
Wedding farce: Three sons get married on the same day, and the mother-in-law's two red envelopes cause a storm

author:Grow up 🦄 with Xiao Zhou

What was supposed to be a moment of joy and happiness on this sunny day turned into a jaw-dropping farce. The three sons got married on the same day, which should have been a big event in the family, but a move by the mother-in-law made this beautiful thing collapse in an instant.

Preparations for the wedding have been in full swing for a long time, and the three brides are waiting with great anticipation for the most important moment of their lives. The scene was beautifully decorated, and relatives and friends also came to congratulate happily.

Wedding farce: Three sons get married on the same day, and the mother-in-law's two red envelopes cause a storm

When the wedding ceremony is carried out to the tea ceremony of the newlyweds, according to traditional customs, the mother-in-law should give red envelopes to the daughters-in-law to express her acceptance and blessings to the new daughters-in-law. However, unexpectedly, the mother-in-law only took out two red envelopes and handed them to two of their daughters-in-law.

At this moment, the air seemed to freeze. The daughter-in-law, who had not received the red envelope, turned pale in an instant, and her eyes were full of disbelief and grievance. She stood there dumbfounded, tears rolling in her eyes. The other two daughters-in-law who received the red envelope also realized the seriousness of the problem after a short period of joy, and their expressions became complicated.

Wedding farce: Three sons get married on the same day, and the mother-in-law's two red envelopes cause a storm

The first to react was the daughter-in-law who did not receive the red envelope, she angrily threw the teacup in her hand on the ground and asked her mother-in-law loudly: "Why is this?" Why don't I have a red envelope? Am I not worthy to be your daughter-in-law? The mother-in-law was overwhelmed by this sudden questioning, and couldn't come up with a reason.

When the other two daughters-in-law saw this scene, the anger in their hearts was also ignited. They felt that the mother-in-law's behavior was disrespectful to them and that she was deliberately sowing discord between them. So, the three of them stood on the same front and accused their mother-in-law of injustice.

Wedding farce: Three sons get married on the same day, and the mother-in-law's two red envelopes cause a storm

The originally lively and festive wedding scene suddenly fell into chaos. The guests looked at each other, not knowing what to do. The bridegrooms, too, were overwhelmed by this sudden turn of events, and tried to persuade their brides and mothers to no avail.

The more the three daughters-in-law thought about it, the more angry they became, and they felt that it was a great insult to their personality and dignity to be treated so unfairly at such an important moment. Driven by anger and grievances, they made an astonishing decision in a fit of anger - to repent of marriage together.

This decision was like a bombshell, and the whole family fell into a deep crisis. Friends and relatives have stepped forward to persuade them, hoping that they will calm down and reconsider. But the three daughters-in-law had made up their minds, and they resolutely left the wedding scene, leaving behind a mess and a bewildered crowd.

This wedding, which was supposed to be full of happiness and beauty, ended in tragedy. And the root of all this is just because of a seemingly inadvertent wrong move by the mother-in-law. Maybe she has her own troubles, or maybe it's just a misunderstanding, but in any case, this mistake is irreparable, and it has brought indelible pain to the three families.

It is also a wake-up call to how important fairness, respect and understanding are in family relationships. A small negligence can lead to huge contradictions and conflicts. I hope we can all learn from this story, cherish the harmony and happiness of the family, and don't let similar tragedies happen again.

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