apart. I thought that what Ji Sun was worried about was not the small country that left the fleet, but the problems within the Xiao Wall (referring to the inside of the palace).

If it comes, it will be safe (idiom story)

"If you come, you will be safe", in which the principle of "come" is to find and attract people from afar to their own country. When he came, he settled them down. Now it is used to describe that since you have arrived in a new place, you should stop thinking about it, but be there with peace of mind.

If it comes, it will be safe (idiom story)