
Actor Zhao Xun: The pelvis was broken, three steel nails were driven into the waist, and Li Erniu exploded into a Japanese beauty

author:Xiaoyang's view of history

Foreword: In fact, a long time ago, actors, like many of our current professions, were just a very ordinary industry, but I don't know when actors began to get sky-high salaries, and became the "208" that everyone criticized. However, not all actors are like this, Zhao Xun, who played Li Erniu, was disabled for life in his early years because he was too dedicated, and now he has been reborn and changed to a Japanese beauty.

Actor Zhao Xun: The pelvis was broken, three steel nails were driven into the waist, and Li Erniu exploded into a Japanese beauty

Zhao Xun's parents are both working in the system, so they also hope that their children will be able to find a stable job in the future. They believe that the jobs in the system are quite stable, and although they are not as rich and expensive as those who do business, they have a stable income and enjoy the security of some countries.

However, Zhao Xun never thought that he would be a civil servant like his parents, and he felt that if this was the case, his life would be too dull. When he was in high school, he watched the movie "Braveheart", and he was deeply moved by the acting skills of the male protagonist in it, and from then on he also made up his mind to become an actor.

Actor Zhao Xun: The pelvis was broken, three steel nails were driven into the waist, and Li Erniu exploded into a Japanese beauty

"Can I eat a show?" For their son's idea of wanting to be an actor, his parents rejected it at first. At that time, actors did not have the same high income as they do now, but it was just a very ordinary profession. And the actor's job is unstable, it is possible that you are still filming this month, and you will be directly unemployed next month. However, even though his parents were resolutely opposed, Zhao Xun was still firm in his dream. He thinks that life is his own, and even if he hits the south wall, he has to hit it himself to understand.

Actor Zhao Xun: The pelvis was broken, three steel nails were driven into the waist, and Li Erniu exploded into a Japanese beauty

In 2004, he was successfully admitted to Nanjing University of the Arts. Zhao Xun knows that an excellent actor should not only stay in theoretical knowledge, but more importantly, combine theory and practice. So he actively participated in various theatrical performances organized by the school, and also participated in some activities held by the TV station. According to Zhao Xun's classmates, "He was the most motivated student in the class. Every time there is a practical activity, he is always the first to sign up. ”

Actor Zhao Xun: The pelvis was broken, three steel nails were driven into the waist, and Li Erniu exploded into a Japanese beauty

Although we often say that "hard work does not necessarily lead to success", those who work hard will get more opportunities than others. Zhao Xun was too good in college, so when he just graduated, when other students were still interviewing in the group, he had already started to join the group to film. In 2008, he was photographed by the director of "Battlefield Romance" and played the role of Xiaohu. It is very coincidental that as soon as he finished filming from this crew, he turned his head and was pulled by the crew of "Sniper Life and Death".

Actor Zhao Xun: The pelvis was broken, three steel nails were driven into the waist, and Li Erniu exploded into a Japanese beauty

Zhao Xun is a natural soldier, his big man of 85 meters, coupled with his stout figure, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is an officer. Therefore, during that time, he became a "military professional", and he emerged in the entertainment industry with military-themed dramas such as "I Am Special Forces", and all directors who want to shoot this theme will give priority to him.

Actor Zhao Xun: The pelvis was broken, three steel nails were driven into the waist, and Li Erniu exploded into a Japanese beauty

Why are there so many actors, but directors like to use Zhao Xun? Zhao Xun is particularly dedicated, he is the first to arrive at the scene every day, call it a day, and leave the last one. Whenever you see him on set, he must be either studying the script or dissecting the character with the director. In addition, Zhao Xun asked himself to play in some martial arts scenes, and he refused to use a stand-in. Zhao Xun believes that this is the responsibility of an actor, if a stand-in is used in everything, then what do you want an actor to do?

