
Actor Zhao Xun: The pelvis was broken, three steel nails were driven into the body, and Li Erniu counterattacked into a Japanese beauty

author:Liuyun said ancient and modern
Actor Zhao Xun: The pelvis was broken, three steel nails were driven into the body, and Li Erniu counterattacked into a Japanese beauty
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Actor Zhao Xun: The pelvis was broken, three steel nails were driven into the body, and Li Erniu counterattacked into a Japanese beauty

Few people in the Chinese entertainment industry have experienced such a dramatic transformation as Zhao Xun. Once upon a time, he was a tough guy in the military in the hearts of the audience, famous for playing special forces.

However, now, at the age of 39, he is active on the short video platform as a Japanese beautiful man. The actor who once played Li Erniu in "I Am the Sharp Blade of the Special Forces" now needs to rely on three steel nails to support the broken pelvis.

From an iron-blooded soldier to a soft boy, Zhao Xun's transformation is jaw-dropping. What caused this amazing metamorphosis? What kind of experience made him redefine his life? Let's uncover the mystery of Zhao Xun's legendary life and explore the untold story behind the actor.

Actor Zhao Xun: The pelvis was broken, three steel nails were driven into the body, and Li Erniu counterattacked into a Japanese beauty

In 1984, in an ordinary worker's family in Qingdao, Shandong, Zhao Xun fell to the ground. Having shown extraordinary intelligence since he was a child, he seems destined to embark on an extraordinary path.

In the expectations of his parents and teachers, the young Zhao Xun dreamed of one day becoming an outstanding scientist who would win glory for the country.

However, fate always likes to play unexpected jokes. Who would have thought that a movie called "Braveheart" would completely change the trajectory of Zhao Xun's life? The young Zhao Xun was deeply moved by William Wallace, played by Mel Gibson.

The courage to fight for freedom, the kind of performance that touched people's hearts, planted the seeds of becoming an actor in his heart. From that moment on, Zhao Xun began to fantasize that he was standing in front of the screen and touched tens of millions of viewers with his superb acting skills.

Actor Zhao Xun: The pelvis was broken, three steel nails were driven into the body, and Li Erniu counterattacked into a Japanese beauty

In 2004, Zhao Xun was admitted to the Performance Department of Nanjing University of the Arts with excellent results and officially embarked on the road of actor. During his time at the school, he was eager to learn acting skills, participated in various cultural and artistic activities, and worked hard to accumulate stage experience.

At the same time, Zhao Xun did not relax his physical training. He hoped to create a heroic image full of masculinity, and he made unimaginable efforts to achieve this.

This perseverance and persistence laid a solid foundation for his future success in military-themed works. In 2008, Zhao Xun, who had a dream, graduated from Nanjing University of the Arts and successfully joined the Nanjing Military Region Art Troupe.

Standing at a new starting point, his eyes flashed with longing and hope for the future.

Actor Zhao Xun: The pelvis was broken, three steel nails were driven into the body, and Li Erniu counterattacked into a Japanese beauty

At that time, Zhao Xun was full of spirit and passion, and he couldn't predict what ups and downs of life journey awaited him in the future. From the dream of a scientist to the pursuit of an actor, this seemingly simple change has added infinite possibilities to Zhao Xun's life.

Standing at the crossroads of life, the young Zhao Xun chose to follow his inner voice and bravely embarked on a road full of unknowns.

After joining the Nanjing Military Region Art Troupe, Zhao Xun quickly emerged in military-themed works with his excellent military temperament. In 2009, the opportunity finally came, and he ushered in his screen debut "Battlefield Romance".

Although he only played an inconspicuous guard, Zhao Xun devoted himself to and brought this small role to life. He carefully carves every detail of the role and strives to show the spirit of the soldiers, and this seriousness and professional attitude has won him praise from industry insiders.

Actor Zhao Xun: The pelvis was broken, three steel nails were driven into the body, and Li Erniu counterattacked into a Japanese beauty

However, what really made Zhao Xun famous in one fell swoop was "I Am the Sharp Knives of Special Forces" broadcast in 2012. In this drama, he played a simple and simple rural youth named Li Erniu.

Zhao Xun portrayed Li Erniu's simplicity, tenacity and growth process thoroughly, allowing the audience to see the image of an ordinary soldier with flesh and blood. This role not only won wide love from the audience, but also became an important milestone in Zhao Xun's acting career.

Since then, "special forces professional household" has become synonymous with Zhao Xun. He has successively starred in many military-themed works such as "Special Forces Fire Phoenix" and "Special Police Force", establishing a resolute and resolute image of a soldier in the hearts of the audience.

No matter how difficult the shooting environment is, Zhao Xun always goes all out to bring out the best results. His professionalism and outstanding performance have allowed him to gain a firm foothold in the field of military themes and become one of the producers' preferred actors.

Actor Zhao Xun: The pelvis was broken, three steel nails were driven into the body, and Li Erniu counterattacked into a Japanese beauty

In 2015, 31-year-old Zhao Xun was at the peak of his career. His acting career seems to be bright, and the future is full of infinite possibilities. Each new role excites him, and he looks forward to taking his acting career to the next level.

However, fate played a cruel joke on him at this time, and an accident was about to completely change the trajectory of his life.

Looking back on this glorious period, a complicated look flashed in Zhao Xun's eyes. The image of that high-spirited military tough guy seems to be just yesterday, but it seems like a world away.

Who would have thought that the wheels of fate were about to take him in a completely different direction? Just when Zhao Xun thought that he would continue to show his strength in the military theme, life gave him a heavy slap in the face, making him have to re-examine his life and career.