Actor Zhao Xun: The pelvis was broken, three steel nails were driven into the waist, and Li Erniu exploded into a Japanese beauty

It's a pity that God is not beautiful, and Zhao Xun's professionalism has actually become his "talisman". In 2015, he was seriously injured while filming "Attack in the Line of Fire". At that time, he was arranged to complete a difficult rescue scene, and the director once persuaded him to use a stand-in, because it was the third floor, which was dangerous. But this proposal was rejected by Zhao Xun, and he decided to do it himself. So after several consultations, the crew decided that this scene would be in the form of hanging Weiya.

Actor Zhao Xun: The pelvis was broken, three steel nails were driven into the waist, and Li Erniu exploded into a Japanese beauty

Just when Zhao Xun took Weiya and was about to start flipping, the staff in charge of hanging the wire was negligent for a moment and did not notice that one of them had been loosened, don't look at this as a small omission, under the effect of Zhao Xun's weight, this quickly evolved into a fatal hidden danger. Just as Zhao Xun went down into the air, the steel wire suddenly broke, causing the model's body to lose its balance and fall straight to the ground from the third floor. The scene was instantly plunged into chaos, and screams came and went. Everyone scrambled to call the ambulance, and at this time Zhao Xun was already unconscious.

Actor Zhao Xun: The pelvis was broken, three steel nails were driven into the waist, and Li Erniu exploded into a Japanese beauty

The paramedics arrived at the scene with lightning speed, and they quickly carried Zhao Xun to a stretcher and sent him to the hospital for first aid. After examination, doctors found that he had multiple comminuted fractures all over his body, which were even life-threatening. He spent seven days in the ICU, wrestling with death. Fortunately, fate still favored Zhao Xun, and after the doctor's rescue, he was out of danger.

Actor Zhao Xun: The pelvis was broken, three steel nails were driven into the waist, and Li Erniu exploded into a Japanese beauty

Although life is safe, the road to recovery is even more difficult. Zhao Xun was disabled for a lifetime, and the board on his waist could not even be taken out for life. It was a long journey to recovery, and he had been consumed by bad emotions countless times. Because of his professionalism, he took a trip to the ghost gate, Zhao Xun wanted to ask God why he was so kind to himself, was it his fault that he was too dedicated?

Actor Zhao Xun: The pelvis was broken, three steel nails were driven into the waist, and Li Erniu exploded into a Japanese beauty

The crew also sent someone to visit, and they said that the accident was all caused by the carelessness of the crew, so they were willing to take full responsibility. They also hired a psychiatrist for Zhao Xun, and accompanied by the psychiatrist, Zhao Xun gradually walked out of that shadow. In the process, he became more and more resilient, and although fate was especially unfair to him, he still maintained his love of life.

Actor Zhao Xun: The pelvis was broken, three steel nails were driven into the waist, and Li Erniu exploded into a Japanese beauty

As his body gradually recovered, Zhao Xun was also looking for a way out for his future. Due to this accident, he could no longer participate in the previous military-themed TV series, so Zhao Xun began to try to transform. In recent years, he has played a variety of roles, gradually stepping out of his comfort zone and experiencing roles with different complex personalities.

Actor Zhao Xun: The pelvis was broken, three steel nails were driven into the waist, and Li Erniu exploded into a Japanese beauty

In the past, Zhao Xun was a tough guy of steel, and after he learned about the "explosion reform" on the Internet, he began to try to "blast reform" himself. When he posted his photos on the Internet, many fans who had supported him for many years were unrecognizable. The once tough guy of steel has instantly become a Japanese beauty, and this change is really too big. However, at this time, everyone found out that Zhao Xun, who has always shown himself as a tough guy, is also very good-looking, and he can become a beautiful man as long as he dresses up a little.

Actor Zhao Xun: The pelvis was broken, three steel nails were driven into the waist, and Li Erniu exploded into a Japanese beauty

Now Zhao Xun's style is changeable, and he gradually walked out of the pain of the past and started his new life.

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