Actor Zhao Xun: The pelvis was broken, three steel nails were driven into the body, and Li Erniu counterattacked into a Japanese beauty

2015 is an unforgettable year for Zhao Xun. During the filming of the TV series "Attack in the Line of Fire", a difficult action scene completely changed the trajectory of his life.

On that day, Zhao Xun needed to complete a shot of lifting Weiya from a high altitude. However, in the middle of filming, the unexpected happened suddenly - the sling broke.

Zhao Xun fell heavily from a height of about 10 meters. At that moment, time seemed to stand still. All he remembered was the sound of the wind whistling in his ears and the terrified cries of his colleagues.

When he regained consciousness, he was already lying in a hospital bed. The doctor's diagnosis was like a bolt from the blue: a large amount of blood in the skull, the left hand was almost completely severed, the right arm was barely connected to the body, and in the worst case, the pelvis was almost completely shattered.

Actor Zhao Xun: The pelvis was broken, three steel nails were driven into the body, and Li Erniu counterattacked into a Japanese beauty

At the stake of life and death, the doctors launched a three-day intense rescue operation. Zhao Xun's family stayed outside the ward, anxious. Fortunately, after the unremitting efforts of medical staff, Zhao Xun was finally out of danger.

However, in order to secure his pelvis, doctors had to drive three steel nails into his waist.

After being transferred out of the intensive care unit, Zhao Xun faced a long and painful recovery process. As the dose of the painkiller was reduced, the intense pain almost broke him down.

His screams often resounded throughout the room, and sometimes he fainted in pain. Recalling those days, a trace of pain flashed in Zhao Xun's eyes: "At that time, I felt that life seemed meaningless.

Actor Zhao Xun: The pelvis was broken, three steel nails were driven into the body, and Li Erniu counterattacked into a Japanese beauty

Every day is an ordeal, and I even doubt that I will ever be able to return to acting.

Life after being discharged from the hospital was even more difficult. The image of the once heroic tough guy is gone, replaced by a "patient" who needs to be cared for by others. I couldn't even take the most basic baths on my own, so I had to rely on my 65-year-old father-in-law to help.

Every bath is like an "operation", carefully avoiding wounds and nails on the body, sometimes even taking an hour.

This huge gap made Zhao Xun fall into deep inferiority and despair for a while. He began to drink to kill his sorrows, trying to numb his heart. However, the silent support and encouragement of his family allowed him to gradually regain the courage to live.

Actor Zhao Xun: The pelvis was broken, three steel nails were driven into the body, and Li Erniu counterattacked into a Japanese beauty

The company of his wife, the care of his parents, and the encouragement of his friends have all become the motivation for Zhao Xun to stand up again.

In the next two years, Zhao Xun gritted his teeth and insisted on rehabilitation training, regaining his confidence in life little by little. Every practice walking, every attempt to bathe yourself, is a huge test of body and will.

But he didn't give up, because he knew that only by persevering could he regain control of his life.

Although his physical condition gradually improved, Zhao Xun clearly realized that he was no longer capable of those high-intensity action scenes. The image of a military tough guy that he was once proud of seems to have become a distant thing in the past.

Actor Zhao Xun: The pelvis was broken, three steel nails were driven into the body, and Li Erniu counterattacked into a Japanese beauty

Faced with the dilemma of his career, Zhao Xun had to rethink his future.

He began to try some roles that did not require high-intensity action, such as playing Sha Xiaofei in "Black and White Code" and playing a supporting role in "Punishment". These attempts made Zhao Xun realize that even if he lost his former advantages, he could still interpret different roles through superb acting skills.

However, deep down, Zhao Xun is still struggling. He often asks himself: Can I still continue in the entertainment industry? Should you look for a more stable job? This sense of professional crisis and uncertainty about the future became an important driving force for him to seek change.

Fate always likes to give unexpected surprises. Just when Zhao Xun was in a career confusion, a new opportunity quietly came. In the early spring of 2022, at the suggestion of his agent, Zhao Xun decided to try short video creation.

Actor Zhao Xun: The pelvis was broken, three steel nails were driven into the body, and Li Erniu counterattacked into a Japanese beauty

This decision became another turning point in his career.

To everyone's surprise, this former military tough guy turned into a beautiful man full of Japanese style. The soft curly hair replaces the once inch hair, the delicate makeup replaces the resolute face, and the well-maintained fair skin, Zhao Xun shows a completely different charm.

His video content is also very rich, and it is no longer limited to military themes. Zhao Xun began to try dance performances to show his flexible side; He also shared his beauty tips and taught his fans about skincare.

The content attracted the attention of a large number of female fans and opened up a whole new world for him.

Actor Zhao Xun: The pelvis was broken, three steel nails were driven into the body, and Li Erniu counterattacked into a Japanese beauty

This dramatic change not only allowed Zhao Xun to rediscover the direction of his career, but also opened a new chapter in his life. On the short video platform, Zhao Xun is no longer limited by his previous image positioning, but can show his diversified talents and charm.

From a tough guy in the military to a beautiful Japanese man, Zhao Xun's successful transformation proves his strong adaptability and indomitable spirit.

Zhao Xun's story, the amazing transformation from a military tough guy to a Japanese beautiful man, has undoubtedly brought profound enlightenment to many people. His experience teaches us that setbacks in life are not the end, but new beginnings.

In the face of the impermanence of fate, Zhao Xun chose to face it strongly, constantly adjusted his self-positioning, and finally found a new path suitable for himself.

Actor Zhao Xun: The pelvis was broken, three steel nails were driven into the body, and Li Erniu counterattacked into a Japanese beauty

Zhao Xun's successful transformation has brought hope and strength to countless people who are struggling in life. He proved that as long as you don't give up, you can always find your own piece of the world.

This indomitable spirit is a valuable quality that each of us should learn.

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